Cubase: Is this it then...No more dongle?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Vincent Price, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    Is there any app that can decipher licenses from eLD, but the legit ones, with actual activation codes like Team AiR keygen does...
    Because Team VR is patching protected object server and installing just license number...
    But anyways is there a simple way to see even that license numbers....
    Cause all the activation codes exist on eLD i believe, so as license numbers...
    So my idea is how to get legit Cubase licenses and have them installed on existing dongle....

    What i have learned so far, maybe i am wrong but, for apps there are many activation codes, but just one license number for every app (one block-one app-one license number) which is revealed and activated with activation code...
    Just to clarify Activation Code and License number are two separate things, that is my belief....And that is how eLicenser is working, like Serial - Response but in more complicated way...

    I am trying to open eLD with notepad++ , HxD, but i just see random numbers, which have nothing similar like Team VR license number installed...
    So i don't know what to look and how to extract exact licenses for every app...
    What tools are used for that task, since you have mentioned that you have extracted that info from eLD.
    Even though, era of eLicenser is at very end, i am just maniacally obsessed to know that....
    Is there any way just to buy dongle and to install Cubase Nuendo Licenses onto, instead of cracking whole thing... I believe it is easier and most of users could afford dongle for 30bucks....
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
  2. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I always thought that would be the obvious solution, but the fact it never materialised as a solution makes me think it was probably not quite so simple!
  3. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    The only thing that makes this harder for dongle than for the SeL, is the fact that dongle is using javascript or some kind of script along with server to activate aka download license... So that must be emulated somehow...
    I guess there was nothing to download when you download license, but simple activation like Team AiR have done for SeL.
    That means that all license numbers must be present on eLD, that is the main purpose of eLD ...

    I mean, Team VR have busted eLC, because he got in eLD system...
    Team VR is the main reason ditching the eLC, because it was almost legit as genuine licenses...
    And to turn that game on other side, well Steinberg had a lot work to do...
    Much more than making new activation system, because once SeL was broken, it will be like that forever, because like i have said, everything is present on eLD, and Team AiR gave them final decision to getaway from eLC with Absolute 5 keygen which is legit 100%...
    Team AiR have different approach, which instead installing license number, they use generated activation code also from eLD to activate license....
    Now I am asking is there someway to lookup in eLD files, what tool to use for that... eLicenser got a new update just yesterday, with last version, just week ago i have thought that eLC is over but not, they are still updating the database, because STeinberg is doing well on selling Cubase 11 for Cubase 12 free....

    And yes, this was the only best way to crack dongle and eLicenser, and i believe Team AiR have that enough knowledge, but if buying dongle for us is a must, well that would never be considered as a real crack.... Maybe in the warez world are some limitations and directives how to get the cracked titles... IDK....
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
  4. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    What makes you think VR licences are not fully legit. Just curious, not critical.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Because they don't have activation codes. Only that, all other is okay.

    All Team AiR eLicenser keygens and licenses itself, have ACTIVATION CODEs, therefore Team AiR keygen doesn't need a patched eLCC drivers file to activate license, and behaves just like legit installation, without any eLCC modification just pure calculation... I guess...

    And that I have discovered all by accident, because as soon Team VR released license generator, just for testing purposes, one by one, I have transferred all the licenses to my USB dongle, which was registered under my Steinberg account.
    That USB dongle had all the Team AiR Licenses from 2011 (Rob Papen, Arturia, Waldorf, and some legit LE AI licenses)

    So, what I didn't know at the time is that, once you have registered eLicenser and bound with your account, all future licenses stored on that USB or Soft eLicenser, are automatically and simultaneously updated under your account and that is happening on every eLCC launch or maintenance.

    Last time I have opened that account, after 10years I saw all my Team AiR licenses presented under USB eLicenser, along with names had activation codes,
    and all Team VR generated licenses were empty.

    So, Instead having activation codes besides license names, number blocks were just blank, but they were registered as "FULL legit licenses", but again without activation codes.

