How on Gods Green Earth, do I achieve a Mix like this?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Brendan, Nov 19, 2021.

  1. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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  2. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    His BD is way louder compared to the bass and has less to none reverb.
  3. EindBaaz

    EindBaaz Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2022
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    TBH you can sell anything, the problem is getting ppl to hear it.
    I bet that if you make a wack beat, let big studios hear it to say its wack and after that having it released with a famous rapper/singer on it it would still sell.

    Also a lot of music types are easy to make and can be done within a few hours, so how would we even define when a artist is good.
    Personally i hate mainstream rap music cause its wack, lyrics are garbage cause its all made to sell no matter what.
    While a plethora of underground and social media artists are way better than 95% of the rich and famous.
  4. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    This is beyond basic, i can tell nothing special is going around, no buss compression, no saturation strait to the limiter, and that's either lazy or he just can't do better or won't because to his ears that's good enough.
  5. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    exactly, not even that impressive yet somehow people are attracted to that sort of sound, anyway got some good news and few things to share friend, i'll contact you soon! :mates:
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  6. Brendan

    Brendan Kapellmeister

    Apr 3, 2020
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    It seems in the real music business, you do the least amount of work, and you get the most rewards I swear to god.

    I constantly release music on social media. and Songs I spent maybe... 15 mins on? get a ton of views.

    Then, I upload a very well mixed song that i really worked hard on, I spent roughly hours or days, sometimes a week on.

    And nobody cares. I've had people say "this must have taken forever to make". when in my heart, I feel pain. Knowing it was a throwaway but I released it anyway lol.

    But I'll never stop trying to get better at composing and mixing.
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  7. jaja1

    jaja1 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2022
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    Ive listened to "aspire" and right of the bat I can tell you that your instruments have too much frequencies ranging from 300-2000Hz. That is like mid range and the top end is cut/filtered. The low end seems to be filtered aswell. The extension of frequencies towards the top and bottom is what I see as different from the beat in the video that you provided. That is the "mist" in your mix or the hollowness. The other thing is that there are too many resonances which poke ears and distract from the sound. The drums are loud but lacking transients which is a mistake. They take too much space but dont provide the punch. You need transients there, not just loudness. Another thing is that your dynamics sometimes get wild and go out of place, which makes things sound unfocused, it needs more compression, but tasteful compression that serves only to control dynamics. The last thing is that you need to put drums infront of the mix. That you do by creating transients and letting them poke above the mix while the tail remains somewhat in the mix, and you possibly do sidechain compression. You can also make the top frequencies of drums mono while all other instruments are spread at the top. I attempted a little fix to demonstrate my points, but there are many problems in balancing and everything needs to be done from scratch in the mix, not on the master track. So you can see if this is going in the right direction for you.

    For some reason I cannot upload the file here so I provide a mega link:

    Regarding whether or not you should do a lot of mixing, depends on the sounds. Your track needs to be at a certain place regarding all aspects of audio(eq balance, dynamics,phase and stereo spread,level...) for each sound. How much mixing and processing you do depends literally on how close or far a sound is from what it needs to be. If you pick the sounds right from the get go, you mix less, but that may get repetitve or you might not like the sounds which fit together right away. So then you pick the ones you like and do enough processing accordingly. So this does not depend on some general principle, but on the state of the sounds that you have when you start mixing.
  8. bravesounds

    bravesounds Producer

    Sep 4, 2017
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    Hmm, nothing special.
    Gather good sources. Choose a good sauce. Hit clipping hard.
    This is what all YouTube hiphop producers are all about
  9. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Sounds like exactly what he said to me- a couple out of the box sounds mixed together. Not hearing the magical specialness. If you want to sound like that, get Omnisphere, get Exhale, pick (only) a couple sounds, hit play in you DAW and leave them alone.
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