Music Evolution – Is Music Getting Worse?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BEAT16, Feb 26, 2022.

  1. Nope. First time I've ever seen or heard of that YT channel. And the name is just something I pulled out of thin air when I registered for this site :) When I first came to this website I was living in Poland and could barely speak English. Now I'm living again in New York, as I did when I was younger, and (thankfully) speak English much better.
  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It's basically Signal to Noise Ratio. The internet, high speed connections, and no real guardrails against junk getting released. Technology has made making and releasing junk much easier, more accessible, and faster. And with no labels, agents,etc, to put the horse back into the barn after someone makes more junk; what else could you expect but a massive increase in the amount of junk? So unchecked, of course the amount has skyrocketed. The only question is have the technology advancements resulted in more good music being made, to offset the new amount of junk? To me, that is a laughably easy No. It just sounds better at higher bitrates.
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  3. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    a lot of this is because live and touring use to be traditionally more important in the scheme of things. that is how you improved, built an audience and made money.

    there is nothing like eating s**t on stage to make you want to improve. there is no better way of seeing if something works than a live audience. songs may evolve over a period of years. playing supports for people who are better than you was a great learning experience and networking opportunity, as well as the social aspects, even for people on the production side of things. surviving all that for a number of years was a good indication that you had something worth pursuing.

    rising cost of living, etc. makes this an increasingly difficult prospect for some, who would be otherwise suited, to consider music as a serious project.

    the attitude towards business has also changed considerably. there was more of a beneficent attitude in forwarding the cause of music and art in general, as margins tighten these are often the first things to go. radical changes in media and distribution also can not be underestimated.

    very sad, but an all to common story, unfortunately.


    i still think a lot of music now is generally just as interesting BTW. just different (sub)culturally in many ways. that is my vote. not hating.
  4. ziked

    ziked Producer

    Nov 30, 2019
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    "Bad music doesn't exist" :

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thanks for your comment, I enjoyed reading it. I want to present some alternative:

    You can also imagine the world as it was before the Internet, how did people earn their money back then.
    You can join forces with other artists, for example, to form an artists' collective.
    You can also found a sponsoring association to make donations tax deductible (this varies from country to country).
    You can rent rehearsal rooms or studios together and share the space.
    You can organize street festivals and present your music there.
    Some artists have a normal side job, which they do 3 - 4 days a week to the costs of housing / electricity and food together.
    You can apply to radio stations with a CD.
    However, if you sit alone in front of the PC, it is very difficult to compete with the worldwide competition. So do together.
  6. Yorgos

    Yorgos Noisemaker

    Oct 28, 2021
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    In my reply I would avoid to discuss what is good or bad music.
    For shortcut I would take as a good music the music that defies the time.
    For instance Youtube and digital streaming ressurected countless music gems,
    genres, artists from the past.
    Vashti Bunyan is a nice example.

    So according to that:

    (1) The headline is not spesific as it should be.
    Acording to the analysis it should be:
    Is pop music getting worse over the last 30 years?
    Does profitable music getting worse over the last 30 years?

    (2) I would say that we have better music from any other era.
    The obstacle in our age it's called information overload.
    You have to search to find "good artists".
    These good artists have usally some hundrends or in the best case thousands likes.
    and they are not connected to any cultular movement
    that could makes you look cool in the school like Pink Floyd, Sex Pistols, the Cure did in the past.
    Take Brannten Schnüre as an example among millions of other examples.

    Even exceptions, "popular good music" like Nicolas Jaar is not connected to any cultural movement
    that can be a social link. Is just a droplet in the ocean of music.

    (3) This is bad first and foremost for musicians.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If it was a simple matter of the aliens showing up and saying "Show us your earthly music era examples", I will hide behind Nevermind the Bollocks while you and Adele get zapped.
  8. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    My Hip Hop Hair Metal music is 100% better since I started using professional construction kits, they immediately elevated me to Pro level with no prior musical training or knowledge. I also use FL Studio Professional so I'm a professional producer now too. Ask me anything. There's currently 20% off my exclusive NFT tracks, strictly limited to a run of 12 million, get them fast before they sell out!
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
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  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    If you want to drive a car, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You buy the finished product, get in and drive away, but whether you hit the wall depends on your driving skills and the other road users.

