Saving resampled projects without consolidating each sound: is it possible?

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by hazeybaby, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. hazeybaby

    hazeybaby Member

    Sep 2, 2021
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    I sometimes will have a project where I will consolidate all of my midi patterns and instruments into wav files, (to save disk space, add new effects, etc.) but there will be times, before adding any vocals, where I drag that tempo down or up to experiment with new song keys & tempos. But in order to save that file and retain that key, I must consolidate them all in said key before closing the project. This is most likely due to the fact that the samples have reset to real-time stretching upon reopening my project. But needless to say, when that happens, I need to set the project to the tempo I started with, restretch all the tracks, and then drag it back down.
    Obviously, this is super tedious. anyone know of a way to be able to just save everything in the new resampled key?

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2022
  3. hazeybaby

    hazeybaby Member

    Sep 2, 2021
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    btw for those who dont know, if you have a wav file that just gets longer or shorter when you change tempo, click shift+m to turn on stretch mode in the playlist and then just stretch your samples either left or right and then manually stretch them back to their original spot. This will allow you to raise and lower the tempo of the track, without affecting the length of the samples in the playlist WHILE still altering their pitch. Not sure why, and I dont even know if thats the best way to do it, but it works for me and most the time it sounds fucking dope.
    I only say this because whenever I switch to real-time stretching, it actually retains the pitch and key of the samples while it slows them down. I don't like the way that sounds most of the time so I prefer this method.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    in Logic, you shift highlight the entire block; and then all you do is option click the bottom right corner of the bottom audio file and drag it.

    My point is that you should really specify which DAW you are using or people will have to guess. :).
  5. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    welcome to music making in the 21st century.

    -- WARNING: the following may scare the crap out of contemporary music makers --

    current music production techniques can lead to commitment'o'phobia. it may seem antiquated or uncool, but: find the range of the singer (i.e. what notes the singer can comfortably or usefully hit). only a few keys will be suitable (without radical restructuring). play the parts together in the most powerful daw that is and will ever exist -- your imagination (its free too). find something that works. COMMIT!. commit to your choices --> print it --> done --> next.

    - a much more pleasant experience.
    - you are actually increasing your music making skills as opposed to technical computer f***ery.
    - it will probably save you time. especially as the more you do it, the quicker you will get at it.

    it will likely be a slightly more iterative process, but you never know. sometimes if you front load your production, and the initial ideas are strong, things just fall into place.
  6. hazeybaby

    hazeybaby Member

    Sep 2, 2021
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    Posted this in the fl studio forum!
  7. hazeybaby

    hazeybaby Member

    Sep 2, 2021
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    I 100% agree, as I spend well over a day on most projects. I'm only asking i hopes to increase my productivity.
  8. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I don't exactly understand your issue, maybe you mean to say change the key of all samples, instruments at once? Like pitch shifting the project itself? If yes, that is going to be tedious, but believe me most samples don't need pitch shifting. There is a macro to switch all samples to resample or stretch mode. That one might be useful.
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Have you tried using the export zipped loop package option? (if there still is one)

    let's say you have a unique workflow. :)

    This is where in something like Falcon you could change 440/A to whatever to transpose everything from the plugin instance globally, as opposed to per part/layer. Can FL do this?

    most efficient way for you might be to just bounce a render of the track, and then you can deal with pitch and time independently of one another; while not changing your projects around so much. You can just use Transpose, and Time Compression and Expansion to try out new tempos and keys, then make your desired changes to the project once.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2022
  10. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Yes! I completely forgot about the master pitch knob. Read this thread as well for setting it up for audio clips. Afaik, master pitch doesn't get stored in project data, but you can render it tho
  11. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    if you are doing all the work yourself that still sounds pretty quick.
  12. hazeybaby

    hazeybaby Member

    Sep 2, 2021
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    try restretching all samples manually and then changing tempo, then press play! you'll see what i mean
  13. hazeybaby

    hazeybaby Member

    Sep 2, 2021
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    oh this sounds like a good option. but in essence it's what im already doing kinda, but ive never done a zipped loop package export before. seems like worth a try!

    Ctrl+alt+c will actually consolidate any track you have highlighted into a fully rendered sample, yet it can get sticky when there are a lot of tracks. At least before the mixing process is over, I prefer each instrument or sound to be separate in the mixer.

    im def gonna try that zipped loop package tho, ive seen the option!
  14. hazeybaby

    hazeybaby Member

    Sep 2, 2021
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    oh shit wait, this may be my answer! As long as it renders and doesnt affect tempo, i suppose i could just hit the tempo i like and maybe do a master pitch trackout without any insert effects. nice!
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