GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome).

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Deceptive, Jan 29, 2022.

  1. recycle

    recycle Guest

    The real problem is that these GAS addicts are now kidnapping all the machines, imprisoning them in their unused collections (yes: the sad truth is that they don't even use them). This insane trend is skyrocketing the prices of vintage gear: the ransom they ask to free them is too high, making life really complicated for all of us -real artists-
    Those machines belong to those who play them, not to those who buy them. I really hope that this nightmare will come to an end and that they will finally let us play

    Freedom for our gear!

    (SMEM, Switzerland) Detention camp for keyboards:
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  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Good that there is Arturia, for example, and that we can experience the old synthesizers as virtual synthesizers after all.
    They never sound like the original. Otherwise, the "old" are an investment for the rich.
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  3. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    The same holds true for vintage guitars.

    Collecting used to be fun. My first guitar was a cheap Teisco Del Rey. I bought more just for the fun factor.
    Japan made some of the finest guitars in the world in the late 70's, (actually better than ours!). I collected those....again because they were affordable and fun. I came up in NJ. I lived in New Brunswick. That's almost directly between the Ampeg factory in Linden and the Danelectro factory in Neptune. I bought a ton of that stuff. And there's the rub. Back in the day......."vintage" wasn't even a thing, (unless you were talking 50's & 60's Gibsons & Fenders). In the 80's "hair metal" era, (almost), everyone wanted "shiny & new". Very few wanted that poor "old & used" gear. I loved all these cheesy guitars and amps because I grew up with them. I was never a "collector" per se. I just liked what I liked and had a limited budget. It was a great time. But then the vintage craze took hold and assholes that didn't even play started buying it all for investment purposes.

    F#ck them all to hell. I'd like to replace some of my old treasures but I can't afford them. And, I think, even if I could I would still rather buy a new instrument at a reasonable price that plays as well, or better, than what I paid for it. Because I'm a player. There's a special place in hell for rich assholes that take fine instruments out of circulation and stash them in a warehouse never again to see the light of day simply to satisfy their greed.

    Karma's a bitch!

    Sorry for the rant......I'll get off my soapbox now.....LOL!!


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  4. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Should have donated it to Foster.
  5. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    OOPS! I mistakenly found this thread when searching for medical advice. But, if someone here could help me.....?
  6. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    I had serious Guitar GAS years ago. I've since sold off at least 20 guitars, maybe 25.... The oldest one I sold was a 1952 Gibson ES-175. The oldest one I still have is a 1954 Gibson LG-1.
    Still got about 10 or so, includíng basses. Oh, and let's not talk about pedals...
    It's a lot easier collecting vsts and libs etc, only costs me time (and disk space). I've got 1763 plugins installed and working in my DAW. And 5TB of libraries installed and working.
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  7. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Isn't that normal?
    6 gigs, that's only like waves mercury lol
  8. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I feel you broke!... oh wait...
    I mean I feel you bro!! :rofl:
  9. thebeatsareill

    thebeatsareill Kapellmeister

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Hey I see your point, and please know I am not a hoarder, but one thing I thought while reading your post is that the collectors who don't use are preserving! One day our children will possibly be able to purchase/use a vintage synth because of these people.

    I do have the desire to buy, but I have a wife and children, so I stick to software for the most part. My wife is always like "another keyboard?"
    I'm like well this one does (insert function that she doesn't understand) and she's like cool, one less present for the kids at Christmas. I tuck my tail and go back to Omnisphere / Arturia V Collection / Synthmaster and my Keylab controller.

    This may be somewhat off topic, but my worst collecting problem is with drum kits.

