U-He is trying to push forward new, license-fee free plugin format CLAP

Discussion in 'Software' started by 5teezo, Mar 5, 2022.

  1. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    CLAP has bindings for Rust, a much better and safer language than C++ or C. If devs adopt Rust, it will be a good thing. I think implementing the converters was quite smart of them. The dev can use CLAP internally while the plugin interface can still be exposed as VST2/3 which all DAWs have excellent support for as of now.
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  2. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    First of all, this is not to rail against Rust, if I were to start a new systems oriented and not performance critical program today it would be Rust.

    But to write performance critical software (like audio plugins) requires a few workarounds, and those in Rust would be in "unsafe" blocks breaking the "better" and "safer" things in a language like you said. And also, Rust is not just as good for inline assembly or vectorized code. Again which hi-perf code needs and wants.

    So I'm not against Rust, but as a language it's just not there with C or C++ for any benefit.
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