Logic X - slightly weird AU not authorised problem

Discussion in 'Logic' started by fln23, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Hi. Wasn't sure whether to put this in Logic X or Live 10 section but it is more of a problem with Logic X so here goes. I have various AU plugins in my Components folder that no longer load into Logic X - they all used to load and work but now only about 60% do. However if I open Ableton Live then all of them will open without any problem. Is it a Logic X problem, a user ID problem. a cache problem or something else? Not sure why they would all work in one but not the other when they are all in the same Components folder and all previously worked okay. Any help for the experts on here would really be appreciated
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    the difference is Logic is using the AU copy of anything it can find. Use OSX Validate All AUs to force Logic AUValtool to "see" all of the plugins on the system. Then, ones that do not work after that; codesign them again. Forget what Ableton is doing for the moment. It has likely just scanned everything while it was in it's correct places. Or you have another copy of the plugin installed, but in a different format.
  4. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Thanks Clone - I'll try that. Is the OSX Validate All AU tool available anywhere?
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I pm'd you code signer, https://macdownload.informer.com/osx-validate-all-aus/ is the other.

    If anything is still not working after these two steps, and you likely need to re-authorize the plug-in, in plugin manager. My reasons to say this, are because they worked before. you should have correct privileges already set on them. or I'd say batChmod also :)
  6. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    That's great - thank you! Have downloaded the Codesigner and trying to get the link from MacDownloadInformer now.
  7. rOne

    rOne Noisemaker

    Sep 30, 2017
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    The Validate AU Tool is in your Logic preferences menu.
    It will list all your AU plugins, select the non-validated one and try to validate them again.
    In Ableton, maybe you're using the VST version of the plugin
  8. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    the old tool doesn't work anymore on newer macs and newer osx versions.
  9. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I do have folders for all three (AU,VST and VST3) with items repeated in all three but this was using only the Audo Units folder. Is the one that you mentioned
    the Reset and Rescan Selection in the Plugin Manager? I know the one that clone means - like a blue dustpan and brush
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  10. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Okay - thanks for letting me know. All the tips here are really appreciated but sadly haven't got anything to work in regards to those ones and still getting the following after cosign, BatchMod and then Reset and Rescan -

    FATAL ERROR: OpenAComponent: result: -1,0xFFFFFFFF

    Should I clear Logic cache or perhaps reinstall? Maybe reinstall OSX?
  11. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Also had this error message too -

    * PASS
    2022-03-23 00:26:41.966 auvaltool[11882:615864] Error loading /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Oberheim SEM V.component/Contents/MacOS/Oberheim SEM V: dlopen(/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Oberheim SEM V.component/Contents/MacOS/Oberheim SEM V, 262): Symbol not found: __os_crash_fmt
    Referenced from: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice
    Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice
    FATAL ERROR: OpenAComponent: result: -50,0xFFFFFFCE

    validation result: couldn’t be opened

    It opens fine as AU in Live 10 so perhaps I should save all components in a desktop folder and totally reinstall Logic X? Might this work for me?Anyone know the best way to do this (removing all previous files, caches, plists etc?
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You should not have to reinstall Logic at all. That is your second to last option. That's how you fix things that don't make any sense on Windows. formatting. :)

    The easiest way to get around this, and any bad/misinstalled/corrupted/whatever AU plugin, is by having it not be inside the /plugins/Components folder when Logic AU Validation tool does it's scan at startup (or when manually forced).

    You can easily do this by simply moving the plugin out of the /Components folder, or you can create a backup copy of it first. (recommended this time, do the entire /components folder if you can). Then you do the rename folder trick, so the "cleaned up" copy is the now /Components.
    You then add suspected failed plugins back into the folder one at a time, and narrow it down only to the bad ones. Then address them individually.

    Maybe you might need to reinstall your SEM V plugin, as an example. But certainly not Logic or your OS. Your SEM V is the one crashing/failing in the tool console right now. It could possibly be more than one plugin. (error messages like these are nearly meaningless information sometimes).

