hCaptcha Harder For Humans Than It Should - Machine Learning

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Darth Vader Son, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. Darth Vader Son

    Darth Vader Son Banned

    Dec 11, 2021
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    hCaptcha is a service for preventing bots to access the site.
    But is this only a purpose of this service?
    I think there is additional hidden purpose which is Machine Learning. Training a Neural Network. Tensorflow etc.
    Look there is hundreds sites using this and hundreds of people which fill thousands of hCaptcha everyday.
    They will be stupid if they will not use it to machine learning.

    One of the proof is that
    hCaptcha challenges are harder and harder and no more user friendly.

    Here are only examples that I found on the net.
    But I saw much much harder which was very hard for me to fill.




    Feel Free To Post a Screenshot With Your hCaptcha :wink:
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  4. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

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  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Why captchas are getting harder
  6. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    I fucking hate the ones in the last example! Who's idea was it to take pics of receipts and use them for captcha?! You can almost never read them even if you are holding them yourself!
  7. Darth Vader Son

    Darth Vader Son Banned

    Dec 11, 2021
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  8. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    This is very interesting. And fucked up ofc.
    From experience I know since a while ago the Captchas aren't verified or even supervised by a human. You have to solve them wrong many times.

    So when in doubt literally what I do is solve them like "what a lame-ass IA bot would do?". This applies especially to the objects that show only a little in one square.

    Didn't know the training thing but it makes a lot of sense.
  9. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    See xkcd 1897:

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  10. uladzislau

    uladzislau Producer

    Sep 29, 2018
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    dude i hate this shit sooooooooo much :trashing:
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  12. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Am I the only one who can't get past hCpatchas recently? I can solve them just fine (it gives me the green check in the check/tickbox), but when I press Submit I always get a "Your answer wasn't correct, please try again".

    Does anyone know a fix to this? I can't even log into some of my accounts on sites because of this. Maybe it's just a Brave issue? Doesn't matter if I disable shields in Brave, I still get the same reply/error. The weird thing is that in Edge (another Chromium-based browser) I don't even get any hCaptchas, so I can easily log into my accounts with Edge.
  13. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    It could be the system time Arabian_jesus, maybe try using a different server.
    How to fix a system time, date, and time zone in Windows

    I'm a programmer, and I have a theory.

    We recently used google authenticator, and just last week with the time change the codes stopped working, this is because the server had a schedule with a different timezone, and the google service gave an error when evaluating each generated code.

    I believe this because there was a time when the authentication codes worked perfectly for me in activision login, but the error had already occurred in the past, and today, when the winter time was set, it fails again.

    My question is, really such a large team has not been able to spend some time to fix something that is literally the base of all their systems?
  14. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    TLDR: If this is sign-up rather than sign-in, try a different email. If it's sign-in, try making a new account anyway - with a different email address. I used a relay to my real email address and that instantly fixed it. Maybe your email address is shitlisted.

    Boring story time: I was going to reply to this when I first saw it, because the exact same thing was happening to an acquaintance - successfully solve hcaptcha, account system says "yeah, but actually no". But since we knew no fix, I didn't. Then yesterday he said that he had finally managed to sign-up .. by not using his @gmail.com address.

    That's when the penny dropped for me. Last week I was trying to change my email address on a website from a long dead throwaway address to my real @gmail.com. I managed to log in with the throwaway without a problem, but their account system won't let you change your email address. No biggie, I'll just make a new account with my real address then. But I couldn't get the page to sign me up. There was a little hcaptcha icon in the corner, but it never asked me to solve anything, so I paid no attention to it. I spent hours on this, filling out the form again and again with different details, but I never changed my mail. I removed my hosts file, changed DNS, changed browser, disabled adblocker, tried from mobile, disabled 3rd party cookie blocking, I even tried in a VM. No luck. I was just sitting there, waiting for 10+ minutes before I got the same popup again - "ERROR".

    I 100% thought the website's account system was just broken. Then today I saw my acquaintance fixing it. I tried once more with my @gmail.com - "ERROR". I then tried with a Firefox Relay alias (web app, independent of the browser) and it instantly signed me up.

    Here's what's worse about this: I think this has been quietly happening since mid-2024 to a bunch of people, but I never put 2+2 together. I'd try to sign up to mailing lists and nothing would happen. Or I'd get a "success", but I never ever got any mail at all, not even a "welcome". Occasionally I'd see people complaining about the same thing with developers just commenting "check your spam folder". Eventually I'd get pissed off enough to mail support to manually sign me up - which always worked. I've had to do this half a dozen times since about June. Here's another nugget. The last newsletter I wanted to sign up for, I tried with 5 different addresses (gmail, throwaway, relay, outlook, zoho) and none worked. I gave up - at least I knnew it was happening to lots of other people too - angry comments. Then, a week later, I got a small avalanche of "welcome!" mails (all at the same time) on all my addresses for that newsletter. The internet is broken.
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  15. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Like I said, I can easily log into these accounts from Edge since I don't even get these hCaptchas in Edge. These accounts were also made with Proton Mail aliases, so it can't have antyhing to do with my email being blacklisted or anything.

    When looking for answers I came across a few bug reports on the Brave forum, and it seems like other people also have had issues with various captchas in Brave throughout the years. It might still have to do with my specific config, but I'm too lazy to re-install Brave. For the time being I'll just use Edge when I need to access these accounts.
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