I love music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Someone, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I love music.

    I realized more and more I dont love certain genres, and I certainly never loved single artists. I never understood why people idolize on single musician or producer so much. And I understand less and less why I should focus on one single genre.

    I mean its cool that people find a genre they love, but its quiet single minded to stick to one genre forever.

    I understand I change very fast, faster than others. I like habits, but I also like to change them once in a while. Also I change my primary genre from time to time.

    Recently I listened to a lot of Trap. Rude Trap with Hardstyle influences, also chilled Trap. I listened to soft house tracks, to Dubstep, to Downbeat, and right know I listen a Big Room House track, after that I will listen tto he Trap remix.

    I love music because it can give so much, regardless of what the artist had in mind.
    I love music for the sound, not for the message. Screw the message, who cares? I can see whatever the hell I want in a track!
    I love music because it fill emptyness.

    I love music.

    Just wanted to share that.
    Any opinions are welcome. Why do you love music? Do you stick to a certain genre, or do you keep going?
    And out of interest because in that particular point Im very different from most people: Do you also sometimes listen the same track for hours, so long until everybody around you gets annoyed because its the same track the whole damn day?
  3. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    :mates: It Is The Only Thing That Keeps Me Sane In This Crazy World :grooves: :break: :wink:
  4. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I love music, from classical, to metal.
    Michle Jarre, Vangelis, Rondo Veneziano, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Deadmau5, Armand, Metallica, Korn, (a whole pot of genres) etc, etc, etc.
    Occasionally the odd joke about genre but that's it.
    I think without music the world would be gray, cold and miserable.
    Change of subject (sorry to the creator of this topic), but anyone that happens all day listening to music in his head, without stopping, to my deconcentration me, I get up and fall asleep listening music I've ever heard in my life . :wow:

    :break: :break:

    I took the liberty to translate everything to english, please try to use that language in future

  5. johanna

    johanna Newbie

    Oct 22, 2013
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    you can't love music, more appreciate. If you love music, then you don't have/ or you are not loving anyone/anything else.
    :bleh: Always ends that way.

    I love to eat!!! :bleh:
  6. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I love girls while I listen to the music. :grooves:
  7. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I love music - this video says it all, Jon totally engrossed in his art, enjoy :hug:

  8. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    I feel in the same way. I am very interested not only in the genres that I prefer but also new ones where I can get tons of ideas, sounds, even new way of thinking music itself. Basically it's like anything enriches my standard knowledge and when I get back to the basic, like Mozart, I look at it in a completely different way. It's a true "culture" where you never stop learning and enjoying new things especially when they're well done. :thumbsup:
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Music is the vibration of the universe.
    I don't care for genre as long as it's technically listenable (dynamic range) and I enjoy listening to it.
    Just a few months ago, I have discovered Mahler ... and instantly fell in love with his music. There is so much to uncover in symphonic orchestra, so many timbres available, sure synth domain has a lot more to offer, but I like the idea of writing music that real orchestra could play one day. :thumbsup:

    Yet to be a bit specific, I usually listen to movie and game scores, New Age, Ambient, Country and a bit of folk and Mike Oldfield (genre independent). :thumbsup:

    And I LOVE music too :break:
  10. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    @Xsze - Better you don't know what Children of Bodom talk about in a lot of their songs lol. Bodom is a Finnish serial killer. Although there are a few good ol' drinking songs in there too, ha! I've seen these guys live 3 times btw. They rip even harder/faster live. Best synth player I've ever seen. :)
  11. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Yeah man, they are highly skilled at their craft, that's for sure. I listen to a LOT of metal and for a lot of it, I basically have to ignore the message in the lyrics. A few of the sub-genres of metal have great lyrics--but a lot of it is knuckle-dragging nonsense. A lot of the good old Norwegian Black Metal is very good stuff indeed though (see Emperor's Into The Infinity of Thoughts).
  12. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Here's a good old scandinavian warrior type themed track I have always liked a lot. This album gets ignored a lot, even though the band is pretty popular for metal standards.


    The quest for Azunda hath drown near
    The young king, the chaos he brings
    With iron grip's sword, chants come forth
    The child of dark is he

    The prophecy, chaos not near
    In chaos, prophecies begone
    This child of dark, hath foreseen
    He makes its own destiny

    The magic he creates is from his will
    The magic of Azunda, he shall receive
    Iron grip's sword guides his path
    To the place which is no more

    The journey to this place is creation
    In this creation, he shall be
    Living for himself and his destiny
    In his path, lies of the prophecies

    In his mind he sees another
    Who wishes to receive, Azunda
    He sees light within in he's enemy
    And laughs at the prophecy

    His will and his word is his sorcery
    He is waiting for thee
    To put an end to this prophecy
    Azunda, give your power to me