    I am not assuming anything, but if you happen to be running any of these plugins from Sister; as example... You should make sure they are all blocked by your Firewall's ruleset. Use LuLu firewall if you do not have Little Snitch; it is free.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
  13. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Thank you for your response clone - apologies for my late reply. So should I make a folder on the desktop (called something like Components Copy). transfer the contents of /Audio/Plug-ins/Components to it then delete the one in /Audio/Plug-ins/Components and create a new one there called Components before gradually transferring them back to test? Sorry for all the questions - I'm not the most technically knowledgable about these things and I don't want to mess things up and end up having to reinstall everything!
  14. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Still having problems with this - I've tried doing what clone mentioned above by removing, adding again, rescanning all AU plugins from the /Components folder and then using rescan and reset in Logic but I still have 200+ plugins that cannot be opened in Logic X BUT those exact same AU plugins will open perfectly fine in Live (selected from the Plug-ins/Audio Units) and work perfectly as they did before. Am I missing something really obvious or perhaps is there a way that I can either totally reset Logic (either by removing caches/plists etc or reinstalling it - I have my projects stored and haven't got any preferences to remember)? I don't tend to use Live that much and don't want to be spending time learning a new process that I can be using to create music but it looks as though I might have to if I can't get this issue solved
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2022
  15. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Still no real luck with this - trying the suggestions from clone (by the way, thank you!) I'm getting the odd one or two AU plugins successfully validated in Logic X after Reset and Rescan but not the others and yet in Live, all of the same AU plugins from the exact same folder that Logic can't authorise are all loading up fine and working as before - I don't really understand why the same plug-ins work in one but not the other, especially when they were fine until just a few days ago. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You surely did reset all preferences already...

    If you do not mind reinstalling Logic, it will definitely not make anything worse. It's really not all that time consuming either. But you really shouldn't have to. Sometimes "figuring it out" is less important than getting it to work. They make hammers for a reason too. :)
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  17. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Hi clone - sorry for the delay but I've been in the middle of a house move so haven't had my Mac set up. Still having the same issues though - I repaired Permissions ("diskutil resetUserPermissions / `id -u`) and then checked everything with Disk Utility before doing an overall check with DiskWarrior and everything is showing as being okay. Reinstalled Logic X after uninstalling it and removing the various .plists & AudioUnitCache etc but I still have it that all AUs are opening fine in Live but Logic X is still rejecting a few hundred of them, despite being in the exact same Components folder as Live uses.
    That hammer you mentioned is sounding very tempting - I really fancy remodelling this 2013 trashcan with it!
  18. fln23

    fln23 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I've just tried something else - installed Hosting AU and. once again, ALL of the AUs that can't be opened in Logic X (after reinstalling Logic X and using OSX Enable All Au & Rescan and Reset) will open as they also do in Live so I'm wondering if there are some hidden Logic files somewhere? I also have GarageBand and MainStage installed so might it something to do with those? Or perhaps some kind of other audio issue that is causing it? Any help is really appreciated - I'm a Logic X user about 95% of the time and have always been happy with it until mow but this doesn't make sense to me and I might have to start all over again and learn Live.
  19. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I do not keep GarageBand or MainStage installed. But that is just for space reasons. Let me ask something that maybe should have been already. These .Component plugins that you are not able to run... Did you take that folder from an older OS like Mojave, where it could still do anything with 32bit plugins? (Live should not load these, either)

    Otherwise I will read a little more of the thread again. If you could, Show me what is actually in your /Plug-ins/Components folder. Make a list of all the files contained in the folder using these steps: https://appleinsider.com/articles/1...de-a-macos-directory-in-seconds-with-textedit. It will only take you a minute or two.

    You can PM me the list to not post it publicly, if you want. Maybe I can see something we are missing here. Issue a Sudo whoami command in terminal and see if its output is root. sb:

    $ sudo whoami
    Password: (enter yours)

    I would reformat my computers and yours before I would ditch Logic for Live. Not a fkn chance. :)
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2022
  20. BigM

    BigM Guest

    Try moving your au folder to another location reset audio-unit cache and and start logic. Make sure plugin manager is empty(Plugins inside au folder) restart mac. Move au folder back to the original location and open logic again.
  21. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I was going to ask this, but should not reinstallation of Logic take care of that? My next suggestion was going to be to uninstall and reinstall any One or Two, of the plugins which still remain problematic. If that one works, etc....