midi gear setup for VSTi control

Discussion in 'DAW' started by rtx1224, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. rtx1224

    rtx1224 Newbie

    Dec 18, 2013
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    hello forum.

    i have a computer based setup that is more or less working, however it is not optimized in the best way that it could be.

    actually my post will be regarding two main issues:

    1. how best to route the hardware
    2. optimizing midi gear for vsti control


    here is the equipment i would like to play together optimally:
    novation remote 49SL compact
    behringer BCR2000
    akai mpd18
    dell vostro laptop running cubase 5 and various VSTi's

    (i also have a rme baby face, mackie monitors, and smpro monitor controller but none of that is relative to this topic)

    at this moment, I have the akai and novation hooked up via their usb ports into my laptop, and the BCR is hooked into the novation via midi (bcr out into novation in)
    this setup works but im not able to get vsti patch feedback into the bcr, and when i hook up another midi cable (bcr in, novation out) it causes massive issues with notes being triggered and looping repetatively.
    i used to have the BCR hooked up via its usb port, but for whatever reason that setup did not work along with the novation (just to clearify I want all 3 controllers to operate one synth at a time)

    so. what is the best way that i can set this up so that i can get patch parameter information into the BCR?
    id like the LEDs on the BCR to change accordingly when i change a patch in a VSTi
    is it via the midi method and i need to enable a function or setting within one unit or another?
    or with all 3 controllers connected via usb?


    the really big issue that has been plaguing me forever is a seamless and integrated setup (or lackthereof) of controlling a VSTi with my controllers.

    what im trying to achieve is: To Always Control Same Synth Parameters With The Same Knobs. (like a hardware synth)
    in other words, i would LOVE to be able to switch from one VSTi to another, highlite it in cubase, and instantly all my knobs are controlling same parameters (regardless of vsti).
    i realize that all synths are different and that i could never have the perfect setup, but i would like to dedicate all the knobs on my BCR to always control same common function that the majority of synths have (for example filters, envelopes, oscilator functions etc...)
    currently i have to assign them each and every time and frankly its making me not want to do it at all and im tired of adjusting everything with the mouse. (to be honest this has turned me off of using VSTi's and computers in general for making music, but i would like to get back into it.

    so am i limited to only using VSTi's that have the 'learn' function?
    if that is the case, then that is too bad, but eitherway i would be willing to invest some money into buying a few proper synths and learn them well, as long as i can have them set up like a hardware synth and spending time tweaking knobs instead of assigning them.

    if i can set this up and be able to use any VSTi (not just ones with midi learn) then that would be awesome as that would really open up a whole world of inexpensive and free vsti's available especially through kvr.
    i originally bought the novation for this reason, but the 8 knobs is just not enough and i dont even like their feel and i dont want to be switching banks and looking at the little lcd strip.

    if what im trying to achieve is not possible, then id be willing to invest in something like a arturia controller with the included libraries, but as a last resort.

    help is appreciated.
  3. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    What DAW are you using? Ableton is by far the best one for simplifying somewhat complex MIDI routing ins and outs, and has some really really great features for setting up and saving parameters. If it can be done (at least where this stuff is concerned) you can do it in Ableton, and about fifty times easier than in any other DAW. Just my 2 cents...
  4. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Why don't you use the midi port of the babyface ? :wow:
    Pay attention to midi loops..
    However if you are involved only in VSTs playing and not sequencing Ableton Live is the solution... automating parameters is very easy and there's a template for brc
  5. maka1986

    maka1986 Newbie

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Do you use the bundled Automap software with your Novation SL?

    If not you should give it a shot. When you enable it - it creates automap versions of all your VST plugins and auto assigns the proper controls to the knobs and faders. You can change the assignment yourself. Just click LEARN on your SL and assign what you want. The app will remember your choice. It wont do it all for you out of the box because like you said all VST are different and except the most common MIDI messages like pedal expression or modwheel the CC messages corresponding to various parameters might be different. So you will have to fiddle with the controls and assign them yourself. The automapped VST will recieve and transmit the data on a set midi port (usually set on 2 or 1) so if you change the MIDI channel you can assign the controlls through your DAW as well. It can be usefull when you want to quickly change the midi assignment - all you have to do is change the midi channel being used.
    There's a nice quick tut on automap mapping here:

    About the "learn" function while it's true that some synths don't have the capacity to autoassign some parameters you can always look into the synth guide if such exists and look if the control is not assigned to a specific CC# number.
    As far as changing the same parameters with the Behringer quickly I'm not so sure. You could try using the SL MIDI through and send the MIDI to pass through your Novation SL from the Behringer to your DAW( Behringer MIDI OUT=> SL MIDI THROUGH => DAW). If the recieved messages would be intercepted by the Automap software then you can just change the assignment. Basicaly you would send the MIDI from your Behringer unit and the daw would think your're sending it with your SL controller but I doubt it would work. In Ableton you could try playing around with the MAX software and set it up so you could control one CC (sent from the SL) with another CC message (from the BCR) but in Cubase I can't think of anything else but to manually load a mapping for different plugins.

    Anyway hope some of my babbling will be usefull.
    Good luck.