Should I upgrade to windows 11?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Zephor, Oct 11, 2021.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I only have Windows 10 because some virtual synthesizers only run on Windows 10. The first Windows 10 had timeouts with an update, I then connected my second emergency PC and can only access the internet with it. I cursed too, what an S ...t System. At some point they had fixed the errors and since then everything has been running smoothly, as they say. But again I don't do that to myself. There is nothing worse than an unstable system. Are we the Laboratory animals ? Yes, we are the free beta testers with nerves like wire ropes.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2021
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  2. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    That's exactly the problem. MS publishes unfinished OS products that are to be repaired by updates over the time being.
    Most of the time Windows updates are "Banana software, matures at the customer."* :rofl:
    And even then I would prefer a clean install. So I would clarify my sentence from before: "Never upgrade a running system!" @Zephor
    Otherwise I transfer all bugs that have built up during Windows' life on my PC to the next version.

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2021
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  3. Epidemico

    Epidemico Producer

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Alano di Piave (BL), Italy
    I don't understand the worries really, Win10 will end support on October 14th, 2025, it's 4 fucking years! Why in the world you feel the need to update so fast to Windows 11? Plus the common rule (especially on Mac, mixer engineers who work in professional studios know this very well) is to wait at least 6 months or one year or even more before upgrading to a new Os, 'cause you have to be 100% sure about stability, you wait and look around checking feedback about it, you should wait a decent amount of time especially if you have to work with it, i really don't expect much improvement from a similar os based on the same hardware, maybe on new machines? Maybe, who knows. Even better, Microsoft slightly changed his mind, apparently you will not be forced to buy or upgrade any hardware at all, but even this it's too much early to be completely sure about the stability on "unsupported" cpus really.
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  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Not even RTM yet and already needs registry hacks :rofl:
  5. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Ive installed windows 11 yesterday on my computer, I would have to do a fresh install on my pc anyway, so I decided to test windows 11 on my main machine
    Processor: Xeon E5-2620 v3
    Ram: 16gb 2400mhz (but my processor can take only 1866)
    Graphics: Radeon HD 6870 1gb (DX 11)
    2tb of SSD's (non nvmes)
    What I did after installing: I removed everything from windows store (using terminal), only left the email app because I found it very usefull, I also found that windows store apps eat a lot of cpu and ram so I recommend anyone here to do the same if installing windows 10 or 11. After that I installed only my chipset driver and my gpu driver, windows did manage to install everything else by itself. I've seen a PRETTY big improvment in gaming (arround 10 + fps, from 80 fps to 90, thats more than 10% of perfomance gain) and in loadings overall, fl studio projects takes a little bit less time to load compared to windows 10, boot is faster too, till I power my pc up it takes up to 25 secs to enter on the desktop, windows 10 rarelly took less than 40 secs, which is pretty good.
    About audio plugins: they work exactly as on windows 10. (at least the ones I use)
    The system looks way more modern compared to windows 10, the only downsides I can see is that you can't drag a file to the bottom-right side of the screen to show desktop and drop it there anymore, idk why they removed this feature, that was so useful

    But I also heard that AMD processors doesnt do well with windows 11 yet so I think thats up to you hardware... I was expecting pretty bad performance since this processor and gpu are both more than 7 yrs old, but at the end they are working even better than they were in windows 10
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  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yes, I've heard about problems with AMD CPUs and Windows 11 on Youtube Linus Tech Tips, I think. So if you have an AMD CPU, forget even trying W11 for the time being.

    Gosh, almost everything about W11 either just plainly sucks, is some kind of a hindrance, or looks suspicious. How much more can Windows users take? I don't get it. :sad:
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  7. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    That is not true. You can try it I think it depends on the whole system. I have a ryzen 3900 and it is working flawless until now. No problems at all. All my project are running like on win 10. All my DAWs all my vst & vstis. I did not notice that my system is faster or slower. It just works.
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  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    That's not far off the truth. Twenty-five years ago they would not have dared to treat users like lab rats. Windows 95 just got away with it after several lawsuits in Windows 95 Beta destroying hard disks, followed by the new updated Microsoft EULA that nobody reads because it is a miniature novel. That basically says Microsoft is not responsible for any damage caused to your hardware by their software and if you do not click yes to the EULA, it will not install. if you have issues sleeping read the EULA, you'll find the disclaimer inside it if you can stay awake long enough. :hahaha:
    This is also why corporations who are platinum or gold partners with Microsoft tend not to roll it to their entire user base for six to eighteen months after release. They wait for it to stabilise.

