Music Evolution – Is Music Getting Worse?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BEAT16, Feb 26, 2022.

  1. jon doe like pizza dough

    jon doe like pizza dough Ultrasonic

    Dec 14, 2021
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    the short answer is no and the long is noooooooo

    so no music is not getting worse just that many more people can music and not just the top pros so there is a lot of small artists making shit

    just like Blender though it is a really powerful program a huge proportion of its users are newbies so the majority of the work done i Blender is shit compared to something like Maya since only pros in the top of their industry uses maya it makes the program look good
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  2. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    my piano went out of tune because of woke. i loved that piano until woke burned into dust. woke has cancelled millions of instruments just like that. this is why music is no good.

    in fact music has never existed, woke just made you think it does. then woke cancelled what you thought was music. woke is so evil -- almost as evil as music.
  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    You heartless millennial. We boomers are also human beings... :guru::suicide::lmao:
    I prefer old fuck but well, words change faster than ever.
    Oh, I forgot. I like some new music. Not to mention Billie Eilish the greatest artist of all time.
    I was about to have kind of a brain sprain interpreting that when "Oh, it's refix, give up Xup" :wink::rofl:
  4. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    I want that on a shirt
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  5. Liondre

    Liondre Noisemaker

    Nov 11, 2021
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    I don't think Music is getting worse I use to think that too but it is subjective for each person. I think it's more like society's change is reflected in the latest Music and you don't like how society has become. I think for young people it is easier to enjoy new music today compared to someone from a different era who grew up on different music. Like let's be honest no matter what, you will always like music from the 10 year era you grew up because of the nostalgia. I like music from 2000 - 2010 even though a lot of it was profit driven it is still a time machine for me to experience my childhood and relive those memories. In 30 years time people will still want to relive those moments when Crank That came out, the teenagers may find it corny though.
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  6. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    The worst, absolute worst, most insipid vapid songs of the 60s or 70s, even 80s, come off like the freaking Brandenburg Concertos next to the music for any iPhone commercial. Apple is like a barometer for the worst music in the world.
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  7. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Human stupidity has always existed and always will be: this is also reflected in music, which is why any decade or century inevitably carries the same amount of subcultural junk.
    No panic: there are always good artists in any historical era, even now: they are very rare but if you search carefully you will find them
  8. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    I dare saying good artists aren't rare at all. They're all there along with mediocre artists. I don't know why people still fall for this boomer fantasy... "but back in my days [...]"
  9. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Oh, I said as much in my initial post. There is plenty of good new stuff out there. But I think the median bar is getting low. Overall, that is the average stuff that's acceptable to people is a lot worse than what it used to be.
  10. I'm not sure if it's the music that's gotten worse, or if it's just the business of music that's become such a complete fail.

    Many years ago, musicians hated the big record labels. They were notorious for ripping off artists, they were crap to deal with, most musicians just plain hated them.

    When midi came about, and then led to sampling, and then led to the idea that 'any-day-now' people would be able to make a record at home in their living rooms, musicians started to believe that would be the exit ramp to having to deal with the major labels. In some measure at least, they could bypass the need for them, release records without the requirement of major financial backing, and eventually post them somewhere on the internet. Sadly, musicians turned out to be all wrong in that regard.

    What was overlooked by musicians who had that in their head was the huge role in artist development the major labels played. Back then you could have 2 album releases that went nowhere, and a label would still be supporting you while your craft was being nurtured. Ask Bruce Springsteen if that way of doing things was important! A third album going nowhere was probably a death knell, but back then that would mean 3 - 5 years time to figure out what you were doing, get it right, sell some records.

    However, once musicians increasingly started doing things on their own, often right in their own homes, it became expected you were immediately ready for the big time! That space you would have had earlier for nurturing and support of a large label became a thing of the past. The concept of 'development' was gone, and so were many quality artists who with some support, may have eventually made the grade.

    On top of that, file sharing led to the Spotify's of the world (there would never have been a Spotify if file sharing hadn't become such a threat to the music industry), which further cut out artist support and nurturing; a system was created where you could have 100,000 streams of your song and get a check for $50 USD for your efforts !!! A lack of compensation generally leads to lower quality output because once again, there's no chance for development and nurturing. Expecting otherwise would be like thinking you'll walk into a McDonald's and for a few dollars be ordering Veal Cordon Bleu. It just doesn't happen.

