Help Me with Virus

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Someone, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Sorry for the catchy title...

    I may have downloaded a virus because my number one site for ILLEGAL mp3 downloads (yeah, shame on me...) once again changed the way to the real download link, and fuck yes: I clicked the wrong downlaod button the first time ever. I feel a bit stupid... A file downloaded itself named after the song, but it was an exe-file. I mean I directly realized that thats a virus or something, but the thing is: I wasnt able to delete it, according to my download-manager it ALREADY HAD BEEN DELETED.

    Holy shit, I think I got a virus...!

    Now heres where I need your help: Where the hell can I post this problem, where people can really help me. Most communitys and help boards have, well, certain rules dealing with illegal activities... Actually AudioSex is the only forum I know besides Warez-Communitys where I can ask something like that withouth fearing a ban (or way worse).

    ANy ideas? My Anti Virus and a malware scanner that helped me before cant detect anything. Im feared as shit, recently watched a lot of videos about old viruses. And these already were bad, cant imagine how worse the new ones are. WHo knows who have my data by now...


    Edit: If it helps, the site Im talking about is, and the download link was via
  3. dway

    dway Newbie

    Dec 19, 2011
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    Go to Bleepingcomputers website.
  4. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    do a system restore to before you did it. Or install a problem like malware bytes or something. Did you just download the file or did you actually open it and install it?
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    What was the name of the extra file? Did you execute it? Are you running an AV? If you are it's likely that it could have detected something simple and already stepped in to delete it.

    MalwareBytes and SuperAntiSpyware are two of the best malware scanners along with Kaspersky as one of the best suites so put your system through that. If you're really nervous than you can reformat if you have your stuff backed up.

    PS if you run an AV check the quarantine and report your findings here.
  6. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    download Combofix and run as administrator or the others mentioned work well too
  7. miklan

    miklan Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2012
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    1: Run Rogue Killer - (LINK) (save on your desktop)
    2: Install & run Malwarebytes - (LINK)
    3: Run Combofix (on your desktop) (LINK) ==> for an uninstallation (when everything is over), RUN, then type "combofix /uninstall" (without dots)

    the 3 work GREAT......
  8. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    > Im feared as shit
    Honestly, if you have personal data of any interest on your Windows machine, why do you connect it to the internet at all?

    You know, with all the nasty Javascript/Flash/etc poisoning today, even the best AV software will never protect you 100%, not before the AV developers have delivered an AV database update, which can be weeks or even months after the new virus has appeared.
    Viruses get better and better, and some are so hard to detect that they are still not covered by top-rated AV software today. I have seen some mind-boggling ones really...

    One thing you could do is read some manuals about Windows security and modify your user and system security profiles in a way that stuff like that is less likely to happen, but you know, hackers have always sooner or later found a way to get around most protection mechanisms.
  9. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    You need to burn Avira Rescue CD on other machine

    and then run on your, start system from that bootable CD, and do all the scan. This way, you never run your infected system.
  10. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    if your anti virus did not pick it up it's possibly an internet browser exploit where it will hide inside your browser, or a rootkit, which runs before your operating system starts when switching on your puter

    HijackThis is a good way of seeing if your browsers have been compromised - if you have never used Hijackthis, let me know and I will be able to look at its report and tell you which items need to be deleted

    Rootkit Revealer is pretty good at detecting those little bad beasties

    Be careful with ComboFix, make sure you read and follow the instructions on how to use it properly

    My setup for those little nasties here is

    AVAST(Free) antivirus -always on
    Malwarebytes - as needed
    adblock for brower (firefox) - always on
    Spybot - as needed
    HijackThis - as needed
    Ccleaner - brower history/cookies remover - once a day
    RootKit Revealer / ComboFix / plus a few others - When I've fecked up

    At least you recognized the error quickly so, you should be able to despatch the nasties with a bit of effort. The number of times I have been asked to clean a persons puter and they've had these viruses running for weeks if not months, and they wonder why they are unable to use the puter properly.
  11. funkytoe

    funkytoe Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Maybe this can help......
    Get Dr.Web....unplug your internet...
    Dr.Web scans your PC and deletes
    Viruses in safety mode.....
    Backup your System....Backups are
    the best way to defeat Viruses...
    I use Macrium Reflect,it compresses
    and recovers better and faster then Acronis...
    and its free...!!!!
    Good Luck
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    malwarebytes(scans for trojans also and viruses.)
    turn of java, no script addon, use fireglove.
    do not accept 3rd party cookies, use peerblock to block - spyware ips, ad ips!
    adblock is a also something good.

    but the best way is still to backup and reinstall windows, because its really not possible sometimes to get a clean system again.
    and then use the steps above.
  13. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Thanks for all your suggestions and help :wink: ...

    My security program (Microsoft Security Essentials) actually did pop up, but I dont really know what it did because it wanted to send data about the file... Malwarebytes didnt found anything after that, nor did MSE.

