Omnisphere 2.6 for Mac, Standalone working but VST on FL Studio not

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by RobCrooks, Aug 9, 2020.

  1. RobCrooks

    RobCrooks Newbie

    Aug 9, 2020
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    Hi Guys,

    sorry for coming back again with another noob question about the Omnisphere.
    I would like to tell you that before asking I read a lot of threads about the correct installation and patching of Omnisphere, plus I watched many videos.

    Currently I have the Standalone working but FL Studio is not able to recognize the VST and it's showing an "error" status in the Plugin Manager.

    The version of Omnisphere I downloaded is "Omnisphere 2.6 Complete (The Pirate)", I have Mac OSX 10.15 Catalina and the version of FL Studio I have is the Producer Edition patched by HEXWARS. I run successfully the KeyGen with PlayOnMac patching both the VST and the ".component" file. I couldn't patch the files directly, so I copied them in the desktop, then the KeyGen patched them and then I copied the files back in their origin folder. I also set all the authorizations to the STEAM folder in reading and writing.

    I'm really not able to understand what else could be wrong in what I did.

    I would really appreciate if anybody could help me.

    Thank in advance.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
  3. RobCrooks

    RobCrooks Newbie

    Aug 9, 2020
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    It kinda sucks but I still read about how to install and I can't find some mistake in what I did.
    Is here any other thread with a case similar to mine so I can read it?

    Thank you.
  4. RobCrooks

    RobCrooks Newbie

    Aug 9, 2020
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  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Okay. So if that PlayOnMac thing is Wine based, you may actually be patching them for a different system, I believe! ie a fake virtual Windows based system. I think you need to patch them where they should reside. Not on the desktop, but I don't know. This is possible with Wine based stuff, you just have to direct to the correct folder.
    But I may be talking rubbish. I'm just guessing, because Catalina is not where any of us with a working set-up have gone!
    Mojave was the safest to go up to, and even that still has various problems.
    I stayed on Sierra for my recording system.

    Look up here, or Google, how to codesign the plugins with the terminal command.
    I'm going to leave you to people who are on Catalina.
    Hopefully someone will chime in.


    Also, is there a way to rescan with your FL plugin manager, as we can with Logic?
    Btw, the amount of problems with FL I've read on here don't bode well, you know!
    This may well be an FL problem.
    Which version of FL?

    One more thing. Are you absolutely sure that the standalone actually works?
    Because standalone versions of plugs almost always need the VST to be patched to work.
    Also, Parallels with Windows in it integrates perfectly between the Windows system and your macOS.
    You can copy keys to clip board, etc. Windows can access all on your mac.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
  6. RobCrooks

    RobCrooks Newbie

    Aug 9, 2020
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    Basically PlayOnMac allows me to run files that are designed for Windows, like ".exe" ones and it's wine based. At least, this is what I understood, cause for some files a Wine window popped-up.
    When I tried to patch the files in the original folder, it was giving me an error and I've seen in a video tutorial a guy copying the files in the desktop, patching them and putting them back in the correct position.

    About Catalina, I was thinking as well to move to Mojave as it's definitely better supported and as far as I understood, Catalina is kinda pain in the ass.

    Every time I install some VSTs, I do a rescan with the Plugin Manager and I find the new installed ones, so I select them and I try if they are working or not. My version of FL is
    The Standalone works cause I opened it and I started to try different sounds and it was normally working, no messages or other screens popping. And I really followed all the instructions I found here and that were "translated" to run with a Mac. It could be a tiny detail that I skipped but nothing major...
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Well yeah, I guessed that!
    Okay, so patching on desktop is okay, from what you saw. Was it The Pirate's release in the vid?
    I just added some other points above, including that you should try Parallels. Integrates perfectly.
    And try and codesign the plugins in Terminal.
  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    sudo codesign -f -s - 
    and then either drop the plugin in Terminal after, or you may have to type the path if drag'n'drop doesn't work. I can't remember! Sorry.
    I reckon this may be your answer.
    ah. Just remembered, you may need to install xcode to be able to do that if it doesn't work.
    There is a space after the last -.
  9. RobCrooks

    RobCrooks Newbie

    Aug 9, 2020
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    I have Xcode installed cause it was required by PlayOnMac but definitely I didn't try Parallels yet and I need to read and learn how to codesign.

    What does "sudo codesign -f -s -" stands for? Sorry, I'm really ignorant with this. I just switched to Mac after using only a PC for years and now I'm learning a new world.
    I was just fuckin unlucky cause my new iMac most probably has a hard disk problem (that's why I brought it to assistance)...
  10. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    If it's gonna happen, it will happen when they are brand new, straight from the factory.

    Open Terminal.
    Paste that code.
    Drop plugin after it...

    If that doesn't work, maybe it's to do with the stronger SIP in Catalina.
    In which case you will have to boot into Recovery mode and disable SIP temporarily.
    But let us see what happens with sudo codesign first...
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
  11. RobCrooks

    RobCrooks Newbie

    Aug 9, 2020
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    Thank for all the insights, once I get my Mac back, I'll start trying and I'll keep you updated.
  12. sex!

    sex! Guest

    Have the same fucking problem, did you find anything?
  13. RobCrooks

    RobCrooks Newbie

    Aug 9, 2020
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    No and I gave up...
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    He probably should have suggested for you to use Codesigner rather than terminal. It makes it much easier for someone new to typing commands in Mac terminal. You have to codesign --deep the VST, the AU, and the App separately.

    I am not sure about this Play app you are using. I use Wineskin Winery to run windows keygens, but I do not think that is the problem. Crossover, they all do the same basic things.

    How the patch works depends on how any commands are written. Patching in the incorrect location may cause issues, like SG mentioned. It's best to patch wherever the instructions in the info specify, if they do. It's just because of folder/directory structure of the commands being issued.

    BatChmod and Permissions Reset 2 both can be useful installing software like this also. They can help unlock files with the incorrect permissions set to them.
  15. sex!

    sex! Guest

    Do you just think that this patch does not work for M1?
    It worked on a virtual machine under Windows and then it didn't work on my real Mac.
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    my Omnisphere is legit and my Macs are both intel. My comments were just in general about installing Mac software. I'd help you out if I could.
  17. sex!

    sex! Guest

    I would like to buy it but fuck if I can save $500.
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    1.) Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 for Windows and MAC OS 2021

    2.) How to install omnisphere 2 on macbook pro?

    3.) Apple Silicon Compatibility (M1)
    The latest versions of Spectrasonics instruments (Omnisphere 2, Keyscape, Trilian, and Stylus RMX) are fully compatible with Apple's M1 processor.

    If you’re using an M1-equipped Mac, be sure to update your instruments via these guides:

    Keeping Your Instruments Up To Date

    Updating from your User Account

    If you plan on installing your Spectrasonics instruments to an M1-equipped Mac for the first time, please follow the installation guides found here:

    How To Install
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2022
  19. sex!

    sex! Guest

    I think the problem comes from a file authorization.
  20. BigM

    BigM Guest

    Patching the whole au/vst, that maybe the issue. Run kg with crossover/keygen runner. Patch and codesign executables inside au/vst.

    eg: omnisphere.component(show package contents)>Contents>MacOS>omnisphere(patch this file)

    Tried on bigsur with logic pro.

    Edit: BTW saw you tried the hexwars kg, I only tried the r2r win keygen with above method.Still works for latest version.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2022
  21. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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