    The child of dark has found thee
    And now must destroy, evil thee
    Iron grip's sword has gone through thee
    Now, Azunda is mine for all to see

    The king's task has been complete
    The chaos has begun for all to see
  13. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    All that metal and warrior stuff... *no*

    Take a listen to something quiet genius and amusing (Trap):

    Or a nice song about acid rain (Dubstep):

    Or perhabs its time to chill abit (Just cool):

    Just to complete it, listen to this track (Big Room House):

    Or just something fucking cool (just watch it, its cool):

    Ha, EDM in your face you metal maniacs *yes* :grooves: :break:
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    My mind is only closed for most of the pop, you know - chart music. It's just that I rarely find anything worth listening to on these stupid charts driven solely by money and greed, the music industry leeches anyway. Especially irritating is watching videos on VIVO or whatever - who's going to get sexier? Who's going to show tits or a clit, whatever? From what I've seen, soon we'll watch porn there, not music videos. it's so ridiculous and pointless, it has nothing to do with MUSIC. Guys, I like women, I like sex, I like porn, too, but porn is porn and music is music, damn it. No tits will make me want to listen to Miley Cyrus, for example, because she got rather naked in her video. I'm going to watch the video, turn the volume down and jerk off if I think she's attractive. Simple. ;P :) I'm NOT going to buy any CDs or tracks. It is pointless. On the other hand, if you want to look at naked women there are naked women all over the internet in all shapes and colours! Why would one want to look at this video at all? It is not at all exciting. However, the girl does have a good voice, but being a part of the music industry will never make her a real artist. Just a modern music industry freak. In one year, out the other year [when she gets fat or pregnant].

    Anyway, the point is I like lots of different styles and don't pay too much attention to any genre in particular except industrial... that has become everything but industrial. It's bs, honestly. Industrial my fucking arse.

    Two things:

    1) Industrial traditionally had a usually social message of a kind to convey.

    2) Industrial sounded rather up your arse and ears, too. Not like a Roland MT32 demo song.

    Damn I'm pissed. [look up the meaning LOL]
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    A really good track IMHO:



    You know, the kind that makes me rape a pillow, kill a glass of wine and a plate of spicy soy chunks with chips? :)

    And on a serious not be closer to my fellow humans and animals, life. Not get away from it. Everybody is getting away form it too much and all the time. We need to get real more. We need something to get people from the TV and propaganda because they're zombies just living for TV and what's on it. TV is the worst drug ever and the addicts should be cured. I have rather personal experiences of how TV can impact your judgement... it's a poison. I don't have TV at all for years now and I feel more free. Internet is more than enough of interaction with humans and it's two-way.
  16. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    True, most mainstream music is shit... I sometimes cant believe so many people listen, love and sing this soulless shit. I mean not all popular music is shit, I really like some of Faithless' tunes or the older Tiesto stuff for example, great tunes. But todays charts are so soulless...

    And think about the message these people send out. Im not one of these we-must-overprotect-everybody-persons, but youth looks up to their stars. And honestly, you can feel youth is looking up to that "turn of your brain and dance", "look sexy, nothing else is important" and "work hard play hard" crap.
    "Work hard play hard", what thats supposed to mean? Be a brainless worker, but its okay because you're also a brainless party animal??? I guess thats perfect for industry, but sad for humanity.
    Music is soul, not partying. Yes partying is an important part of music, but it shouldnt be everything music is about!

    She doestn even look good... Or is that just my opinion?

    Yeah that track got something, its one of these nice, rude tracks.

    I think you call it Drumstep, it more "moving" in my opinion.

    ...Dont we have something like a music share thread round here? Would make sense, I would love to share some unique tracks, and listen to other stuff you guys like. What do you think, should I start I thread like that (or do we already have one???)
  17. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Yeah you know what, fuck it: Lets rape this thread and share Music we love all around. After all the thread title is I love music, kinda fits...
    (will fix my porevious post, put YT links in it for the songs a shared)

    Hey X you got the mp3 of that track you shared? You maybe remember my previous source for music has stopped being a trustworthy website... And Google nowdays sucks dick in searching warez...
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Exactly. *yes* Let the Pandora win. :rofl:

    Often you can get so much from unexpected stuff or just stuff you thought you wouldn't like. Learn how to embrace it.

    How about this:

    "Another murder in the name of democracy
    Land of the free with policies of slavery
    I'm laughing hard - The draft card I watch it burn
    They want to see my ass dead, well it's his turn
    That's why they're calling me a communist, a socialist
    Ain't that a bitch?
    I'd rather be a commie than a fascist
    I fight the system of oppression who's profession
    Is discretion another for the possession of money!"
  19. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Cloudy, but incredibly peaceful morning here :thumbsup:
    Let me join