    P>S. - The joke is my workhorse machine which is supposed to be completely incompatible with Win 11 I installed it on. I was ok with it potentially falling over if it failed before I installed it. The machine has never booted or run as smoothly as it does under Win 11. BUT - I would not consider installing it on my DAW machine until it well and truly stabilises.Too many third-party software and driver manufacturers are saying they do not currently support Win 11. When that changes, I'll revisit it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2021
  9. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Windows 11 is a betatest for the next real Windows. They will test stuff on human guinea pigs in 11 while 10 remains the stable mainstream version. There isn't going to be anything exclusive to 11 compatibility-wise. There aren't any significant performance or feature improvements. It's hard to figure out WTH made it 11 and not just a new 10 service pack. I guess the goofy TPM debacle which they've been forced to cancel. So now Win 11 has no difference to 10 other than the stripped-down GUI and a bit more spyware and telemetry.
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The main goal of Microsoft is to make the company's computers more secure against hacker attacks. The companies lose a lot of money to the hackers. They are also hacked to steal their know-how and knowledge. Of course they want their data - but every company wants your data.
  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    ... unable to support the current version of Windows (V11).
    As a result, hundreds of millions of new PCs have to be purchased, which then have to be equipped with a new license (at a cost to the OEM).*
    As a result, MS will earn billions of $ from the sale of OS licenses over the next few years.
    Great startegy :knock:

    Why can Microsoft actually afford to deviate from the long-standing rule of eternal compatibility? Didn't we hear Win 10 shoud last forever (and for free)?

    The innovation cycle for PCs in companies is usually 4 to 5 years due to the legal provision for depreciation of assets. Normally companies would never change hardware within this perioad of time.
    According to the situation after Corona and in order to promote digitalization, many countries have special programs for the acquisition of new IT technology for fiscal years 2020/2021 to help companies to mitigate the financial damage caused by Corona.

    This is why MS can use this measure (rendering older hardware unusable with Win11) to encourage companies to dispose of equipment that has not yet been fully depreciated and to buy new equipment.
    As always with subsidies from the government: the manufacturer (MS) earns, and not the buyer saves the subsidy.
    And the private customers will have to follow because there is no future for their systems under Windows 10 after the Win10 EOL.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello, @twoheart, very well recognized, thanks for the knowledge.
  13. irvinborder

    irvinborder Newbie

    Feb 2, 2022
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    you can bypass the CPU / TPM Check by adding DWORD to registry in the below mentioned path and avoid "This PC can't run Windows 11" message.


    Add DWORD with the value name as AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU and Value data as 1.

    Download the Windows 11 iso from official website and mount in Virtual Drive using PowerISO or similar application.

    Then RUN the windows 11 setup from the virtual Drive and follow the process. you are good to go with windows 11

    *Make sure the secure Boot is enabled in BIOS.
  14. pauvlin

    pauvlin Member

    Jan 8, 2022
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    I have been using win 11 since the beginning of its release. I want to say that cpu performance on win 11 in my opinion has become better. perhaps this is due to the new task scheduler. All the software works similarly to win 10, however, the sonarworks driver on win 11 has stopped working and now you have to use only the plug-in version. CPU intel i7 6500U
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  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    There is a huge difference between 10 and 11. 11 is even more annoying and unusable, have even less features valuable for musicians, and it has a dock that you cannot move or make disappear. :) I can bet they moved around control panel features so they're harder to find, too, per usual. They like to make users play "find the disable button", or "uninstall this crap ™" button. :rofl:
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  16. James Rooney

    James Rooney Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    Battle Ground, Washington
    I have had no driver issues. All is working well and my DAW (Cubase) is working great.
  17. kokorico

    kokorico Platinum Record

    Oct 15, 2017
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    Disney World
    From what I've seen of Win11 sucks. The taskbar is awful and unchangeable and the amount of ram loaded at startup is indecent (24 gigs out of 64 gigs). 4 gigs under win10.
    Will this Win11 leave me enough ram for Kontakt or Keyscape?
    I reinstalled my backup, drank 6 beers and went to bed .
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  18. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    Anything that I currently use on Win 10 would not work any better on Win 11. But chances are it may not work at all...
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