    I have reduced the folder recently, it used to be over 100 GB, but still I have about 30 GB of drum kits. It's almost like a game. Remembering each folder that has another folder that has another folder with a certain perc sound that I could probably just duplicate with eq and delay/reverb.
    I've considered taking the time to deleting all the samples I never use, but then I get that FOMO for the sound that I deleted and shouldn't have...
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2022
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  10. Technetic

    Technetic Noisemaker

    Nov 24, 2011
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    I started to collect VST's in 1998 when Jeskola Buzz came out, I start to learn synthesis and download and store every VST that I found, thinking it someday could be useful. At first I stored every new version and keep the old ones in case the new was buggy so I can go back to the earlier, but then the VST industry started to rise like foam and this become insanity and highly HDD demanding. Now that I want to start a project seriously, I realize most of the software I have is just garbage, and now I am eagerly testing them just to see which is worth it enough to have, the rest is going to the trash can. While I am in the testing and deleting I see how much time I have wasted in all this nonsense. You have to define an amount of space you require for only the stuff you need for your music style, and avoid to have everything you could because you will never reach to use all them, and it will be only waste of time and SSD space.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2022
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  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I like having things offline. A lot of things just disappear in todays internet or are never for download again, not even on the most hidden places. And i mean even as external 2,5' HDDs storage is still very cheap - not counting in those 20TB monster discs which run over SATA still.

    Across a few external HDD maybe 1,5TB audio warez (Full Nexus 3 Library, Omnisphere, 90s Sample Discs, often full company products range, various UVI, EW, etc Thanks to R2R this exploded in the last months!)
    I am still trying to decide if will use it. Otherwise i would have even more here.

    Movies in 1080p x265 rarbg 1000 movies+ various complete series in lower quality. probably 3TB?! I call it MY NETFLiX.
    There are some rare Movies included, where only older dvdrips where ever released or even only tv rips.

    Music from various genres, full discographies from deezer, rutracker,
    Hugest is probably A State of Trance complete from Ep 000 until 600 complete. ~200GB
    Heart of Space ep 0000 till 1299 102GB
    Whole Music Library maybe between 2-3TB?

    Then there are offline wikipedias: Whole english wikipedia with small pics 83GB, smaller ones topic related wikipedia dumps. I mean its downloaded so fast today, the 83GB tooks only 2h to download.

    Lots of Math/physics books from libgen, for example all ever released graduate in mathematics books as PDF. If i need one to read, i have it.
    100GB Audiobooks as mp3 64/32kbits/s (i had a guy on reddit, which could create audible free download links around 2017, so i got lots of them from there)

    If i count my whole storage im probably around 16TB now and everything is catalogued with VVV:
    So i search for it in my database and then i know on which HDD it is.

    I also deleted at some part in the past all my movies i had around 1,2TB only to download them all again a year later.

    I still see an advantage to not use any cloud/streaming based service then my HDDs.
    Often you listen/watch something on the streaming services to later see it is no longer available due to licensing issues, geo licensing and i am really not into having 5 streaming services, which in the end still have not what i want.

    It happened there, me and my friends wanted to watch a movie - we had disney+, amazon prime and netflix and none of these 3 had the bloody movie for free to watch, so we ended up just torrenting it that evening. We tried!
    And thats now how it should be ...
    Wouldntcall it GAS, its just digital surviving!
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  12. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    I go back to the "hubris" days, when dial up internet was at it's worst. Downloaded a lot of viruses then. The death of 3 computers.
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    hurts my soul. They are indeed imprisioned. No wonder prices are so damn high. :snuffy::(
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Cih? NYB?

    also Covid. chip shortages. much lower retailer inventory making new things harder to find and buy.
  15. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Yep, you know it! That's about the time that anti-virus software was introduced.
  16. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    I feel you bro...
    ... only have a wife, no (small) kids ... but the procedure is exactly the same. :rofl:
    I've run out of space so I switched to mostly virtual. No problem with wife anymore. More money to buy shoes for her :wink:
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    nyb was a b*tch. it would write to the boot sector of the drive, but also Infect any floppy you put into it trying to get rid of it. :bleh:
  18. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Just beat them with their own strategy - use gear for things they were not intended for - TB-303 anyone?
    If your creativity outpaces the greed of vintage hipsters you win - I should've bought the Akai S-900 when it was reasonably priced ._.
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  19. recycle

    recycle Guest

    This is exactly what will happen: due to too high prices, artists will play more affordable instruments, expressing their creativity by other means. In the meantime, expensive vintage gear that has remained for years locked inside a safe wooden case, will be completely forgotten ...

    An inglorious ending for those magnificent keyboards, it reminds me the final scene of Indiana Jones movie:
    (Go to 00:39 of the video)

  20. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    its more than enough :winker:
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