Do apple need to be stopped?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mlb4sheaz, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    Just a quickie to see if anyone else out there feels the same as i do about apples constant sueing and blocking of other companies smartphones and tablets?

    Its beyond a joke, people will buy what they want regardless, but now it feels like were being forced away from other products so apple can squeeze every last penny out of us for their out dated products.......

    This was wrote on an iphone ;)
  3. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Fuck Apple right up it's shitty ass.

    End of.
  4. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    Yes mate, well said ;)
  5. VIVIsect

    VIVIsect Ultrasonic

    Jun 18, 2011
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    You cannot, with a straight face, say that Samsung's Galaxy Tab, for example, is not a blatant ripoff of Apple's iPad... The same goes for the majority of smart phones on the market. Blatant ripoffs of the iPhone. But, whatever. Apple are getting their share of lawsuits, too. All these companies are busy suing the shit out of each other. It ain't just Apple being dicks, waging corporate warfare.
  6. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I know what you're saying but its a touchpad, there's not really much room for variation there. The same thing could be said for anything, televisions, dvd players, cars, vacuum cleaners, sneakers, jeans (etcetera etcetera etcetera) and it's always been that way. Apple probably wouldn't be facing as many lawsuits if wasn't such a corporation of douchebaggery, now they're reaping what they've sown.

    Screw them.
  7. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Apple all the way. Most of you are just trying to go against the grain and trying to be different. Why are you mad at a company who continues to lead and stay ahead consistently? They revolutionized the way we listen to music, MAKE music, and communicate. They may have inspired the makers of the products that you use in lieu of Apple. If you don't use Apple products, cool. But don't down-talk or denigrate what they've done for our generation. You can beg to differ but give respect where it's due.
  8. yo-mama-like-me

    yo-mama-like-me Newbie

    Oct 16, 2011
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    let the man rest in peace his products are a vital part of the american lifestyle and apple is leading the pack in electronic innovation
  9. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    Apple are just too controlling, as i said above, people will buy what they want regardless to quality,price or performance i.e pc vs mac. Ps3 vs xbox iphone vs galaxy etc

    The problem is our choices are being taken away and companys are having to throw away millions theyve invested in new products, i just think the worlds gone nuts right now
  10. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Are you SURE he knows what happens now??Hey wake up he is dead he doesn´t know ANYTHING anymore.
    Why even care?That whole R.I.P thing is just BS they are dead end of story.

    Religious mumbo jumbo is what it is.
    I simply don´t understand that people buy that crap.
    And what a typical american comment!!

    But worst is God Bless America.
    Yeah right!!??I wonder what the indians say about that?
    The Europeans took their land and brought african slaves to it and murded the native population all in the name of god.
  11. BumBataa

    BumBataa Newbie

    Oct 16, 2011
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    there's mostly only 2 people:
    on the one hand people that bash apple or its products
    on the other hand people that actually used their stuff
  12. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    This isnt supposed to be a slate apple product thread, i own a couple of them, its what they are doing to other companies i think is wrong. Especially the galaxy tablet ban. And im sure in the future other companies will also take apples route and try to control the monopoly. I just dont think its doing the world and favours and is going to hold back the world when it comes to advancing our technology!
  13. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I'm not trying to go against the grain. I'd be pissed off with any company that charges an absolute fortune for an inferior product and then invades my privacy to boot! And what have they done for our generation? I keep hearing all of this crap about "Apple have changed the world!" No they haven't. Every product they have has been an evolution of another company's work, just presented in a nicer & shinier package. They didn't revolutionise the way we listen to music, the creators of the MP3 format did that. They didn't revolutionise the way we MAKE music either, computers were already being used for audio before Apple came along. All Apple have done that could be considered revolutionary is discovering a way to make idiots part with wads of cash for sub-par products, and they didn't even do that - Sony did.

