Problem with library manager in Kontakt 6 v6.6.1 PORTABLE WiN

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Elso, Nov 18, 2021.

  1. Elso

    Elso Noisemaker

    Jun 30, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Hi, i installed Native Instruments Kontakt 6 v6.6.1 PORTABLE WiN from sister site.

    When I open the library manager the following message appears:
    Updating registration files
    Could not update file:
    C: \ Kontakt Portable v6.6.1-vkDanilov \ UserData \ Settings.cfg
    Any idea? I´m on Win 10
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Please check your mailbox!
  4. Elso

    Elso Noisemaker

    Jun 30, 2017
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  5. Silhouette

    Silhouette Newbie

    Aug 16, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Please, I'm a newbie here and I have to deal with exactly this, don't know how. Can you give me a little help here?
  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Please check your mailbox!
  7. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    this is a read only permission issue.
  8. Nandha Krishna

    Nandha Krishna Newbie

    Feb 24, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Can someone help me with this as well?
  9. Bdeetheonenyc

    Bdeetheonenyc Newbie

    May 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    I have this same issue also could i get some assistance very much appreciated TY!
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Native Instruments Kontakt 6 v6.7.0 PORTABLE-vkDanilov

    6.7.0 2022-02-14
    ARM, Monterey and Windows 11 compatibility, new bass amps, bug fixes.
    FIXED Kontakt is now native ARM compatible
    FIXED Kontakt is now macOS Monterey compatible
    FIXED Kontakt is now Windows 11 compatible
    CHANGED Minimum supported macOS version is now 10.14
    CHANGED Minimum supported Windows version is now Windows 10

    IMPROVED Show replace Multi dialog setting is now replaced by a new preference option
    ADDED There are now two new amplifiers (Bass Invader and Bass Pro)
    FIXED Kontakt VST3 could crash loading instruments with very long host automation names
    FIXED Memory was not released correctly in VST3 under certain conditions
    FIXED Replika in ping pong mode would not initialise recalled parameters correctly since Kontakt 6.6.1
    FIXED Replika in bus effects slots would not follow tempo changes
    FIXED Plate Reverb would incorrectly recall in stereo when saved in mono
    FIXED Lo-Fi Noise parameter would lose realtime control after modulating SR or Bits params
    FIXED 3x2 Filter gain knob would not allow text input

    FIXED Modulation in the Phasis effect was behaving incorrectly
    FIXED Automation could not be dragged to UI elements beyond 511
    FIXED Step modulator can now modulate all 32 steps
    FIXED All Convolution factory presets have been updated to zero latency mode
    FIXED Number of zones in Expert tab would get cut off when exceeding 9999
    FIXED Quick Load view would obscure the virtual keyboard
    FIXED Long sample paths would get cut off when hovering the sample name in the mapping and wave editors
    FIXED Collection of minor cosmetic GUI fixes
    FIXED Collection of various Info Pane fixes

    FIXED Factory scripts using duration bar are now tempo synced in Kontakt standalone
    FIXED Crash when declaring KSP file_browser under certain conditions
    FIXED KSP Saving a string array would add an extra white space
    FIXED KSP Loading a Windows-formatted (CR/LF) NKA file would result in superfluous empty lines
    FIXED "search for alternative file types" has been set to on by default in the search dialog
    CHANGED Event Inputs and Outputs have been renamed to MIDI Inputs and Outputs in VST3 for consistency
    IMPROVED KSP Snapshot mode 2 and 3 can now be set, allowing to only store persistent KSP variables
    FIXED Factory KSP Script MultiCh Transpose did not retain persistent values
    ADDED New Factory KSP scripts "Alternate Pan Modulation", "MIDI Latch 6x", and "Rotate Chords"
    KNOWN ISSUE Creator Tools does not connect when Kontakt is running on Windows or natively on ARM Mac
  11. Bdeetheonenyc

    Bdeetheonenyc Newbie

    May 30, 2012
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  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    You have to remove kontakt (manually, things like ccleaner wont work) from the registry.

    Always backup before editing your registry!!!

    Try this:
    • click start > type regedit
    • open regedit.exe
    • in regedit go to: Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Native Instruments
    • Remove all folders with "Kontakt" in the name
    Now you should be able to install Kontakt again!
  13. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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  14. sruth

    sruth Newbie

    Apr 13, 2022
    Likes Received:
    my library manger in kontakt 6.6.1 does not detectecting boom library virtual foley artist.. wheras it finds other libraries,, please help thanks. Screenshot (45).png
  15. Sunny Fiddle

    Sunny Fiddle Newbie

    Apr 22, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Hi. Tried moving to another drive and all other permission issues mentioned here. Can I get some help @BEAT16 please!
  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hello @Sunny what version of Kontakt are you using ? Where is the problem ?
  17. Sunny Fiddle

    Sunny Fiddle Newbie

    Apr 22, 2022
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    Hey @BEAT16 Thank you for the reply. It's Kontakt portable 6.7.1

    The error is \ UserData \ Settings.cfg can't be updated.

    I tried putting it in C: drive and all the other drives I have. The error stays same

    I have done regedit to remove all kontakt entries, multiple times. Then re-did the whole thing. Still same error

    I am on Windows 10
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    @Sunny Fiddle, I wish you much success.