    With that in mind I have unregistered that USB from my account, because sooner or later I knew its gonna be a problem.
    Now as soon new licenses from Team VR came out, for example Cubase Elements 11, before software was even announced, i tried to transfer dongle, and that was the very last license transfer I could made, and after that, my dongle was banned from Steinberg from future license transfers, demoing new software etc because of more than 200 license without activation codes....

    Another part of the story is how to get those Activation Codes since Team AiR is no longer active, and no other can do that, I saw some people, private and "reputable users", at some marketplaces selling legit Cubase activation codes for cheap price for years now, and comparing to price I don't see any mathematics in doing that, because they are not EDU licenses, and they are not affiliated with Steinberg in no case...

    So either they are probably good skilled programmers so they know how "extract" those Activation codes from eLD, or they sell stolen licenses, but that is not possible to do and I don't see any good explanation...
    But no one will tell their secret how they managed to do that... :)

    And that is how I know that only Team AiR own that same source code because they invented it, so they can do the same thing and get license with legit activation code from eLD, and that would be undetected by Steinberg.
    But how to share them , well probably that is the main problem....

    Again - There is probably hundred of thousands of Activation Codes that are premade and never used, and they are just upgrading along with program version, and that is what you get when you buy software, but LICENSE NUMBER (license block) is just one, which is activated by those Activation Code, and that is what are we getting from Team VR but to have them installed in that way, Team VR had to patch eLCC drivers.

    Maybe i am wrong about this method, but like i have said, that is my observation and obsession...
    And this is the very last chance to do that as long eLicenser server is operating.

    , i hope that there is somewhere Team AiR reading this and maybe came up with some good solution... :)
    I am done :)
    See ya...
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
  6. Karate Grownup

    Karate Grownup Producer

    Jul 4, 2020
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    By the way, do you guys know when they're going to release version 12?
  7. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    You nailed it here. This is the reality with many users.
  8. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Ah ok I get it now, they are true licences but not from an activation code. They just found the command to create a licence without starting with a activation code. which is ver clever and might even be a backdoor in elicencer for steinberg employees. There was a post recently where a moderator shared the code how to crash cubase with inserting a file with a certain name. He removed it later again. SO there might be backdoors to just tell elicencer to create an offline licennse. Which is the text you see in the dos box.
    Thanks for explaining, I find it quit fascinating....(but not logic lol) Live long and prosper
  9. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I don't know nothing about that commands, but for sure that text in DOS box is activating licenses for real, because they are real and working.
    Even Steinberg sees them as legit at first, but to do that there is involved patching of POS drivers, so yes, there is a flaw....
    Only thing I know is what is working and what not. For me all is working okay never had single problem, but I am interested in another things, how to get those codes from eLD, what app is being used to make sense in txt inside eLD... eLD is the key of the whole eLicenser system.... Because you can download demo license for any eLicenser product and install it Team VR way 1000 times, and resetting demo every month, and then is no need for patching files etc...
    What to look for? What are the tools? If someone knows it will be nice to share their knowledge....
  10. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Nope. I believe not soon...
  11. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    All we know at this point is sometime in 2022
  12. dadgad

    dadgad Producer

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Free Grace Period Update to Cubase 12

    Due to the upcoming change to a new, more user-friendly license management system, the release of Cubase 12 will be postponed to 2022. The exact date has not been set yet.

    Nevertheless, the Grace Period for Cubase 12 already starts on November 10!

    This means that as soon as Cubase 12 has been released, any Cubase 11 license activated after November 9, 2021 can be updated to the corresponding Cubase version (Cubase Pro 12, Cubase Artist 12 or Cubase Elements 12) for free.

    This also applies to Cubase 11 licenses resulting from an update or upgrade.

    A license is considered activated when it has been downloaded via the eLicenser Control Center after entering a valid activation code and saved on a USB-eLicenser (Cubase Pro 11, Cubase Artist 11) or in a Soft-eLicenser on the hard disk (Cubase Elements 11).

    We will inform you about the technical details of the free Grace Period Update in due time.
  13. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    bruh, you know this thread was made because of this too right? This is some OLD ass news LOL