EZDrummer 2 Classic Rock, no sound when it plays? [solved]

Discussion in 'Software' started by dl65875, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    I'm on Windows 10 w. Cubase Pro 11
    Toontrack EZDrummer 2 V2.1.8 64 bit V.R. (both VST plugin & Standalone)

    I have grabbed and installed the Toontracks Classic Rock EZX addon for EZDrummer 2.

    I can't get any sound of this one pack, all of the other packs I have play perfectly.

    If I select the Classic Rock library from the drop down menu in the top right and select a preset, the interface darkens for 1/2 a second at its loaded. Then if I load up a midi file from the browers and drop it in the player at the bottom, in the interface you can see the drumheads are being hit, the cymbals and the kick beater move but no sound at all.

    This is how I installed it.
    EZ Drummer 2 V2.1.8 64 bit installed and all other packs fully working.

    In the Rar file I copied the directory "EZX_Classic_Rock" to my D:\Toontrack library so the path looks like, D:\Toontrack\EZX_Classic_Rock.

    Then I copied the MIDI file directorys, "03@_EZX_LIBRARIES" and "1930@EZX_CLASSIC_ROCK" to the MIDI directory.

    When I open EZDrummer, either in Standalone or as a VST Plug, the midi files show in EZDrummer's browser and I can click on them to audition or drag them into the player.

    No matter what I do, there is no sound?

    Can anyone help?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  3. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hard to say, could be several things. Let's start with: do you actually see the samples load into memory? A half a second is a fast dang load.
  4. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Is the Classic Rock EZX the most recent version or have the V2 update patch applied?
    Is the registry path pointing to the D:\ drive locations?
    Have you tried loading in Superior Drummer 3 if you have that installed?

    No SD3 libraries required to use use the Ezdrummer libraries. They must howevr all be V2 or, have the most recent V2 updates
  5. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for your replies

    The version of Classic Rock is this - Toontrack Classic Rock EZX v1.0.0 WiN OSX, the only one I could find, and I am unaware of any V2 update patch?

    I have Toontrack EZDrummer 2 V2.1.8 V.R. and Superior Drummer V3.2.8. CE V.R.

    I have also applied EZDrummer 2 Core Library Update V1.2 (no idea of who released it)
    and the same for EZDrummer 2 Core MIDI Update V1.0.2 (no idea of who released it)

    Yes I have tried it in Superior Drummer with no success.

    When I select the Classic Rock pack/addon/library in either, it does load really quickly but then again so do the librarys that play perfectly with sound.
  6. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Quadcore may be thinking of the oooooolllld Vintage Rock expansion. Classic Rock is new, 1.0 is the correct version. This is an odd one. Tough to know where to start.
  7. Hazzing

    Hazzing Newbie

    Jan 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Well, the path D:\Toontrack\EZX_Classic_Rock is wrong. It needs to be D:\Toontrack\EZX2_Classic_Rock.
    See if it works, when you have edited this :)
  8. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Nope makes no difference.

    If the directory was wrong I would have thought Classic Rock would not show in the dropdown menus of EZ or Superior Drummer
    and as I said in my original post, if I load it, the background image changes to Classic Rock and if I thenthen select a groove or midi and play it you can see the drums being played, its just that no sound is coming out.

    If I then select a different library/addon or what ever its called, for example, one of the factory sounds like EZDrummer2 Modern, or an addon like Latin Cuban Drums or In The Pocket, they all play perfectly.

    I have also checked that the Classic Rock sound files are present in the Sounds directory, there are 4 files:
    soundb1.obw 1,505,111 KB
    soundb2.obw 1,686,848 KB
    soundb3.obw 1,222,434 KB
    soundstats 1,647 KB
  9. Hazzing

    Hazzing Newbie

    Jan 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Could it be faulty download?
  10. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Not sure. It was downloaded from a reputable source and the rar files extracted without throwing any errors
  11. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
    Likes Received:
    The samples are loading though, right? So it's not that. This is silly, but us the volume up? Like, is something hitting cc11 or cc7 and pulling them down? Can't imagine why, but could be easily overlooked. Other thought is, is some error on loading making EZDrummer's engine stop??
  12. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Near Nyquist
    Just checked my installation, working fine.

    Folder name : EZX2_ClassicRock
    Version : v1.0.0

    this doesn't match size with mine, it is 1,508,111kb here. Since it's v1.0.0, it means it never been updated, it seems like yours has been modified. The other 3 files size match perfectly.
  13. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Have not used EZX libraries or EZdrummer for quite some time. Memory was probably referencing one of the other rock libraries. The rest holds true for install location settings in the software & registry. Should be working if done properly.
  14. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Just installed (had it archived, never installed). Was in available libraries at next launch of SD3. All MIDI & sounds active & producing audio output.
  15. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    My alternate install locations for EZdrummer & Superior Drummer libraries

    EZdrummer folder:
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\EZdrummer\EZX2_ClassicRock
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\EZdrummer\MIDI (default location for all MIDI EZD2 & SD3)

    Superior Drummer 3 folder:
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\Clicks
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\Database
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\SL-Dummy
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\SL-Perc
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\SL-SD3_Electronic
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\SL-SuperiorDrummer3
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\SongStructures
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\SoundDatabase
    E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\Tracker

    Instead of C:\ProgramData\Toontrack, I use E:\Instruments Libraries\Toontrack while keeping the Toontrack Sub-folder defasults for instruments & libraries. This is also reflected the Winodws 10 registry to ensure that the plugins, programs and. any new install or update uses my custom structure.

    Have also created a Symlink for the alternate Toontrack location. This also ensures any new or updated installs use the alternate locations.

    Before using the Symlink, the original folder must be copied (delete original folder location after copy) or, moved to the desired drive location.

    Once done, run Command Prompt as Administrator and enter or copy the first part, replacing "E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack" with your system location:
    mklink /D "C:\ProgramData\Toontrack" "E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack"

    My Registry settings for reference:
    "PresetPath"="E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior3"
    "OperationManual"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\Superior Drummer\Superior Drummer 3 Operation Manual.pdf"
    "Sup3SizePerHost_Studio One"="1190,805"

    "ResourcePath"="E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3"
    "InstallPath64"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\Superior Drummer"
    "HostPath64"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\Superior Drummer"
    "OperationManual"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\Superior Drummer\Superior Drummer 3 Operation Manual.pdf"

    "ResourcePath"="E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\EZbass"
    "HostPath64"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\EZbass"
    "RootPath"="E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\"
    "InstallPath64"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\EZbass"
    "SoundPath"="E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\EZbass"


    "HomePath"="E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\EZdrummer"


    "ResourcePath"="E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3"
    "HostPath64"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\Superior Drummer"
    "InstallPath64"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\Superior Drummer"
    "SL_Path_SL-SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3"="E:\Instrument Libraries\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\SL-SuperiorDrummer3"
    "OperationMamual"="C:\Program Files\Toontrack\Superior Drummer\Superior Drummer 3 Operation Manual.pdf"
  16. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Well I am not sure what happened but it is working now.

    I originally downloaded it via the sister site and that is the one that did not work for me
    which is strange because there are no posts on the thread from others having issues.

    I removed all trace of it and downloaded it again from RU and copied everything into the
    same places as before and now it works.

    I don't know what caused the original DL to not work but I am pleased to have a working copy.

    Thank you to everyone who posted and made suggestions.

    Cheers everyone.
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