Kit Plugins Core Series Plugins

Discussion in 'Software News' started by quadcore64, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Changed the title of this thread after Kitplugins made it official that they, are developing a complete line of CORE plugins and, possibly more in the future from Blackbird Studios

    Core Compressor product page

    Core EQ product Page

    Note: You will need an iLok account to use the 14 day demo. They should make that clear on the product download page.

    Promo video #1:
    Mixing Modern Country w/ Nashville-based Emily Bowie // KIT Plugins

    Also. The free Burier plugin & the BB N105 have been updated to v2.0.1
    = KIT Plugins Burier - V2.0.1 Change Log =
    New Features:
    - N/A
    - Added Tooltips for param values.
    - Added support for manual entry of values with double click action.
    - Disabled double click on knobs to go to default value, now we use ALT. Double click is reserved for entering the value with the keyboard.
    - Added units of measure to the parameters and Tooltips (Hz, dB and %).
    - Holding the Shift key and dragging enables more sensibility in knobs to apply fine adjustments.
    - [Mac] Unable to install on El Capitan, invalid digital signature.
    - [Pro Tools AAX] Solved a minor bug where the automation shortcut in Pro Tools - Control-Option-Command (Mac) or Control-Alt-Start (Win) - used in buttons would click the button. Now it correctly only opens the enable/disable automation dialog.
    - [VST3] Redraw issue when resizing the GUI in Blue Cat Audio Patchwork and Samplitude. Workaround - close and reopen the GUI to set size.

    = KIT BB N105 - V2.0.1 Change Log =
    New Features:
    - New KIT Plugins Presets (Bluegrass, Country, EDM, Jazz, Metal)
    - Changed installation folder for KITdata (macOS to Users/<your username>/Library/Application Support/KIT Plugins, and Windows to Documents/KIT Plugins).
    * Please note: we have left the original 'KIT Plugins' folder in /Music just in case you had/have any erroneous files there you need to backup, you may delete this folder.
    - Updated preset management system (internal), and reordered presets alphabetically.
    - [Global] Analog Hum and Oversampling settings were reset to their default values when re-opening a saved session.
    - [Global] Settings loss moving between instances in a session.
    - [Global] Oversampling option not set by default.
    - [Global] When v2.0 saved a state without a Preset selected it would display nothing. We now correctly load displaying "Default(*)".
    - [Global] "Default" text disappears for preset name.
    - [Windows] High and Low Pass Filters causing glitch/drop out during playback.
    - [Mac] Removed iLok activation window pop-up during AU install.
    - [Mac] Unable to install on El Capitan, invalid digital signature.
    - [Mac AU] In Logic Pro, if there is no audio processing, the (*) indicating a param change for a preset did not update correctly.
    - [Mac VST3] Setting factory default in Reaper sometimes crashes.
    - [Pro Tools AAX] Settings are reset to default when moving the plugin from insert to insert.
    - [Pro Tools AAX] Committing any plugin on a track before BB N105 causes parameter reset after processing.
    - [VST3] Redraw issue when resizing the GUI in Blue Cat Audio Patchwork and Samplitude. Workaround - close and reopen the GUI to set size.

    Promo video #2:
    Mixing Rap Vocals w/ Core Comp, BB N105 & Burier | KIT Plugins

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2022
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  3. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    Really want to try the BB N105 v2, apparently it's really good
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  4. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Tried V2 before I tossed out Pro tools & iLok. Definitely worth the new $70 price (old price was $150 I do believe).
    Love the free Burier plugin. Adds interesting tonal coloring just using the filters. The saturation is very smooth even when pushed for most material.
  5. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    Ah, word. I'll check it out!
  6. Jeff*

    Jeff* Kapellmeister

    Dec 14, 2018
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    It's amazing, on all my channels (previous go to was Acustica !!)
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