    - English translation of "Kontakt6Portable.txt"
    - contact portable
    - Year/Date of Issue: 14.02.2022
    - Version: 6.7.1
    - Developer: Native Instruments
    - Developer site:
    - Format: STANDALONE, VSTi, AAX*
    - Bit depth: 64bit

    System requirements: OC Windows 7 and above, 4GB RAM minimum, Intel Core i5 / AMD Athlon II X2 processor

    Treatment is not required - a fully functional version (Full), as well as:
    1. Activation of protected libraries is not required, the ability to register (add to bookmarks) in batch mode.
    2. Ability to edit patches of protected libraries.
    3. Possibility of resaving with samples patches of protected libraries.
    4. Ability to edit password-protected scripts.
    Features of the portable (PORTABLE) version:
    1. Installation, including additional software (Service Center, Native Access, MS VS C++ runtime), is not required.
    2. All settings are stored in the program's portable folder (the Windows registry and other system stores are not used, administrator rights are not required. (Super)administrator rights are required if the program's portable folder is placed in a protected system storage (for example, in Program Files) - this location for portable programs is unnatural and not recommended.
    3. Integrated Library Manager, which provides full control over protected libraries, and also allows you to register unprotected (self-made) libraries without generating nicnt files.
    4. Ability to work simultaneously with the installed version of the Contact without conflicts and with different settings.
    Kontakt PORTABLE is not compatible with NKS (Native Kontrol Standard):
    1. Instruments of NKS-compatible libraries added to Kontakt PORTABLE will not appear on the screen of an NKS hardware device (Komplete Kontrol or Maschine). Accordingly, they cannot be selected, previewed and downloaded directly from the device's browser, but only through the interface of the Contact itself.

    2. The controls of an NKS-compatible library instrument loaded into the Kontakt PORTABLE are not automatically bound to the controllers of an NKS device, only manually in the standard way for external MIDI devices (MIDI Learn).
    How to install Kontakt 6 PORTABLE:

    1. Create an empty folder. The name of the folder itself and the path to it MUST NOT CONTAIN CYRILLIC. The folder MUST BE WRITTEN.
    2. Run the installer (KontaktPortable_v661.exe)
    3. Press the Browse... button and select the created empty folder
    4. Press the Extract button
    How to update Kontakt 6.xx PORTABLE to Kontakt 6.7.1 Portable:

    1. Run the installer (KontaktPortable_v671.exe)
    2. Press the Browse... button and select the folder containing the Kontakt 6.xx PORTABLE files:
    Drive letter:\
    |____Kontakt6Portable <----- select this folder
    3. Press the Extract button
    4. When the Confirm file replace window appears, confirm the replacement of files (Click Yes to All)
    How to roll back Kontakt 6.7.1 PORTABLE to Kontakt 6.xx Portable (to one of the previous versions):

    1. Delete everything in the Kontakt PORTABLE folder except the UserData folder
    2. Run the installer (KontaktPortable_v6xx.exe)
    3. Press the Browse... button and select the folder containing the Kontakt 6.xx PORTABLE files:
    Drive letter:\
    |____Kontakt6Portable <----- select this folder
    4. Press the Extract button
    How to transfer settings and libraries from Kontakt 5.7.x - 5.8 PORTABLE to Kontakt 6 PORTABLE:

    0. Close all copies of Kontakt 6 PORTABLE, including VST plugins.
    1. Copy the UserData folder from the Kontakt 5 Portable root folder to the Kontakt 6 Portable root folder.

    2. Open the copied UserData folder, find the subfolders Kontakt and Kontakt there 5. Delete the Kontakt folder. Rename Kontakt 5 folder to Kontakt

    3. Open the Settings.cfg file in the copied folder in a text editor, find the line [Kontakt 5], replace it with [Kontakt Application] Save changes.
    How to add Kontakt 6 PORTABLE VST to a host (DAW):

    Method 1.
    Open your host settings and add the Kontakt6Portable\Kontakt\x64\VST\ folder as an additional plugin scan folder. Please refer to your DAW manual for details.
    Method 2.
    Run Kontakt6Portable\Install.exe and create a link to portable Contact's VST plugins in one of the folders already scanned by your host.

    How to add Kontakt 6 PORTABLE VST3 to a host (DAW):

    Method 1.
    Open your host settings and add the Kontakt6Portable\Kontakt\x64\VST3\ folder as an additional plugin scan folder. Please refer to your DAW manual for details. This method is suitable for hosts that do not limit themselves to scanning VST3 plugins only in the standard location (Cockos Reaper, Magix Samplitude,...)

    Method 2.
    Run Kontakt6Portable\Install.exe and select "Add VST3 Plugin" to create a link to the Portable Contact's VST3 Plugin in the standard VST3 Plugin scan folder.

    How to add Kontakt 6 PORTABLE to ProTools:

    Run Kontakt6Portable\Install.exe and select "Add AAX to ProTools" (on the component selection page).
  19. Sunny Fiddle

    Sunny Fiddle Newbie

    Apr 22, 2022
    Likes Received:
    I am sorry earlier message was totally not explained for. Edited
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Did you tried to run the installer AND the Bobdule's patcher as admin?
    (right-click on the exe, select "run as administrator").
  21. Sunny Fiddle

    Sunny Fiddle Newbie

    Apr 22, 2022
    Likes Received:
    I did try running it as an administrator. Still same error
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