DSP56300 or Viper 1.1.0 for Virus Sounds?

Discussion in 'Software' started by railkiller2376, Feb 3, 2022.

  1. railkiller2376

    railkiller2376 Ultrasonic

    Apr 2, 2021
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    Hello guys,

    honestly I am a little bit confused now....
    Yesterday I saw this plugin(?) on the sister site; The Usual Suspects DSP56300 Emulator for Virus Sound Banks. As I understand this, this should be able to load Virus B & C banks, right?
    And just right now I read that Adam Szabo Viper 1.1.0 is also able to load presets from the Virus TI.

    Has anyone of you made experience with the above mentioned software? What is the difference?
    Thanks in advance. :)
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Well DSP56300 can also open TI Soundbanks, it will just ignore the additional settings from virus c to virus TI. (Well virus D = TI so far i gathered)

    Viper is just an emulation (trying to get as close to the original), while DSP56300 executes the actual Virus ROMs - 100% accurate minus DAC of course, since we have no cables in btw. It is it he real deal, but well it is more CPU hungry and you got the virus b and c only now.

    I tried both, i like DSP56300 more, bcs i like the character for some reasons more. Disadvantage is the hige CPU Usage.
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  4. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    DSP56300 is also FREE and cross platform
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  5. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Obviously dsp563XX. It is an actual virus. And it is free with donation option. Why viper?
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
  6. railkiller2376

    railkiller2376 Ultrasonic

    Apr 2, 2021
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    Thanks ArticStorm for the explaination. Well, I guess I will try the DSP56300 now too.
  7. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    DSP56300 is as authentic as it gets, Viper can do stuff that DSP emulator can't do (yet). I think they compliment each other well.
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Viper has TI features, Adam showed its quite close to the TI and it can now convert TI Banks to Viper Presets, which is an awsome achievement.

    So far it looks like DSP56300 wont be able to make ROMs, which using more than one DSP chip working, because one DSP emulation takes already a lot of MIPS of one CPU core/thread. (Million instrucctions per seconds) and you would need maybe to split them across two CPU cores/threads and sync them? And i have no idea if thats ever possible. If you want to ask such questionsand get detailed answers, come to the DSP56300 Discord.

    Thats what i think too.
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  9. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    I wish I could get it to work on my computer. could be my oprekin 2004 lite version. I must be missing something. anybody have any ideas?
  10. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Best sounds on Virus are made for TI(2) and OS5, so DSP56300 won't help you then.

    However, you can go for DSP56300 first, installation is easy and you can try. If presets are bad, they might be made for TI, then you need Viper
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  11. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Go for the DSPEMU.
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This is not correct. TI patches all load correctly. There may just be missing parameters.

    See the Patch Browser (below screenshot, far right column):

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  13. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Missing parameters == different sound, in worst case not-usable sound aka "shit".
    I own a TI2, so I found presets which are not sound the same (not even close) on DSP56300.

    Then you might need Viper for a close sound to original TI(2).
  14. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Sure, if you're someone who depends on presets that might be a deal breaker. But then again, using presets is probably not the main reason why people use the DSP56300 plugin. It's about having an actual Virus in software form that behaves just like the real thing.
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Using my presets is very much why I use the emulator. I would much rather my do patch design using the Virus Control plugin on my Mac than the emulator gui. At least for now, while they aren't even done with it yet; but that probably will not change anyway. Then I can just A/B the patch on the TI against the DSP56300 version with them loaded simultaneously in Logic and Freakoscope.
  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    DSP56300emu does what happens inside Virus B/C/Classic before they hit DAC, thru wire into your audio interface. CPU hungry. True real Virus sound. All instructions, operations from motorola dsps of discontinued virus. Free. Constant updates etc. I have C hardware, all presets are same. Emu just not noisy.) you also get all the bugs from hardware, roms, not only sound. Arp sync problems in C 6.5/6.6 are same in emu, and in hardware too. Difference in sound - built-in sample rate converter (from 46875Hz as in Virus into your project sample rate) in DSP56300 vs. digitizing 46875Hz going from hardware Virus' DAC thru wires/cables into ADC sound interface (capture at usual standard sample rate). Virus hardware also has its own self-noise, tested input of my ESI Juli@ +wire+Virus C: switched off vs switched on. So with Virus switched on, the noise is added.
    If you hear aliasing, other byproducts shit from emu, believe me, same you will hear from hardware Virus. Same behaviour.
    If they implement way better sample rate converter in emu (46875Hz -> DAW standard sample rate) it will be way cleaner than any Virus hardware.