    You Apple fanboys/girls need to get your heads out of your asses and quit worshipping Apple like it is a religion. You all probably laugh off Scientology but your overt devotion to the word of Jobs is just as ridiculous, especially seeing as how the guy was (by many accounts) an absolute dick. I don't like to speak ill of the dead but maybe now he's gone Apple might stop behaving like such assholes. I doubt it though, 2000 years later and people are still worshipping Jesus...
  14. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    I love the innovations and the ease of use.
    I appreciate the freedom of choice and neutral information.
    I dislike branding, dogmatism, any kind of brain wash.
  15. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Come on. Don't disrespect me because we're on the internet now. Soon as the iPhone dropped, every phone went buttonless and basically copied it's format. Soon as they dropped a tablet (which I thought was useless) then almost every other major company followed suit. I'm no fan boy. Please, I respect your comments, but don't get disrespectful. Whether you want to believe it or not, he did impact the world with his products. Who cares if he was a dick?
  16. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Did anybody know or forget that Samsung was also trying to ban the sales of iPhones overseas too? Or y'all didn't wanna mention that? Exactly what did they do to companies? put them out of business? Can someone help the fact that their product is a commodity that most people want? Can they control that? My point is not "Apple over everything", it's "give respect where it's due" and not just Steve Jobs, but Apple as a whole deserves it.
  17. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I meant no disrespect to you personally at all, and apologise if it seemed that way.

    Much as though some might like to believe that every other company copies Apple it's not the case. In any field technology is developed, it is a race to see who can release it and capitalise on it first. All the big tech companies will have been working on touch-screen products for years, it's not a new idea (ever watched Star Trek TNG?). One thing Apple are good at is marketing, and they hook people in big time! I have no problem with that, but with all of the tracking etc. that's been reported recently, the fact that there are better products doing the same things (and more) and the ridiculous prices I have a problem with Apple. It astounds me that so many people are seemingly blind to this stuff, but as has been said here and elsewhere it's like a religion. Sometimes there's no arguing with zealots (not aimed at you personally btw).

    As for him being a dick, well it wouldn't normally bother me but I hate to see people hero-worship dicks and there's been a lot of hero-worshipping hyperbole thrown around since his death.
  18. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Samsung have generally only brought legal action against Apple as a means of retaliation for Apple's own lawsuits against Samsung. And it's not a case of putting companies out of business, it's a case of trying to gain a monopoly in the tablet sector which is exactly the kind of thing they were against when they started up against IBM/Microsoft. Just a little hypocritical, no?

    As for respect, maybe if Apple didn't behave in such a reprehensible manner towards it's competitors and even its own customers they would deserve some.

    But that's just my opinion.
  19. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Fortunately, it's not up to a bunch of opinionated people with computers and an internet connection to decide if their lawsuits are viable. Let the courts decide.
  20. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Long, long ago humans developed larger brains allowing higher level reasoning and imagination. The imagination component allowed us in turn to drive ourselves insane with the fear of death and the unknown. Consequently, we developed the concept of religion (God/s, afterlife, morality, saviors, etc.) to assuage this fear. Now, because most of us can't control our fear any other way except by buying into these religious "fairy tales", we're killing and dying to protect them. Can you say IRONY?! For intelligent life forms, we be sum dumb-ass motherfuckers! Oh, by the way, I worked for Apple for approx. 1 year, and yes, by and large, they're assholes!
  21. BumBataa

    BumBataa Newbie

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Ridiculous comments..I ask everyone who hates on apple here to tell if he or she really worked for a longer period of time with an apple.
    Inferior? You are on an audio forum, you really should know better! Do you honestly think people in the industry use apple for no reason or because they are that shiny?

    I come from the days of configuring MS-DOS, I even now the old Atari stuff and when I switched I did it because "they" told they me Mac is better for the stuff I do.
    How stupid is than anyway and believe me I feared the worst..but they were so right!

    With some knowledge you can get more sheer processing power from a custom-built pc for the same money, but the integrity of the components working together?
    The hassle of having to deal with an OS that was designed to fit on all thinkable varieties of different PC-Models, brands and whatever?
    Viruses? A generic audio driver so bad that Steinberg themselves developed ASIO because it sucked so much?
    A built-quality which is rock-solid (Macbook Pro) and lasts way longer than any half-baked dell crap?

    If a company like apple didn't exist you would all HAVE to worship Microsoft.

    I must admit that an iPhone is overpriced and pretty much useless for me if not jailbroken, but dude is it slick in what it does, like the iPad.
    Why would everyone else jump on it if not because of that? If you don't even try to sue the shit outta everyone for copying you products you are lost anyway.

    Fanboyism aside, I still believe all the negative comments towards apple come from people which never really used an apple.
    I know those tardies, had a few among my friends, they always told me they wouldn't touch one with a stick, PC better, hardware blablabla..until they finally got their hands on an apple and came back to me to tell that indeed an Apple computer is way superior.

    Maybe not if you're into World of Warcraft or if you're working at a call center.

    PS.: Those yuppies from Apple (Store, fanboys, company support) are arrogant idiots sometimes, fortunately their products are way better than that.