Accentize VoiceGate2

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Deceptive, Feb 17, 2022.

  1. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Remove Noise with VoiceGate

    VoiceGate is a Machine-Learning based audio plug-in which can be used to reduce noise from speech and vocal recordings in real-time. An artificial neural network has been trained on thousands of different audio recordings to learn the characteristics of human speech. The plugin can automatically adapt to any noise type and lets you easily control the amount of noise reduction you need.

    specification and price
    Accentize VoiceGate2 is available as VST3, AAX and AU for Windows and macOS (Apple Silicon is natively supported). Instructions are available as a PDF on the website. A demo version is available for download. If you already own the first version, you get a free update, otherwise you pay 154 euros. You can get the Post Production Bundle (consisting of VoiceGate2, DeRoom Pro, Chameleon and SpectralBalance) for 547 euros.
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