Uploaded vs. Katfile - our new primary filehoster

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ThugLife, Jan 26, 2022.


Uploaded or Katfile - which one was the better choice?

  1. Uploaded (as it used to be)

  2. Katfile (as it is right now)

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  1. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Surprised nobody has mentioned FileFactory. They have been around since 2005, prices are reasonable with a load of payment options including Paypal and often have special offers. They also pay uploaders for all downloads.

    Of course they have the odd technical issue like most sites but I have been using them almost since they started for films, tv series, games etc with no issues.
  2. VisionSierra

    VisionSierra Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Katfile works with AllDebrid, wait until your Real-Derib points clear out and get a AllDebrid subscription. It's a bit cheaper for what you get, also.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2022
  3. I don't really think the issue for most people is whether or not uploaded in particular would be chosen. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think what people are saying is they'd like a choice that works with a less expensive service like real-debrid. That's the problem with where we've landed now, where neither choice of required hosters works well with that. RG is a roll of the dice on Real debrid and KF usually doesn't work there at all.

    You know, when all this talk of a change began, I checked real-debrid and linksnappy. Haven't looked recently but at the time RD was $10 USD for 3 months while LS was $40 for 3 months. On top of that, Katfile was listed on LS as being experimental -- that seemed to mean you could pay a lot more and LS could wind up dropping Katfile anyway. So, I think what people are looking for is an inexpensive solution that covers there needs, whereas sister site seems to keep landing on the more expensive solutions that aren't quite so workable for a lot of people here. I hope the admins here reconsider that approach...
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  4. jack1958

    jack1958 Ultrasonic

    Jul 5, 2013
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    Had an Ul Account the last 3 Years.
    Now i`m using AllDebrid since 3 weeks.
    Paying 3 € per month and i`m able to dl from Kat, UL, Rapid without restrictions
    with MPony Downloadmanager @full speed.
    I can only recommend it.
  5. Ad_Vyse

    Ad_Vyse Member

    Oct 20, 2019
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    Decisions, decisions, decisions...

    Option 1: Try signing up to official plugin websites and download demo's (if they even offer one) or just be SOL and never try their products.
    Option 2: Pay for premium file-hoster and visit sister site and download everything my heart ever desired for free to try.
    Option 3: Be discontent with being "forced" to download from an unreliable (for some) file-hoster when i visit sister site but still download everything my heart ever desired for free to try even if it takes longer than usual.

    I got an idea Saint and Oly. Why don't you all just let the uploaders upload to whichever file-hoster they want to use with the caveat that they have to provide 2 free links to 2 different file-hosters? Wait, that's how it already is. The uploaders get to choose which extra file-hosters they want to upload to but they're not doing that because it's too slow or security reasons or quick DMCA takedowns or maybe because it's just a huge PITA.

    500 bucks to try Omnisphere or 10 bucks to rapidgator/katfile/debrid service or, even better, 100% free but slow download? Difficult decision right there.
  6. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    I actually think Real-Debrid does support KF, they're probably not doing so officially just to hide their asses from the fact that they indeed do have premium KF accounts, and all of this is related to what I said in my previous comment:
    I don't know why no one is talking about this, as it's perhaps the most relevant part of the problem.
  7. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Nope, tried it "html: hoster_unavailable"
    File From me up on KF
    And can't download it with RD
  8. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    I guess you haven't tried enough KF links. I can confirm to you that KF files do work on RD, but only partially.

    I've also tried with my own KF files: One time did not download, second time I was able to download.

    You also have to "fix" some non-responding links by making the ".html" extension incomplete, i.e. by removing the "ml". This can make the link suddenly work, but many times it won't help.
  9. You've got it incorrect. Real-Debrid does not support Katfile. RD comes up with a limited amount of premium mileage for KF and other unsupported hosts as well. However, if a lot of people start trying to download KF files, it will quickly become what Polomo said above where you're told it's "unavailable". If you try KF on it you may get lucky now and then, but if everyone here suddenly began entering KF links on RD, it's not going to work out. It's sort of like how Rapidgator is on RD but with significantly less access than RD has with Rapid. With Rapid on RD, they frequently run out of access and then people have a problem and have to wait till their access clock resets and a new access period begins the next day.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2022
  10. Shirvami1

    Shirvami1 Guest

  11. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    haha, it's only for admins :bleh: but do you really know where it comes from?
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  12. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

  13. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Of course I can't know, but I like it a lot:mates:
  14. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    it's what Eric Satie called himself. "phonometrograph" or "phonometrician" - meaning "someone who measures and writes down sounds".
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  15. sessh

    sessh Noisemaker

    Sep 4, 2020
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    The best way will be, to bring that music-stuff from our sister-site into the usenet :)

    If u upload stuff, for example with an eweka Account, the retention time will be up to 4800 Days! And its not as easy as in the OCH-Scene, to get down releases, especially when you put a password on your archives. Also, the most Usenet provider, have no limitation for downloading stuff. So, uploading that stuff into the usenet, will bring the following benefits:

    - No one can share "links", or steal links from the sister site, and downloads will be more or less be excklusive for them
    - longer retention -> files will be up, for YEARS!
    - No need to use any cryptor-sites, to save / crypt your links, what means - no ads
    - usenet provides a technique, which repairs corrupted files -> so, no problem, like in the last EW Hollywood Choirs Diamon release

    im paying 35€/year for unlimited download and a guaranteed 300Mbit downstream.
  16. BufferOverflow

    BufferOverflow Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    @sessh Usenet is best for downloaders, but couriers have incentive to upload to premium sites and earn money for downloads. Usenet will not do that for them. A hybrid approach might be best...send to premium sites first, then to Usenet for "cold storage" after a waiting period?
  17. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    I think the best solution should be: 2 classic hosts (Kat, UL, Rapid or other) and 1 obligatory free (Zippy, Workupload, Mega) for all those who can't afford to pay extra costs for Premium and/or, unfortunately, even download via phone connection. :(

    However I had previously found a way to download with UL but now, I admit, that since the change of host to KAT I'm no longer downloading medium/large files from hosts but I'm doing it via Torrent.
    I asked other friends and they told me that they are also doing the same...

    In the end, losing several downloaders, is this good or bad for our gently uploaders? :dunno:

    My 5 cents :mates:
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2022
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Can somebody tell what you have to enter into the login box?

    (User and password) or (mail and password)?

    I cant login only when i reset my password. (have done this two times now, only one reset left.)

    I have both combinations tested, none does work, what im doing wrong?

    Otherwise Katfile seems okay for me, free download is fine with 100kb/s, just like Rapidgator.
  19. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Enter your user name
    and your password

    Speed foe me is also like RG : 35 mb/s
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Hmm i did that now a few times (username+password). I always get wrong username or password and after a few tries KF bans the ip.

    I guess i cant do any uploads then in february.

    On other pages i dont have a problem with that.
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