Ableton's sound engine is phasey- why?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Grater, Mar 1, 2022.

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  1. bdone

    bdone Ultrasonic

    Nov 13, 2011
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    Woah a bit harsh who's that aimed at lol
  2. Grater

    Grater Ultrasonic

    Feb 27, 2019
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    Yeah super strange. I thought this place was more open minded since you can even talk about piracy here, which is a nicht nicht on most other audio production forums. Now I got called names, my genitals were insulted and more, just because I think one program sounds worse than others.

    I'm not sure who you're referring to but damn boy, take it easy. Why is everyone losing their damn minds? If you don't like this thread just ignore it lol. And funny as fuck how you call Brian Eno space shit- dude is like one of the most important (musical) artists of the last century. He invented a whole genre of music for crying out loud. Of course not relevant or expert enough to talk on DAWs however, unlike some people in this thread :bleh: :rofl:
  3. Paul Smith

    Paul Smith Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    @Grater I told you to admit your error and not drag this thread but you really decided to carry on with your audio thesis. It's at page 7 already, please, please. :suicide:
  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Woowww. What a party I missed.
    Ok. Just to leave you guys even more messed up: in the Native Instrument sponsored interview Jean-Michael Jarre said his favorite DAW is Ableton.
    May the fight go on!!! :rofl:
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  5. Grater

    Grater Ultrasonic

    Feb 27, 2019
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    You're right bro, it was warp all along :rofl:
  6. recycle

    recycle Guest

    yeah, just havin'fun to entertain the kids ya know…
    Now everyone wash their hands: it’s dinner time!
  7. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    BRO.. do ten blind tests...

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    just get an output recorder like Rogue Amobea Loopback since you are on MacOS and seems you don't have built in loopback in you audio interface and get a print of the output from your DAW of choice.

    No D/A stage, sync will be the same. If there are differences in the output stage they wont be masked by A/D stage of recap.

    Generate a 2 second square wave put it in front of whatever audio sample you want to pass through so you can line up the samples to null or run through a diff.

    No point in arguing about it, when you can do that science thing. I find it amazing how far people can go on feelings when it just isn't necessary and it is so easy to bypass.
  9. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    The best test you can do is as follows:
    - Get two sound cards.
    - Set up two DAWs at the same frequency and bits as the audio files you will be importing.
    - Disable everything possible on both DAWs (warp, auto-fade and bla bla), close and reopen them before proceeding.
    - Then open a multitrack project (just 3 stems, drums baxes and guitars) on the first DAW.
    - Take the analog output L-R (the one you normally use for your listening monitors) and let it enter the input channels 1-2 of the other sound card which you will use to record on another DAW set to the same frequency and bit (the second sound card can be used on the same computer or on a different computer).
    - Play on the first sound card and record on the second.
    - Do the same with the other DAW you want to compare.
    - Finally, line up the two recordings and do a null-test.
    Don't make any mistakes and check that the two DAWs being compared are really in flat mode.
  10. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    After all, it's just a guy with very limited knowledge of audio processing, most probably using a faulty setup and repeating what he read about the "professional idols" putting out for marketing again and again instead of trying to resolve the problem.

    No useful information about the whole setup, audio interface, clocking, syncing.
    Sample rate conversion, who cares?
    Tools like Audio Hijack interfere heavily with core audio, who cares?
    Logic and Ableton not even capable of delivering a simple drum loop to the speakers without mangling it?? Absolutely a no go!

    That setup is clearly not suitable for any serious audio work. But who cares!

    Better blame it on Ableton, insult people that are trying to help him to resolve the problem, good luck with that attitude!
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  11. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Tbh I am still waiting for Graters "Oops I had a plugin on the master channel on by default" classic post ^^

    Yeah, get into a spaceship and take a ride to our world from your parallel universe because nobody understands what you are talking about

    Roberts golden rule still stands: All DAW's sound the same if you disable all their features - export at the same bit and samplerate, don't touch pan or volume and you should be fine.

    Digital summing will always null out if you do what I wrote above


    It's too late, forgive us father for we have sinned :(
    Very close actually, but fortunately fixed a few months ago.

    I think it has been ages since someone recommended me PT.
    Also, for Logic see the quote above, everyone who advised that before the PDC fix had no idea what he was talking.

    Oh yeah the clarity and punchiness definetly stemmed from the fact that they were using Logic and not because they knew what they were doing <.<
    Jokes aside, a lot of media composers use Logic, you'll find the most ardent DP and Logic users amongst Japanese JRPG composers.

    It's like the fall of Rome just with audio. We humans can't get rid of our religious attitude, no matter which science we look at.

    Probably a resentful decision cuz Vangelis is into Bitwig
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022
  12. Grater

    Grater Ultrasonic

    Feb 27, 2019
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    Does Ableton tuck you in at night? I'm sorry I offended the honor of Ms. Ableton looool

    Random guy reposting and regurgitating internet "wisdom" , not reading the premise AND personally attacking the OP asking a simple question post #1337
    It's so funny to me: in EVERY DAW thread there is personal insults being thrown around a few posts in :rofl:
    Did you ever do the self test with multiple DAWs yourself or are you relying on peoples youtube videos? Spoiler: me and another group of engineers did and followed it up with blind testing. So...did you too?

    Edit: I too will post random videos proving nothing to make a point:

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2022
  13. vladimir guerrero

    vladimir guerrero Producer

    May 25, 2018
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    San Jose
    I don't have much to add to this thread, but it's so cool that you got to interview Sean. I think Autechre embody (and create) the sound of our time as well as anyone.

    It's interesting that he didn't like Ableton's engine. I guess even sonic Gods can miss a setting here or there... Or maybe he was onto something!
  14. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    "people" lol. Robert is obsessed with DAWs ( ) while you are obsessed with worthless DAW discussions - I think that speaks for itself.

    Yeah I believe in division of labour, not division of nonsensical opinions.
    If I'd have to test everything by myself to "fOrM aN oPiNiOn FiRsT" to prove internet randoms wrong then I'd never have the time to make music you genius.
  15. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    Showing off more and more of your negative attitude doesn't help you at all. There are some skilled programmers and technicians writing in this forum that could really help you with your setup. Obviously you just want to troll.
  16. Grater

    Grater Ultrasonic

    Feb 27, 2019
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    Yes, it can't be that what you see on youtube is wrong! When has a youtube video ever been wrong? Check mate, atheists.

    Yeah, negative attitude. May I remind you people have insulted me multiple times for simple coming to a different conclusion ( which is shared by many renowned artists and professionals?) If that's not negative I don't wanna know what positive means to you lmao. I was sincere at the beginning but it quickly devolved into: "You must be doing something wrong" instead of maybe acknowledging a legitimate difference. This shit is funny to me. Not one of these people calling names actually did the self test themselves- only nulling rendered files and posting youtube videos :rofl:*clown gif* HOOOONK HOOOONK
  17. Grater

    Grater Ultrasonic

    Feb 27, 2019
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    Impossible he heard what others including myself hear. He must have done something wrong! Obviously he left warp on and didn't watch enough youtube videos. His spacey music sucks anyway :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  18. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Have you tried software similar to Ableton Live such as Bitwig Studio 4 O Waveform 11?
    btw...Bitwig has time stretching on by default.
  19. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    I didn't insult you or have given you names. I just provided files to prove your thread "Ableton's sound engine is phasey- why?" is simply wrong, as it's not "phasey" in general.. And it's you making fun out of people or insult them.
  20. recycle

    recycle Guest


    it's you, right?
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