    Finally, (and man, I could go on much, much longer...) some have mentioned rap and hip hop on this thread. I'll say in advance, my apologies, but I'm not much of a fan of that genre. Back in the 1970's I knew 2 guys, John Robie and Arthur Baker. If those names don't mean much to you, they were instrumental in getting that genre rolling. They even invited me down to the studio when they were recording Planet Rock and Looking For The Perfect Beat. I got a first hand look at how the business worked when it came to rap music. Both John and Arthur would tell you in interviews now how they're simply geniuses, but the fact is, at that time their music was about making cheap records with artists that were relatively unknown who would get paid nothing in the way of advances; because of that it allowed the producers like them to make a quick buck with near nothing spent on production, and songs that weren't really written, rather they were devised as they went along. There was no real 'songwriting'. To say they had quality in mind is laughable. Most of rap and hip hop was made on that basis, music business types who found decent profit margins with next to no financial outlay by them, working with artists they generally considered disposable. Sure there are some quality rap and hip hop people, but I'd put the genre near the top of the list in reasons music has gone to crap. IMO, it's what you get when artist development falls to ZERO. Specifically, records that are cheap in every sense of the word.

    Man, the stories I could tell you....
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  11. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    I agree one hundred percent that as many legitimate major criticisms can be level that the major labels of old, the function they provided as Gatekeepers was very important and that's what we're lacking now.
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    You don't have to make money out of everything. You don't have to live in a way that your own life has to be profitable.
    You can also be creative and have fun with music without publishing anything.
    Burn your music on CD and give it away!
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  13. I wasn't saying 'money is everything', not really my point. But the simple fact is that musicians, like anyone else, have to pay rent, eat, sometimes even take care of others. And either you have some way to continue developing while attending to those needs or you don't. I have a friend in Budapest, Hungary. She's one of the best cellist's in the world. She has a series of Bach recordings that critics consider world-class. She played with a symphony orchestra at the age of 12! But now she's a single mom, her record label gives her next to nothing, and she get's pennies from Spotify for the streams of her records. She's a single mom, and now has to spend most of her time teaching to ensure there's food on the table for her kids. When I see her perform now, I see the decay in her chops -- her other responsibilities have gotten in the way of her development, and there's nothing in the music business as we know it today that will help nurture a brilliant, deserving musician. Her music isn't getting worse, but the business of music is.
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  14. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Tantacrul destroyed that idiotic paper
    "Music is getting worse and a bunch of data scientists tell you why without consulting even one musicologist" Yeah okay no.
  15. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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  16. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    The Message was the iconic song that got Hip Hop rolling, could you read their names in the liner notes? I'll doubt so.
    You generalize on the basis of an anecdote.
    In the 80's you had Fat Boys beatboxing hence (co-)producing and rapping and in the 90's you already had all the legends Tribe, Pete & CL, Dilla etc. - ever since then I can say with 100% certainty that the style of production you mentioned played absolutely no role whatsoever in what we call real Hip Hop (perhaps we heads are the most keen to use true scotsman fallacy, so be it :P).

    You can be resentful but still have a factually correct opinion...
  17. EEOC

    EEOC Ultrasonic

    Feb 23, 2022
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    I have searched all the keywords for good music and have not found anything. Are there magic words I'm unaware?
  18. recycle

    recycle Guest

    CD?? Too obvious...
    I release my albums on minidisc only
  19. A) I'm not resentful in the slightest.
    B) It doesn't get much more factually correct than actually having been there with them in the studio and seeing it first hand. Tell me when you were there, go ahead, I'll wait.... In the meantime I'll continue to laugh at you referring to your own opinion as "we". It's good you're not pretentious or anything.

    By the way, you can find Baker & Robie's names on a zillion different google hits based on their work on those early hip hop/electro records. And yes, they're listed right on the disc label. Back then dance records generally didn't have 'liner notes'.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2022
  20. recycle

    recycle Guest

    I'm a curious person: searching for your artistic background I found this:
    ---link deleted ---
    is it your youtube playlist?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2022