Windows 7 - Home Premium vs Pro for DAW?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Dalmation, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Yule greetings to all :bow:

    Is there any advantage of Windows 7 Professional over Home Premium for DAW (or game) use?

  3. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Wikipedia is your friend: so you decide. Like, if you want to use more than 16GB of RAM or more physical CPUs etc. you should go with Professional. At one time I studied it and went with Professional for some reason. I can't remember what was it or what multiple things were that made me go with professional version for my customers. Best bang for the buck and future requirements proof.

    I still run XP. :) At least half of my clients still run XP, too, because there's just no need for more RAM [the songwriter or arrangement writer] and it just - works, to use the famous Steve Jobs' quote. Just rare ones use more than 8GB, too, and for the majority 4 or 8GB is enough. For now, I suppose. Because these who find 8Gb not enough are the people who can't have enough all the time and lack brains, too, to cut down the usage of RAM in a smart way. Most of the people who don't know shit use incredible amounts of RAM and CPU because they don't know shit about how synths work and mixing and production. I sometimes get to remix stuff and I usually can cut the RAM usage and CPU usage to a half just after spending an hour with the mix they did... and it doesn't influence the sound quality negatively but positively actually. I also boost some sound quality settings while at it and resample samples with R8Brain to the samplerate we're working with [usually 96/24].

    ahh people. No brains and no will to learn. Just need, want, need, want, more, upgrade, need, update, greed, want, need, more... fuck. If they just spent some more time learning about the tools that they use, it would be great, and they would cut down the number of plugins they "need" from 400 to 100 or even less, effectively cutting down the problems that the humongous amount of plugins bring with them.

    sorry, I got carried away... :rofl:
  5. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    w7 ultimate
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Brilliant post duskwings. Read my last paragraph again, and again, and again.

    And use the Wiki link, too, because it is really between Home Premium and Pro only. Dalmation asked an excellent and educated question. Personally, Home Premium gets my vote for my needs. Use the table to determine what your needs are. The less needs, the better. Why would you want shit you'll never use? It's better to have a smaller and more optimised OS for just what you need.

    Like, why would you need "audio recording over q remote desktop connection"? [Microsoft's!] You have a plethora of so much better working apps for that if you need it. I wouldn't use a Microsoft app to do anything, really, because they're buggy and unreliable. I still wonder how their OSes work at all judging by their apps! 3rd party apps always do a better job for anything Windows related and MS themselves often buy these small firms or just their apps to be used in Windows. Like the Windows defragmenter, for instance. And it is good. Could be better, though...

    The goal is to install the OS only, and the stuff you need all the time. It doesn't mean if you don't get a Microsoft app for a particular thing that you can't have it in the end with a 3rd party app. The main difference like how many CPUs and RAM does the OS support is what counts.

    To be honest, the last 20+ things that Ultimate version supports and Pro or Home Premium doesn't make me laugh. :rofl: and now just look up for the price difference between the Ultimate, Pro and Home Premium. It will make you stop laughing. That is if you want to have a legal version of Windows, of course. But even if you have an illegal version Pro is a better choice because you get rid of the so much completely unnecessary bloatware.
  7. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    The most important thing is Pro supports more than 16gb ram, quite essential for DAW, especially when using big templates of orchestral libraries. have 32gb and went with Pro.
  8. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Home basic = 8gb ram
    home premium = 16 gb ram
    pro/ultimate/enterprise = 16gb ram to 192 ? lol
    win 8 all versions = 128gb and higher (depends on the version).

    (On 64 versions) All 32 (86x) are limit to 4gb max.

    Just giving you the ideas in case you building a monster and you do consider installing more than 16gb.. I know people with 32 gb. Which might be a overkill in todays world but who am i to judge :dunno:

    For the most part the versions are mostly similar other than a few extra stuff. Nothing major, probably the only major thing is the ram.

    It was an easy google search D:
  9. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I simply gave my opinion, I don t think i offended anybody...yet...but....since u re so smart and assume that people who need more ram and cpu than u lack brains,please,from the top of your unreachable knowledge,tell me how u run an orchestral session with sibelius,loading 30 instruments that have to sound as realistic as possible so u can export them one by one as ready to use audio files to load in your DAW instead of exporting them as midi files and re-edit them to make them sound as they did in sibleius...please..tell me how u do it with 4 or 8 gb of ram,thank u your heighness
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    windows 7 enterprise x64 here.
    go def for 64bit windows version, the edition isnt that important anyway.
  11. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    all 32bit versions max 4GB, need more ram then go 64bit, Home premium is fine, Pro has more toys for networking / security / etc :grooves:

    there was another post recently discussing the values of using a lite version of win7, giving your cpu a bit more room to work with your DAW :thumbsup:
  12. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    I use W7 Pro, 64bit.

    Ability to use More RAM isn't a motivating factor, as my DAW is 32bit, and so are some of the VSTs that I depend on. I get the impression is Bridging is eh.

    Anyway, the reason I use w7 pro is to use the windows "previous versions" feature. It automatically backs up N GBs of your files, and you can revert to previous versions of files or folders. Now that is something that has saved my ass a few times, and would be worth the Pro version.

    EDIT: and recover some deleted files if you know where they were
  13. Feonix

    Feonix Newbie

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Most retarded thing I've read all day. "these who find 8Gb not enough are the people who can't have enough all the time and lack brains." Clearly you are the one lacking a brain for completely disregarding those of us who actually score music for film and or do audio research where 300+ tracks do not run off 8GB or RAM. Just because 8GB is more than enough for you doesn't mean we all produce music like you. If youre a songwriter -- great for you. I get it, you were talking to him, not to me. How do you know that he's building an OS for songwriting purposes? Keep in mind that this is a public forum and you're bound to affect all people reading your post.

    To the original poster, go with Professional, for practical purposes. Dude up there is telling you "it just works" because 1., Steve Jobs says so and 2., he seems to know exactly what your "work" entails.