Cubase mic does not turn off

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Pure Energy, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Cubase 11 the microphone is always live even when I mute the Mic track
    I know there is another input track in a folder

    Should I be using that instead of creating a MIC input track from an Audio track ?
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    " Another Input track in a folder. "

    Can you explain this in more detail?
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2022
  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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  5. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    My mic goes into my interface created audi track 1 mono to stereo mute the track and it still comes thru
  6. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    looking into direct monitoring
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    How to Record a Great Vocal Track in Cubase | Getting Started with Cubase
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2022
  8. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Nope the mic is all ways open The only thing I can do is unplug it
    I have a Fast Track 8 M-audio its really old with 8 ins and outs but it still works for a home studio it cost me $ 100 used 5 years ago
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    do you already own a patchbay?
  10. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    When you say "mic is always open", do you mean that:

    - you can always hear it on your speakers/phones or
    - you can see the activity on your meters (either in DAW or M-audio software)

    in the first case, you must set the monitoring to off (or as you wish, see the above video)
    in second case - it is normal. The mic is always active on the input of the interface. You can only deactivate it by:
    - switching it off (if it has a switch)
    - unplugging it (like you already did)
    - when DAW is running, disabling the input in the DAWs audio system settings

    Mute doesn't have anything to do with the input. In most DAWs, you can record on a muted track (means - the input is active)

    This is very general (I don't use Cubase or M-audio), so I hope it can be helpful to a point...
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  11. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I have to turn down on the interface to stop hearing it
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Can you take a few pictures of your settings ?
    Can you create a new project and then say if the problem still exists.
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    One of these, or most probably both:
    1) Turn monitoring on the track off. [yellow button]
    Still hear it?
    2) Turn Direct Monitoring off in the MOTU mixer app and Cubase audio preferences too, if it's turned on.

    However, direct monitoring is cool and I always use it with my TC SK48. It doesn't send any audio to your DAW, but *directly* to your headphones or main outputs on your audio interface. When I turn off monitoring in Reaper or Cubase, I get no signal on the channel, but I can still hear the mic in my headphones because I have direct monitoring on in my TC mix application. I can set it up in the TC mixer application so I don't have to hear it even when direct monitoring is on, though. It's a matter of choice/preference.

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
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  14. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Did you turn down the monitoring in your audio interface mixer? That way you only monitor through Cubase monitoring (when enabled).

    Edit: Learn to be a LOT more detailed and specific if you want specific help.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    ASIO direct monitoring (Windows only)

    Most ASIO 2.0 compatible applications also support ASIO direct monitoring. ASIO Direct Monitoring allows your ASIO-compatible software to access specific routing and monitoring features of the Fast Track Ultra 8R ControlPanel. If you do not want to use ASIO direct monitoring, uncheck "ASIO direct monitoring". For more information on implementing ASIO direct monitoring, please refer to your DAW application's manual

    5. If you are routing signals to headphone outputs 1 and 2, make sure the volume is at a comfortable level. If you are sending monitor mixes to external headphone amps, make sure they are configured correctly.NOTE: When creating monitor mixes with the Fast Track Ultra8R, mute the active recording channels of your DAW application (or turn the application's monitor mixing function if necessary) to avoid creating two cue mixes (with undesirable consequences such as phasing and slap-back delays). However, if you want to use the monitor mixing function of the DAW application, you should bypass the Fast Track Ultra 8R mixer to avoid "double monitoring". To do this, simply mute the input channels of the monitor mixer

    20. Mic/Line inputs: Eight analog inputs for connecting microphones or line devices with XLR or 1/4" stereo or mono jacks. The signal on the mic XLR inputs is routed to the preamps, the signal on the 1/4" line inputs is not. The signal source for channels 1 and 2 can be switched between the mic/line using the front panel Mic/Line - Instrument switches. line inputs or the front panel instrument inputs

    Connecting External Devices


    Fast Track Ultra 8R can simultaneously record up to eight microphones connected to input channels 1 - 8 via the rear panel mic/line inputs. Inputs 1 and 2 require the Mic/Line instrument switches to be set to Mic/Line.

    Recording via Line Inputs

    Fast Track Ultra 8R can simultaneously record up to eight microphones connected to input channels 1 - 8 via the Mic/Line Inputs can be connected on the back. For inputs 1 and 2, the Mic/Line instrument switches must be set to Mic/line. Also, the gain controls of the corresponding microphone inputs should be turned all the way down to avoid amplifying background noise

    headphone monitoring

    Use the Monitor 1/2 and Monitor 3/4 tabs in the Control Panel to create custom monitor mixes for the two front panel headphone outputs. See the chapter "Monitor tabs".

    IMPORTANT: If you are recording with a microphone and hearing the sound in the same room, you should mute connected speakers and listen to your sound through headphones. This reduces the risk of creating loud, distorted feedback loops that could damage your speakers (and damage your hearing).

    * Software output signal routing: When you select the output channels 1/2 of your audio application, the signal is not sent directly to the hardware outputs on the Fast Track Ultra 8R's rear panel. First, it is sent to the Monitor 1/2 section of the control panel routed. By default, the Monitor Mixer on this tab sends the signal unfiltered to hardware outputs 1/2. However, this tab allows you to edit the signals sent to hardware outputs 1/2. You can use the monitor 1/2 tab's faders, pan knobs, and other controls to edit the signals sent to hardware outputs 1-8 and the others add six software returns and create a stereo mix that is then routed to hardware outputs 1/2 on the rear panel. The same applies if you select output channels 3/4, 5/6, or 7/8 from your audio application. These signals are sent to the appropriate tabs of the Control Panel - "Monitor 3/4", "Monitor 5/6" and "Monitor 7/8". mixed with other signals if required and routed to the appropriate hardware outputs 3/4, 5/6 or 7/8.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I do not see where the OP mentioned a MOTU, but it certainly sounds like their http based software routing at work here. it could be confusing. :guru:
  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    True, he said M-Audio Fast Track. :wink: I was thinking about MOTU Ultralite mk5 at the time so I mixed them up. :) Gosh that MOTU is good. So many I/O.
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