    Viper is just emulation of Virus sound. Close, but not perfect as DSP56300 emu which is true Virus inthebox. I would say Viper is 75-85% same as Virus.... Dsp56300 emu is 99.99 (100% like inside Virus, but difference 0.01% is just byproducts of built-in SRC and absence of Virus DAC)...

    Use both. Viper is just bit better than sylenth, spire. Just bit another. Combine to make CPU work faster and better...
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
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  17. Barbarossa

    Barbarossa Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2021
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    Does the DSP Emulator have a global midi learn function?
  18. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Anyone who quotes 99.99% with nothing to back that up apart from opinion is talking nonsense.

    Context: Virus TI patches will play on Viper and Virus. But depending on the patch may sound indistinguishable on Viper but will sound nothing like on DSP56300.

    Even when you're running a Virus B patch on the DSP56300, it's unlikely to sound 99.99% to the original if it requires so many voices that it spikes the CPU.
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  19. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It's also pretty easy to selectively pick statements to evaluate, and then dismiss the other 99% also.

    I like this quote: "If they implement way better sample rate converter in emu (46875Hz -> DAW standard sample rate) it will be way cleaner than any Virus hardware."

    This is obviously wrong. When you use a superlative like "Any" when trying to prove a point; and then have to say something like "well, I only mean the A-C" never works well. But does this invalidate everything else in his/her post? Not really. (just quite a bit :) )
  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    1. It doesn't support neither A, nor TI. So you will not get full sound of presets made with Virus TI, emu doesn't have supersaw/hypersaw and all the TI stuff. Emu does everything from B and C and everything in-between (Virus Classic, Rack XL...)
    2. I remember sonically all presets I used with my broken C, they sound the same on PC with emu...
    3. If you open folders of Viper, you will see there are waveforms saved from Virus (digitized, sampled?) and saved as 16 bit. It makes me thinking that Viper is some kind of the Serum-like synth full of waveforms with the Virus functionality. Some presets (from vids on youtube) are too close, but not 1:1 identically matched. Even developer said it is not perfectly matched. It is too early to say that Viper is same as Virus. Need more testing, fine tuning, improvements, fixes, revisions, more comparison, maybe code cleanup stuff etc.
    4. Why dsp56300 emu is identical? They didn't emulate sound, they emulate all the dsp circuits, instructions etc. All the bugs from rom are same on Virus and same on emu. Its native sample rate. Bit depth. Everything. This is the first plugin synth that does not emulate sound, it repeats full behaviour of Virus, all bugs, everything. Virus is an assembler code in the box, samely repeated/transferred into your PC.
    Same will be / might be with Novation, Waldorf, Korg MS2000, Clavia Nords....

    Just imagine dendy, sega, nintendo with all the cartridges (Super Mario bros etc) - now it is on PC, same music, same pictures, same everything, no need for hardware and cartridges and diskettes, just only emulator and coded files. Difference? In sound? In picture? Nope.

    Same with Virus emu.

    Year ago the usual suspects posted audio of how the emulation sounds. It was just a program without being a plugin, no gui, no anything... Just a code or so. It was already a Virus. Code as it is in Virus.
    Now your PC with emu is a true Virus B/C.
    Cpu killer though.. Need more bugs fixing, improvements, and more.

    It is still beta. Not even a final official release. Already working perfect. Using it since the buggiest 1.1.4 thru Virus Hardware Controller (!!!!!! Even this is the hint that emu works with Virus controller editor(s)!!!).

    So, no doubts.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
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  21. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Here is meant Virus B and C.
    Why better?
    Already no Virus self-noise, Virus DAC byproducts, wires, ADC converter byproducts. Just a code.
    There us just one problem, the sample rate converter. It works still clean But with 48k and higher. 44100 need to be fixed first.
    If they implement some kind of SoX, r8brain2 quality SRC, it will be way cleaner (from good/very good to transparent and cleanest).
    And it will be Virus code emu on PC perfectly SRCed into your DAW project sample rate, without the need of digitizing, all that DAC-wire-ADC....

    There is/was a comparison on discord, guess what is what:
    - Virus TI hardware (with old Virus B/C preset) digitized to high quality UAD Apollo
    - Emu (same preset, outputting from cheap shitty 100 bucks Behringer DAC, digitized again into Behringer ADC).

    Everything was spectrally, sonically the same. Yes, only byproducts of DACs, ADCs, emu src resampler. But sound was still identical. 1:1. Effects, filters.......
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