    The DAWs you use were built by people with extraordinary talent. They were so good that they still exist on the market today.
    Thank both inventors who made it all possible for you.
  10. kickback

    kickback Member

    Sep 20, 2021
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    What if music is bad because youre just miserable at the moment. If you were happy wouldn't you just listen to the music you like and move on...
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    in poker, they would call this fishing for a re-raise. junk clearly exists, just scroll up some. as a baseline. I could definitely be in a good mood prior to listening to any single one of them.
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  12. kickback

    kickback Member

    Sep 20, 2021
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    Would you like everyone to join their hands in prayer against junk music
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    no, I think to even form an opinion of your own about the original question; you need to rule it out completely.
    it has always sold in some form or another.
  14. Bird Jones

    Bird Jones Member

    May 24, 2021
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    Just a thought - while there's a lot of crap pop music now, I would rather live now than during any other decade of music. I love the 70s music, but people make that now. People make everything now. There's so many choices. In 1975, there were 900 bands or something. All chosen by record company staff... and nothing else except your local bar band. That was it. There's so much good music being made now that never would have been heard in earlier decades. I think the situation of music is waaaaaay better now.

    And to the musicians who complain that they can't make any money because of streaming, I think that's a false argument. I think 900 bands still make lots and lots of money. Everyone else, well.... your choice is to be a band in 2022 that makes no money, or NOT BE A BAND in 1975. This idea that anyone with a bandcamp account *should be making lots of money is kind of silly.
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  15. Z3r0Str1k3

    Z3r0Str1k3 Member

    Jan 2, 2022
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    i guess we are experience a "slow down" on creativity and thinking, at the time to craft.... if we look back all the music have a great composition and so much energy, even if its an EDM genre or some Metal band ( here imo its harder ) . So for that reason i guess we are just like "a little tired" , we keep going to try to make unique pieces, but in anywhere drugs are too included in bands or shows etc, theres a "tired feeling" and to that , add the culture in gral right now... we are going to the dependence instead of the independence... thats my view today. so fighting against our independence ( get our music selled by ourself not by some fu**ing company who wanna squeeze us at the extreme ) its harder and gets u lay down to the dissapointed face of us. just my opinion today.
  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    If you had a lot of talent as a band (before the invention of the internet) and created good exceptional music and practiced the songs at least 3 times a week and could play all the songs by heart, you performed live, the musical instruments, practice room costs were mostly financed by loans or side jobs. The first earned money from live concerts went away for fuel costs and installment payments.

    Many producers went to live concerts and when they found a band worth marketing, they got a record deal.
    If you hit the taste of the masses, you got on TV and were invited to big outdoor concerts. You had a hit that was played on the radio and the royalties made your life bearable. You had more audience than in the beginning when you played in small clubs and parties.
  17. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    People are getting worse, so is the music.
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  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The digital age, many are stressed and overloaded, lack the time and peace to deal with music.
    The pace of society is too high and leads to dissatisfaction, stress and sleep disorders.

    Many no longer read because they can not concentrate on it, but look at videos.
    Much is only felt and not knowledge. Let's hope that we do not become robots.

    The data overkill or the flood of information with news, knowledge and lies is stress for the brain, because we are not robots.
    Like any technical achievement, there are advantages and disadvantages. In short, step on the brakes and switch off more often.
  19. Bird Jones

    Bird Jones Member

    May 24, 2021
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    That's all great. I'm just saying that there were 900 bands in 1975 that you could buy music from, and now 60,000 tracks are uploaded DAILY to Spotfiy. It's impossible to compare these time periods... but while 60,000 tracks means there's lots of garbage, it also means there's lots of very unique, creative music by incredible musicians who would have never had the chance to release music in 1975.

    What you described, is poetic and beautiful, and a description of a time when things worked out well.... but it didn't work for most bands, no matter how good they were. It worked out for very, very few people. REM's scene in Athens, Georgia had 50 excellent bands that never got to record in a studio. Right? (that might not be true, I'm just guessing, I wasn't there)
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Man start a label yourself, take matters into your own hands. perform - tingle around the world - apply to TV or radio, get a solid education. No one wants to read bad books, no one wants to eat food that doesn't taste good, no one wants to listen to music they don't like.
    Then there is just garbage music, you are not forced to consume that or to buy a product what you do not like.
    Become an online editor and present bands in your blog or here that are worth listening to.