What happens when you're on the other side of the equation?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dway, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. dway

    dway Newbie

    Dec 19, 2011
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    What happens when you're on the other side of the equation?

    How many of us can actually afford to buy everything we've tried and liked?

    What happens when you, yourself become a published Producer, Artist, Creator, of Software and

    Intellectual Property?

    I've already come to terms with the fact that anyone choosing to make a living at the aformentioned

    trades is in a precarious position.

    I'n some cases we're not a significant lose of income, in other cases we are.

    So, are we all resigned to doing this for fun with no hope of ever earning an income, unless you
    perform a live show, which can't be downloaded for free, untill it's captured on film?

    I've been on alot of forums and I've heard alot of views and through all the pros and cons and tit for
    tat one upmanship, nit picking foolishness, And there's one constant people seem to forget.

    Despite the legal loopholes and political ramifications All of this is not "healthy".

    The're is another word i could substitute for healthy, lol ask your boy, Dotcom from Megaupload what

    that word is.LOL

    Just remember the bigger picture, Give Back.
  3. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    It's nice to be able to try a software in good conditions (ie. without any limits).
    It really sucks when you don't dare to take your dongle on a trip, because you're scared of losing several non-reproductible license stored there.
    It's really counter productive to have a PILE of redundant effect/instruments/samples.
    It takes time to actually learn a synth or a bunch of samples. you can do it with a few instruments or sample pack. not with a packed 2Tb drive.

    It's great to be able to listen to some music, without having to go to a store...
    It sucks when you don't find any way to download the music you bought on GooglePlay on a harddrive as a stupid MP3 , or when beatport forget you bought these tracks, and you can't re-dl them after several weeks/month.

    It's great to release some music. It's great to have a LOT of peoples knowing your songs and your music and lovin' it.
    Great to play to a crowded venue, a sold-out show... in a country where you never sold any CD...
    It sucks to know that most of your audience won't realize : YOU CAN'T ORGANIZE A SOLID, FREQUENT TOURING, in good venues, over a continent without selling some CDs, or itunes or whatever.

    It's sad when people DL gigabytes of music, and won't even listen to it.

    It's up and down sides, a balance of these, the world isn't black or white.

    I have some friends in the business , making quite some money , which won't pay for their software (but they still rant about music piracy)
    Some other insists on buying all the plugins they use
    Same things among the amateur friends.
  4. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Do you mean "Musician (Creativity/Passion) vs Producer (Greed/Money)"?
  5. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    It is a dispute that never ends, yesterday I saw a tutorial of Fab and used plugins AIR, a shame, since I consider it as a form of greed and they are the true cause why many developers lower their arms, surrender unemployed or giving, a true hypocrites!.
    Moreover I see that the software developers have since tougher on the system of "perfect copy" anti-piracy and other methods antiwarez software and I think that could ward off future customers.
    To highlight, the shopping system having soft does not seem very flexible because exclude other currency, the amount of new customers if they would expand and accept other changes would be surprised (not everyone can buy in dollars or devido euros to certain restrictions imposed by the government in power in each country).
  6. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    when i get an income with the software i use,i ll pay for it,but since without that software i can t do what i aim to do i have no alternatives.i like quality and quality has a price,so i consider the software i use a loan that i ll give back when i can
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Look at it from another stand point:

    Our whole paradigm is set up around greed. It is that simple. It is not just the music business, movie industry, art, etc. It is LIFE! Every damn thing is driven by the NEED to get money. Then, when you get some money, you NEED to get more money, and on and on ad infinitum! We have been sold a lie. No one spends any time actually just LIVING because we have been sold mod cons that take away the need to spend any time on actually living. Imagine you had to get up and physically hunt / gather your breakfast, clean water, fuel for heat, etc, etc. These things which past generations simply learned or died!

    But, I digress!

    When you have created an amazing work of art, be it a painting, an opus or even a simple poem, would it not be enough to know that just by giving you have brought pleasure into someone`s life? I would venture that if this is NOT the case, you are no true artist.

    My point is simple. We have, through digital technology and the possibilities it creates, evolved, progressed. We cannot go back nor regress. This evolution had all but rang the death knoll for a great many industries, which, for the longest time have been cesspools infested by the worst kind of greed and self driven parasites. Managers, Executives, the "industry types". Every single one of us knows of several stories were bands, artists, writers have been thoroughly exploited and ruined at the hands of these low lives. Businesses have been crushed at the whim of these all powerful tyrants, lives ruined, people broken.

