Music Evolution – Is Music Getting Worse?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BEAT16, Feb 26, 2022.

  1. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Everything is getting worse. Devo is right. Eventually entropy will win and the entire universe will be cold, dead and devoid of all energy. Matter will remain but there will be no way to experience it and no one left to care anyway.
  2. recycle

    recycle Guest

    When new music is too bad it means you are too old
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  3. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Pop music is getting worse. But pop music itself is becoming less popular as people listen to many different musical genres these days, many of which are just as strong as they used to be.
  4. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Did you seen JK Rowling not invited to Harry Potter anniversary ?
    Whereas she CREATED the original texts.

    Examples like this are millions every day.

    Every day, thousand youtube and spotify accounts are suspended or closed because they are not allowed by Mammon.
    And YOU are going to be the first "reporting" (censoring) them.

    Your "anyone can express himself" is pure b*llsh1t.
    Censorship and selection is EVERYWHERE.
  5. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    The list of cancelled people is too long to mention, you just have to say the wrong words. In fact, some countries are even criminalizing "hate" speech if your way of thinking doesn't follow the official narrative.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    YouTube deleted one million videos since the beginning of the pandemic
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    The problem with 'worse' and 'better' is that someone's worse will sometimes be someone else's 'better'.
    I cannot attribute anything musically to age unless the person learned absolutely nothing their entire life.
    Something is good or it is not. The style or genre is irrelevant. There have been 'diamonds in the rough' for centuries. This has not changed.
    As you all were. :)
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  8. Z3r0Str1k3

    Z3r0Str1k3 Member

    Jan 2, 2022
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    oh myyy.... agree with that ! we can see these days are those that the big companys lead the way today on what to hear... u know, the first who can get to the top its the winner....
  9. Oneeyedstan

    Oneeyedstan Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2021
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    Beyond good and bad!?!

  10. WizzDome71

    WizzDome71 Producer

    Apr 23, 2020
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    I am surprised that no Z generation guy has stated Ok boomer yet:rofl:!!!
    The times they are a-changing.
  11. kh_minusone

    kh_minusone Guest

    Glitter shower? Umbrellas? Feather boa? Facebook?

    I don't know, man, this sounds more like big room house than techno to me.
  12. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    I think popular music might got worse, i don't really know because I don't really listen to popular music. But all music? No way.

    If you find all new music worse, you're just a boomer, sorry. There was so much shit music in the 80s or the 90s... And the portable cassette player is as much guilty as the smartphone.
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  13. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Young people: When new music is too bad it means you are too old.

    More young people: Everyone can have all the money they want and also world peace if they just want it real bad and don't listen to the old people. Also, let's eat tide pods.
  14. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    I personally don't think it's getting worse or better, we've just lost the finantial filter.

    Things use to need to alteast seem profitable for someone to back it in away it would be distributed.

    Now with downloads and streaming services the cost is almost zero and self bradcasting via stuff like youtube. it's go beyond everyone and his dog, to everyones dog, can have their song out in the public domain to be heard.


    You're right this dosn't sound like the Techno I know, but it still sounds fun.

    This is an issue but I don't think I've noticed it affect music. Every song I've ever hear has been on universal topics like, love, hate, fear, jealosy, joy, lonelyness......ect.

    I mean Rod Stewart's song Maggie May is still being played on the radio, this song's about a pedofile sleeping with a high school kid.

    If Percy Sledge's "When a man loves a woman" gets banned for not includeing gay, Trans and bi, before Rod Stewart's " Maggie May" You'll find me on a killing spree.

    Now for good music use to sell? it still dose sell, and so dose a lot of crap. Like it always has

    Need I remind people of the Teletubbies almost getting the christmas number 1 in 1997?

    I decided a few years ago to work my way through every UK singles chart since 1952. What I learned is you can make any year seem good or bad for music.

    Each year we have around 2000 possible songs to have in the top 40, ok some songs will be round for a few weeks so it often ends up being nearer 1000. no matter how you look at it, that's a lot of music. You can easily get 50 good songs out of that list and that's over 2 hours of music. if you listen to that 2 hours of music you'd think it was a good year for music. Even though at the time you hated the music that year because in reality, there was a song that year like Barby Girl, Crazy Frog, Psy's Gangnam Style or Teletubbies, That you hated and heard more then any other song.

    No matter how you look at it, there has always been bad music. It's just now, it is easier for it to be distributed so you got to waste more time filtering it out.
  15. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Tide pods challenge hahahahaha! thats a lot of fun!! I eat a couple of those pods every week just to entertain friends

    A good one is also the corn on the drill, you have to try it:
  16. usernone

    usernone Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I agree with the OP's content. There's lot's of contributing factors.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
  17. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    I don't think music is really getting worse, is just commercial music that goes that way, because the majors kind of found some formula.

    This kind of statement with those study are like the same as telling that restaurant food is worst than 50 years ago by studying only the more popular one, which are fast food. Good restaurant, same as good music, still exist, they're just not the one that sell anymore.

    Also the lyrics part is not a good way to show how "good" (which is a very subjective thing) music is. You take Daft Punk's "Around the World" as an exemple, the lyrical content of this song is surely really poor, but that song is a big classic in house music, that put the genre in a new dirrection, and not just because of how many records they sold. The same could be said about Kraftwerk. Musically, with those point of study, their music appears to be poor, but that doesn't mean it is and doesn't have any positive impact on the culture. Complexity does not mean better and use this to justify that music is becoming worst doesn't show the full picture.

    We just got more offer, with the accessibility of music creation, everyone can release something. But bad music was a thing already 50 years ago, it just wasn't released. Even 200 years ago, more simple music was a thing (probably bad one too), all people weren't Mozart fan, and most of the music played was popular song that didn't make history because of it's unacademic existence.

    Music doesn't getting worse, the popular music (in the commercial sense) is, but just because McDonald exist doesn't mean it makes good familial restaurant disapear.
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  18. B00nD0ggie

    B00nD0ggie Kapellmeister

    Dec 16, 2021
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    Music never gets worse, u just get older and dumber.
  19. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    You have started sounding like foster. I don't just get it; If new music feels bad to you, just don't listen to it and stick to whatever you liked.
  20. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Those topics seem self-indulgent to me, we need total freedom of expression to write about any subject.

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022