Kontakt 6.6.0: Can't add NOVO despite following all advice forums

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Wildfyre, Feb 5, 2022.

  1. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Hello, thanks in advance for any help I might get here! This forum has been a lot of help over the years, I'm just a lurker usually. With that being said, I have quite a bit of experience with using different releases of Kontakt. I've made custom .nicnt's, .xml's, and I've also edited registry entries - all in effort to get libraries to work. Alas, I have finally found my match lol

    I tried to add NOVO (modern strings) through the Bob Dule Kontakt 6.6.0 release, as shown here:
    The library proceeds to add correctly:
    Upon loading Kontakt 6.6.0, the library does not populate:
    Checking the Library Manager within Bob Dules Kontakt interface, I find that NOVO is showing:
    Checking KLM 3, I see that there is in fact no library registered as NOVO, and that the slot is somehow showing as open:
    From here, I decided to do a hard code edit of the nicnt and xml files, as well as manually edit the registry entries accordingly (within these registry entries I made sure to input the proper snpid, HU, and JDX). I also checked within the Bob Dule interface to see if there were any SNPID duplications, and there aren't any. At this point in this post, I have ran out of image uploads, so I will share the code snips in the reply section.

    At any rate, after editing all of the relevant files and reopening Kontakt I am once again greeted with no NOVO library. At this point, I deleted all of the registry entries as well as the xml.

    I then decided to add NOVO directly through KLM. Upon opening up Kontakt, I found that NOVO had actually populated this time, and I could actually see the nki files. However, when I try to load one it gives me the classic: "this library is not activated" error. From here, I went into the code again, and made sure that the HU and JDX codes were in place within the registry. I then opened up Kontakt again, and found the same error was still present.

    I then decided to use KLC to make a completely new nicnt: new library name, new registry location, ext... This library populated within Kontakt, but gave the same "this library is not activated" error. I once again added the proper HU and JDX - no luck. Reverting this nicnt to a new version of the one I had replaced (ie. changing it to be a fresh copy with the same SNPID as the base release of NOVO) also didn't fix things.

    I have tried every combination I can think of to get this library to work, and nothing has proved truly fruitful yet... I tried to find a copy of Kontakt 5.6.6, to see if I could add the library the good old fashioned way, but I can't find a copy of 5.6.6 that actually installs correctly. I found 5.6.5 and got it working, but the associated 5.6.6 update ruins the install (and NOVO was made for the 5.6.6 release specifically).

    I did find a portable copy of Kontakt 5.6.6, and I can actually get NOVO to work and play within that copy (since they use different source files, registries, and xmls), however it is very inconvenient to use it like that.

    Anyone know what's going wrong here and how to fix it within Kontakt 6.6.0?

    I think the issue is that the library isn't loading into the library manager correctly, but how would I correct this when KLM can't even do it? For reference, I have successfully added VENTO, FORZO, and the three NOVO packs.

    Attached Files:

  3. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Here are the code snips:

    Attached Files:

  4. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    first I saw - you have old nicnt.


    this is proper data for NOVO.nicnt:
      <Product version="14">
          <Application minVersion="5.5" nativeContent="true">Kontakt</Application>
          <Application minVersion="2.4" nativeContent="false">Maschine</Application>
          <Application minVersion="1.5" nativeContent="false">KKontrol</Application>
          <Visibility type="Number">3</Visibility>
  5. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Did you try updating Native Access?

    If your <SNPID> matches then 99% of the time it can be solved just by updating the Native Access.
  6. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Thanks for the example code from your library Talula, I appreciate the help! I replaced the code in my nicnt and xml files, and double checked my registry entries, the library is still missing from Kontakt. I removed the library as well and redid everything to no avail. It's sadly still doing the same thing it was doing in my original post.

    Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the assistance Claude! Here is the code within my NativeAccess.xml:

      <Product version="14">
          <Application minVersion="5.5" nativeContent="true">Kontakt</Application>
          <Application minVersion="2.4" nativeContent="false">Maschine</Application>
          <Application minVersion="1.5" nativeContent="false">KKontrol</Application>
          <Visibility type="Number">3</Visibility>
    The code has been updated to the new example code that Talula provided. Not sure if this is what you meant when you said update Native Access? I have also ran the "NI Key Adder" as well as the "SNPID Lister" that is provided within Bob Dules release, all keys are correct and no duplications exist - Kontakt also shows the NOVO SNPID as listed properly within the database. Those are the closest things that I'm aware of, with regards to updating Native Access. Please do clarify if you meant something entirely different![/QUOTE]
  7. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    run native access (you don't need to login to your account), wait one minute and close it.
    this will update NativeAccess.xml
    after that run kontakt and look for library
  8. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    btw, on macOS xml files creating only for libraries that were installed with native access or with installer.
    libraries that comes as archived pack working without xml file after adding with "add library".
  9. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    the old nicnt is still working, even the R2R library manager take it.

    check if the library option is selected.

    because it load normally in many kontakt versions without editing the nicnt.

    it can also come's from a home made library using the same snpid, but usually the last added is seen, hidding the other.
  10. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    I ran an update on Native Access, oddly enough the update was ticking up to 400% complete, at any rate the update failed. Should have been enough to fix the .xml file though.

    I'm running Windows 10, so I'm not sure if xmls are still needed? Forzo and Vento don't have one, so my guess is that my file is redundant. Just added it in while I was brainstorming solutions before I came to the forum.

    I attached a snip of my libraries tab, where Novo should populate. Still no luck, it also dosen't show under the library manager after adding it through 6.6.0.


    *Note: Nova is a library by Triple Spiral Audio, not to be confused with Novo :rofl:

    I can manually add the library using KLM, but when I try to open a nki it informs me that the library is not activated (despite the fact I manually added the HU and JDX codes into the registry). This added KLM version also appears to be recognized by Kontakt as a new library that just happens to carry the old name and SNPID. Perhaps it is over-riding the original SNPID associated with Novo, making it to where I can't revert back because Kontakt is still trying to find the newly associated Novo that was added by KLM?
  11. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I am a Mac person so I can't give you PC level advice but I have another idea you can try.

    You may have a situation on your system where another library is using the SNPID number you are trying to use on this library.

    1. For a library to work in Kontakt the SNPID# must match in both the .xlm file AND the .nicnt file.
    2. The SNPID# must also not already be in use by different library.

    I suggest using one of the various utilities that list all the SNPIDs in use on your system and which libraries they are assigned to. There is one called "SNPID Lister" for PC on the other site. There are several others if you look around. I have one for MAC that will make list of all SNPIDs and automatically assign new non-conflicting numbers to orphaned libraries.

    Good luck.
  12. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    your maschine seems to be broken
    re install native access if the auto update fail
    install NOVO from the iso setup, it don't need to edit/add anything.
    google bob dule for iso links.

    if you got a msi installer error,
    try this windows tool to repair install/uninstall

    i checked it on the NOVO setup not installing on one machine previously revo cleaned, now all is ok.
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  13. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Thanks for the reply, I have ran a SNPID check and no other library is running this code. This is the weirdest Kontakt problem I've ever had, and I've had a lot of them lol

    For this NOVO library I've been using, as well as with its expansions and related products, I never actually got an install file. It seems to be hit or miss whether or not I get an install file from the cites I frequent these days. Thanks for the tip about using your cite, I didn't know there were so many files on it! I'm gonna download the iso right now and see if I can get it to work - if not I'll use the windows tool you linked.

    Thanks for all you do for the community, and thanks for your help here! Will update this thread after I try these out!
  14. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Damnnnnnn,no luck, most likely there is some issue deeper within my machine. I'm just gonna accept that NOVO isn't gonna work on my PC. Thanks for all the help though, genuinely great stuff. The tech support on this forum is light years ahead of actual tech companies, and I'm not exaggerating!