    I will run a scanner from Boot CD, looking for anything. If I dont find anything I properly have to use some of the stated scanners. If all that dont help, it either means I dont actually have a virus, or the virus is just to damn good. Either way I will have to copy the data that hasnt been backup'd before (due the fact I created a lot of stuff the last week, thats quiet some important data... it really was the best time for a virus to fuck me) with a boot CD, hoping the virus isnt attached to the data... Then say goodbye and reinstall everything. YEAH... Merry Christmas Someone!
  14. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    pm the link and I will have a looksee and see if I can work out what the exe actually was :mates:

    my suspicion is a browser hijacker, but I need to have a look at the file
  15. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    I think there is no help for you.
    The bad thing happened and no antivirus or anti-malware will help you soon.
    Those protections help for known infections, but not for new ones.
    Never was satisfied with them and never will be.

    I don't use any of them at all, since I found Sandboxie !!!
    I never go online without sandboxing my Firefox.
    I can open the worst site with any malware on it and simply delete the sandbox browser folder after that.
    Nothing escaped and infected my PC.
    A sandbox does not allow that !!!

    I also open any infected key generator and just take the serial.
    After that I delete the sandbox folder with the keygen and nothing has infected my system.

    If I have a suspicious program, I first install it in a sandbox and test it there.
    I can also watch and see where it installs and what files.
    If any file is installed that looks or behaves bad, I will know it!

    I am now officially 2 years without any infection of any kind since I use Sandbox !!!

    I have installed Jdownloader and my Torrent inside a Sandbox,
    so nothing will get out if I don't allow !!!

    Have you asked yourself how antivirus companies find a virus and don't get their system infected?
    Simply because they also use a virtual sand boxed environment, similar to Sandboxie !!!

    I recommend a reinstall to be sure to have a clean system and then never
    browse the net without Sandboxie again.

    Best thing is !!! It's free with basic feature and you need the full version only
    if you want to run more then one sandboxes at once.
    I use the free one...., and I'm totally fine...

  16. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    from the link you've posted looks like some sort of crappy download manager

    "EzDownloaderpro" = I tink it's a browser hijacker :wink:

    you clicked the big blue DOWNLOAD NOW button, didn't you? :dont:
  17. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    GOOD NEWS everybody!

    I found that motherfucker! Wrote itself into chromes data-files... Killed that Bitch!

    I used Avira and BitDefender, both booted via CD. Luckily you can see when a virus was created, and than I knew for sure that that virus was the virus I searched for.

    Thanks for everybody help and attention, its great that I got so much answers so fast! On enough other forums I could have been banned because of the illegal aspect of my problem (or on german forums my IP could have been transfered to the police, that would have sucked)

    Ah Im so happy! If I hadnt found this cunt, I would have had a big problem because I have to answer an importand email because of a job offer but I have to show them my graphic design skills and so on... Now I can finish that shit too and when I get that fucking job Im totaly happy and thats that. Im in a good mood toay :)

    By the way, thats the song I wnated to download:
  18. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    close pc down, restart and double check. If you have restore function activated, you may need to deactivate it, delete virus, then restart computer and re-activate restore again. :wink:
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Sandboxie isn't as safe as you think. I have some articles on research conducted into various sandboxes that goes into detail on this subject but I'm in between computers right now so when I get situated I will post it for you.
  20. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Please post those articles, I would like to read them too.
    Always good to know where the flaws of a software are.

    But I can only repeat myself regards virus and other malware.
    I am totally free of these since two years.

    Before Sandboxie I had at least every 3-6 month some problems...!

    Whatever the flaws are, they can't be that big.
    Even with Sandboxie I'm very cautious and don't do stupid things.

    I would say that it's good to have a virus and malware tool, but only for scanning purpose.
    Not for running with the system, because it's not necessary with Sandboxie !
  21. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    You never know...

    Funny story, the german police programmed a trojan to catch copyright-thefts. They published a beta version, sneding aít randomly around to properly a few thousand computers. Now the genius thing about it was: normal people didnt notice it at all. The not so genius things: People who had some knowledge easily could find out if they had it, and (now here comes the good part) could access the network, using the trojan to sneak in other infected PCs... They didnt even had to program something themselves, and get it out there. They just used what our government and our police gave them.

    But even if you think you know, you never know for sure. Im almost 100% sure I have some little virus on my harddrive I dont know about, and all the virus scanners neither.

    I remember when about 1 or 2 years ago they found out about a big data collecting worm. They catched the guys behind it, and found out they had several servers that were somehow connected to the infected PCs. And they couldnt shut it down, because that would have meant big problems for the infected PCs. So they made a website where you can check if you got the worm, and an instruction on hwo to remove it.
    But think of it, millions of PCs got infected over a larger time, and nobody noticed at first. I thing the virus was called DNS changer or omething...

    My point is there could be already some next-gen viruses we cant detect by now...