Studio One configuration f*ed up by Cubase 12 (Solved)

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Revirau, Mar 6, 2022.

  1. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Hello, I was using Presonus Studio One 5.4.1 R2R without any problem on Windows 10. Like many others, I wanted to try Cubase 12, VR solution. No trouble with that. But when I opened Studio One, my Scarlett 8i6 dissapeared and only a "Windows audio device" was detected.
    So I uninstalled Studio One using Revo, deleted folders in Program Data and AppData, installed Studio One 5.5.1. Nothing happened. Because the 5.4.1 version detected and Spectralayers plugin (not present, actually), I decided to install Spectralayers TC Team, but the problem continues.
    Maybe some more experienced user can help me.
    Thank you in advance.
  3. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    i'm taking a shot in the dark here, but is it possible that cubase is still holding onto the audio interface? windows won't allow you to have the interface being used by two different daws at the same time. even if you close cubase, part of it might be possibly still running and engaged with the interface.
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  4. No way of knowing without trying, but I would have gone for reinstalling the Scarlett drivers before removing Studio One. I'd give it a shot that way, unless you already know of some reason not to be doing that. Also, about a year or so ago I had some kind of funky problem with S1 where I had to change what opens with it. On the S1 page you see before opening a song there's a panel you can open up that gives you options to open S1 while bypassing certain software/options. I've only looked at that once and it's awhile ago so I don't remember the particulars but you might poke around for that, see if there's some option on there that looks like it might be useful for your situation. Good luck!
  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    It depends from interface to interface, I can open unlimited DAW and YouTube, Audio Player, Video, at the same time...
    But that is about audio interface..
    I saw interfaces that can not care two mediums at same time, like @realitybytez have said because I experienced similar problem at friends studio with Scarlet Duo or Quad I don't know how they are named.
    So probably you need to kill all Cubase.exe processes in Task Manager (or reboot your PC) because even when is closed, Cubase process is still active in the background and that holds you audio interface connection...
    No other problem can be, software wise, Cubase don't change anything in the system while installing (it installs own ASIO drivers, but that should not be a problem),
    so most likely it is about your interface and driver possibilities.

    Just release audio driver and you can use another DAW - options....

    1. Kill The process in Task Manager

    2. If you wanna use S1 and Cube at the same time,
    In Cubase there is a setting , IDK if S1 have that option
    Studio Setup\Audio System\Release Driver when app is in the background(minimized)

    3.In FL Studio settings there is setting to release driver when program is minimized
    *Settings\Audio\Auto Close

    Or you can install another ASIO drivers, like ASIO4ALL, FL Studio Asio, Steinberg ASIO, so you can use more apps at the same time with another drivers (but that is what I don't recommend).
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2022
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  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    So far i know you can uncheck the option in the Sound settings that one program can take exclusive control over the sound device. (but thats checked on default.)

    Have you tried to reboot windows again and check if the sound device is released again? Also you could try to check for this exclusive control over the sound device.

    how to find that: click in the taskbar on the speaker symbol --> Open Sound settings --> Sound Control Panel --> Select your playback device - click properties --> Advanced --> uncheck "Allow applications to take full control over this device" (Thats for windows 10, might be different in windows 11)

    Maybe this already helps?

    Otherwise i have no idea.
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  7. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Thank you, all of you. I didn't want to use both DAWs at the same time, but to be honest, donĀ“t remember if I did reboot my system after Cubase and before S1. So, I'll try your tips and then will tell you what happens.
    Thank you again.
  8. VincentCool

    VincentCool Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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    my interface Antelope ,i can open multi DAW same time....

    you also can Sync Multiple DAWs

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2022
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  9. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    For the future, I would strongly recommend always making a proper backup before intervening in the system. And the VR installations for Steinberg apps are massive. This is not just a software installation for which a rollback procedure may be sufficient.

    Even better: Separating programs and data (with symlinks) and a daily backup saves you an incredible amount of trouble.

    It's not a trivial task to delete programs by hand.
    Besides the data the installer have written to disk, they may change a lot of files in the system.

    In those cases I normally reinstall the bad App and uninstall it again because the Apps installer has a log of everything changed via installation process and chances are best the original installer (given its well programmed) will remove the App completely. I most cases better than Revo if App is installed only a short time.

    In a second step I remove every file that has remained on the disk (search by name and /or date)

    And the third step is removing everything from the registry with regedit. You can search the registry and delete items by hand.
    But one must be very careful and for a big programm that may take hours depending on how long the App has been on the PC.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2022
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  10. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    pretty cool. never heard of that brand. looks like it is new. the least expensive model is $899, but they are giving away a bunch of extras if you buy before april 30.
  11. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Again, thank you.
    I forgot to tell that I deleted some folders by hand and did the registry task (maybe because I usually do that).
    In the end, that's what I did and what happened:
    System reboot, did not work.
    Uncheck "Allow applications to take full control over this device", caused Cubase couldn't "see" Scarlett driver, so I checked it again.
    Asio4all driver, Studio One back on track.
    Scarlett Focusrite Control - installed again, everything in order.

    So, problem Solved
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