    So. We now have a chance to change. Technology has forced our hand. Whether this is positive or negative is immaterial, it is REALITY! What we do now is up to us. We have a chance of cutting these bastards out of the game. We simply stop feeding the beast. Stop giving them the power. How we proceed? Fooked if I know! But, we must go forward.

    Money is the root of ALL evil. I for one am sick of living in an evil, self centred, what`s in it for ME, MYSELF & I world.

    God bless.
  8. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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  9. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Bang on bro Bang on :thumbsup:
  10. L8L7

    L8L7 Newbie

    Apr 24, 2013
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    I pirated a large-ish film I licensed music to just the other day (allegedly). I buy a lot of things and try a lot more. Most are disappointing, and don't find their way into my workflow. It's a balance. But you'll have to get a lot farther up the chain than just making a living at music, before you're not being taken advantage of grievously.
  11. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Anyway if you are a musician or a producer (...or Brian Eno) you have a goal: let people listen to alot more music (...your music first).
  12. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    1-I know pretty well a software isn't hardware.
    2-I see most of my producer-wannabe friend buying (or cracking) Logic (or something else) and doing NOTHING with it (not making bad stuff I mean, just making nothing, and procrastinating the "day they'll start making something with that software")
    3-I know students have no or little money , and a short attention : they might enjoy banging a few tunes for several weeks or months, but they'll find another hobby.

    I'm OK-ish with that.

    I don't mean to troll , but imagine the guy :
    I'll just pick-up this guitar! Just for learning... If my band is successful, or if I get so good that I can give lessons, I'll pay for it. It's just a loan.
    To you, a software isn't something material, no matter how serious you get with it : no matter what you think about it's very material to the builder of it.
    I find it unhealthy.
    Same goes for my band's mp3.
  13. dway

    dway Newbie

    Dec 19, 2011
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    Im just saying ive seen the blackout of 78 in Nyc, I've seen the Rodney King riots in l.A. when common law abbiding citizens started grabbing shit at will.

    I'm not a saint no pun intended lol but, i'm not gonna stand by while everybody's taking sh*t and say stop!

    hell, imma grab me some shit too, lol but you've seen what happend after calm is restored and the aftermath when you don't have
    a store to

    get food from for miles lol or any of the basic things you need for day to day survival.lol

    P.S. I had originally wrote Aint got no store to go to, but i know that ain't isnt a word and no store to go too is a double negative, but iv'e got to watch my english and spelling because some real penmanship trolls our out to get me, while their commiting federal offenses worrying about run on sentences, I know what i'm doing and where i'm from how about you!!!!!

    and your msi gs70 aka stealth sucks, It can't even f*ck with my Alienware M11x and that's the baby of the bunch.
  14. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    You can't pirate grammar.


  15. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Great article, Pilzy, however I have to disagree on this.
    Money is in its form neutral, the perception of money can be 'evil', but not the money itself.
    Money can be used to buy goods and services, and has nothing to do with greed :thumbsup:

    Anyway I like how Joe Vitale put it:
    Lack of Money is the root of ALL evil.

    Merry Christmas
  16. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    it's just a tool.
    Much more convenient than directly trading stuffs.
  17. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    if someone thinks money is the root of all evil,send it to me and i ll glady get u rid of this burden so u can live a life free from evil,it will make u happier and it make me happier
  18. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    That's so kind and sweet from you.

    this is what i call the christmas spirit :)
  19. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Good point Andrew, the money in and of itself is not evil. The society which teaches it members that it is ALL important and makes the possibility of life without it impossible, that is evil. A society that regularly puts the value of profit way above the cost of a life, that is evil. I just get so sick of seeing greed and self everywhere.

    However, a change to the system isn`t necessarily the answer. Just look at the current alternative to capitalism in effect elsewhere in the world, socialism! :wow:

    I wish I, or for that matter Bro, you, or ANYONE at all had an answer that could stop our destructive, careless, thoughtless actions that are killing our planet and 1000`s of our brothers and sisters on a daily basis.

    Money is the problem. Money is the answer. The more money you get, the more power comes with it. As Lord Acton said, power corrupts, ultimate power corrupts ultimately. Maybe it`s not the money or the power to blame. Maybe it is just that we as a species have evolved through the guidance of the social Zeitgeist into unmanageable, broken organisms that are doomed to self destruction. But then, since Eve took that bite of the fruit in the garden, we have been living in a fallen creation, fallen and in need of salvation.

    Whoa! Check me out, cynical Mr Pessimism or what? :(

    May the Lord God Almighty have mercy on His children.