Mix/Balance/Levels, e t c - comments appreciated

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by JTSD, Jan 24, 2022.

  1. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    Took "another mixing-approach" - stopped using "traditional" mixbus and grouping VST's and followed this guide

    - and even though it sounds better than previous mixes I have done, it still seems like I am "ear-guessing".

    My plan is to create and save a "new-track" template, including the the mixbus and use it in the future productions.

    Any advice?

  3. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    Top 1 mixbus plugin is the multiband dynamics. Is rarely recommended because takes time to master and most youtubers and forum fellows are hobbysts. But if you want a modern sound, it can't be achieved without multiband. I don't mean OTT, I mean Ozone Dynamics or DynOne - something with proper filters. (also, avoid using submixes as much as possible. send everything straight to master, way easier to correct the mix)

    By the time you master the multiband dynamics (you learn what it does, how crossover points affect the sound, the actual values to use - is probably the most hard plugins to setup so use it with intention, not just slap it on the master channel and call it a day), you also know how to mix properly and the end result is a very polished, professional sound. It's 1-2 years of continuously experimenting from project to project (keep the good stuff, discard the useless stuff), blind testing settings (and I mean with closed eyes) so is important to make as many songs as you can, so you can gather as much experience as you can. That's pretty much all, only the resilient ones will make good mixes, the ones that make 4 songs a year, will forever be here and ask for feedback. Forza!
  4. Swg Itsyo

    Swg Itsyo Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Why you suggest to not use multiband on sub mix? What you think about baby audio smooth operator on the master bus?
  5. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    I'd suggest to go for soothe2 on master bus, just to reduce "final resonances". It makes the result more "soft". However, it's kinda a subtle, don't expect too much.
  6. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    i didn’t said that. I said avoid using submix busses unless is really necessary.

    on the master bus, a multiband will balance the full mix as elements come and go

    no idea about that plugin (smooth operator) - never heard of it, not using it.

    the recipe for a top notch professional mix is fairly simple, the multiband is the most complex tool needed. No need for gullfoss, soothe or any other “smart” solutions recently released. All you need is already in ozone 5
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