Error loading waveform - omnisphere.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Jake Jlinngall, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Someone kind enough can send me the db file? or help me out here?
  3. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I have that also. Very annoying. I heard you need re-install, whipe everything off the computer that has to do with Omnisphere. Somebody told me when this happens you did not correctly install. I did tried that, but after sometime it reappeared. I gave up. Also hoping for some tips (couldn't find many useful on the internets)!
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Error: "Error Loading Waveform" in Omnisphere 2
    The "Error loading waveform" indicates an issue with your Omnisphere library. If you are receiving this error, please follow the steps below:

    1.) Make sure Omnisphere shows that "You are up to date √". To ensure that you're up to date, you can click on "Get Updates" on the splash screen of Omnisphere. To get back to the Splash screen, you can click the Spectrasonics Logo in the upper-right section of Omnisphere.
    2.) If you are up to date, confirm that your Wavetables folder is 1.98gb for Mac, and 1.84gb for Windows. You can find that folder here:


    Macintosh HD / Users / Your Username / Library / Application Support / Spectrasonics / STEAM / Omnisphere / Wavetables

    Note: In Mac OS X 10.7 – 10.14, the Library folder in each User folder is hidden. Select the Go menu at the top of your screen while in Finder mode, then hold the ‘option’ key on your keyboard, then select Library. If you are unable to locate your User Library in OS X 10.12, select the Go menu at the top of your screen while using the Finder, then select Go to Folder; enter ~/Library – then select Go.


    C:/ ProgramData/ Spectrasonics/ STEAM/ Omnisphere/ Wavetables

    Note: The ProgramData folder is a hidden folder by default on Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista, so you'll need to "Show Hidden Files and Folders" in your Control Panel / Folder Options.
    3.) Navigate to the STEAM folder using the steps above, and make sure that your Omnisphere folder is the proper size.

    4.) If you are using any disk management software such as CCleaner, Revo, Norton, MacKeeper, etc., make sure that your STEAM folder is exempted by those 'cleaning' utilities so that they don't inadvertently remove necessary files from STEAM.

    If you are still experiencing issues, please contact Spectrasonics Tech Support at [email protected] and we'll be happy to resolve the issue.
  5. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
    Likes Received:
    thanks I downloaded the v k -- D a n -- i l o v | t o r and I am having this issue

    (O m n i s p h e r e v 2 . 8 . 2 c S t a n d a l o n e )
  6. Matthieu F.

    Matthieu F. Newbie

    Feb 7, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Hi there! I also need this missing .db file for Omnisphere... If someone could help, that would be nice, I cannot find any solution about this "error loading waveform" error... Thanks / merci!
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Error: "Error Loading Waveform" in Omnisphere 2
    The "Error loading waveform" indicates an issue with your Omnisphere library. If you are receiving this error, please follow the steps below:

    1.) Make sure Omnisphere shows that "You are up to date √". To ensure that you're up to date, you can click on "Get Updates" on the splash screen of Omnisphere. To get back to the Splash screen, you can click the Spectrasonics Logo in the upper-right section of Omnisphere.
    2.) If you are up to date, confirm that your Wavetables folder is 1.98gb for Mac, and 1.84gb for Windows. You can find that folder here:


    Macintosh HD / Users / Your Username / Library / Application Support / Spectrasonics / STEAM / Omnisphere / Wavetables

    Note: In Mac OS X 10.7 – 10.14, the Library folder in each User folder is hidden. Select the Go menu at the top of your screen while in Finder mode, then hold the ‘option’ key on your keyboard, then select Library. If you are unable to locate your User Library in OS X 10.12, select the Go menu at the top of your screen while using the Finder, then select Go to Folder; enter ~/Library – then select Go.


    C:/ ProgramData/ Spectrasonics/ STEAM/ Omnisphere/ Wavetables

    Note: The ProgramData folder is a hidden folder by default on Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista, so you'll need to "Show Hidden Files and Folders" in your Control Panel / Folder Options.
    3.) Navigate to the STEAM folder using the steps above, and make sure that your Omnisphere folder is the proper size.

    4.) If you are using any disk management software such as CCleaner, Revo, Norton, MacKeeper, etc., make sure that your STEAM folder is exempted by those 'cleaning' utilities so that they don't inadvertently remove necessary files from STEAM.

    If you are still experiencing issues, please contact Spectrasonics Tech Support at [email protected] and we'll be happy to resolve the issue.
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