Trove of old VSTs...

Discussion in 'Software' started by ElecTribe, Jan 10, 2022.

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  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Adam Szabo - JP6K VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    AlgoMusic - Enceladus VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    AlgoMusic - M42 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Analog To Digital - Supersaw Plus VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Buzzroom - Lallapallooza lite VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Cakewalk - Session Drummer 3 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Cakewalk - Triangle II VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    CeloX - MegaCeloX VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    ConcreteFX - Kubik VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Contralogic - Pterosaur VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Electrostudio - Six Moon June VST 32 Bit) jBridge
    Groovecube - Exciton v2.0.1 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - Lazy Percumat VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - ProtoPlasm 21 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - STS-17 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - STS-21 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - STS-33 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - Swamp XT VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - X-WoF 4 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    iloyd - iloSynth VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Kiesel Software - Helga VSTi - 32 Bit
    LinPlug - CRX4 VSTi - jBridge - 32 Bit
    LinPlug - Rob Papen - Albino 2 VSTi - jBridge - 32 Bit
    Luxonix - Purity VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Maxx Claster - Toxic III VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Mesa+ - Add v1.21 VSTi (32 Bits) jBridge
    MHC - Extreme VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    MHC Synthesizers and Effects - Industrial Tones VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    MiniSoftmusik - UniRetroPro v 2.5 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Native Instruments - Carbon VSTi - jBridge - 32 Bit
    Native Instruments - FM7 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    nB Audio - Daedalus VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    ProSounds - PS-1 Performance Synthesizer v1.2 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    reFX - Vanguard VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    RGC Audio - Pentagon VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge - Adventus VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Steinberg - Dcota v1.0.1 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Steinberg - Wizoo - Xphraze v1.2 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Synthepolis - nrg-A VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    TerraTec - Komplexer VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    TubeOhm - Pure-D16-24 Rack VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    U-HE - Zebra Computer Music VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Ummet Ozcan - Genesis Computer Music VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Ummet Ozcan - Genesis Pro v1.0.3 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    VirSyn - Tera 3 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    WayOutWare - TimeWarp2600 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    White Noise Audio Software - Zero Vector VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Wizoo - Darbuka VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Wusik - EVE 3 v3.0.4 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2022
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  2. Jobles

    Jobles Newbie

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Does anyone have Kontakt 1.5 H20 release? Trying to open old uni work from 2004 and version 2 which I have doesn't work sees it as a different plugin.
  3. ElecTribe

    ElecTribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2022
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    I also came across that one... finding anywhere to actually DL it from is another matter... all old/non-existent/no seeders...
    Although... I'm also not losing any sleep over it!
  4. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Virsyn Tera 3... was soo good... !

  5. ElecTribe

    ElecTribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Bummer... I thought I had it, only to open the folder and find that it only contains the Native Instruments DFD extension (whatever that is?!)

  6. ElecTribe

    ElecTribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2022
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    hmm... "Direct From Disk" extension... presumably already inherent in later Kontakt releases. think I'll throw that away!
  7. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Like I said in my comment,
    I think I've tried the WORKING v1.1 , and I remember the plugin wasn't able to load, or display any external soundbank.. some kind of copy protection, maybe.
    Maybe that's why it doesn't work on win10...
  8. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I still use them both a lot:
    Quartet is good for quick jazz sketches, and Orchestral is the same for cinematic, symphonic use.
    The sad thing is: no modern have to use mega-giga libraries today
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  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thank you @ 2poor2 for the brilliant idea, after I deleted the version "White.Noise.Zero.Vector.VSTi.v1.1-BEAT" and
    the older version "White.Noise.Zero.Vector.VSTi.v1.0 -BEAT " installed, I can import and play all sound banks again.

    The Working Version: White.Noise.Zero.Vector.VSTi.v1.0-BEAT / PM me.

    White Noise Audio - Zero Vector v1.0 VSTi - 32 Bit with all Soundbanks
    Unfortunately v1.0 is no longer available, but I have a copy, write to me and you will get the link.
  10. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    A bit OT but...Just FYI.....I was part of the original Alien Connections team. Even before ReValver I worked with dev Michael Lundgren on Pristine audio editor. Peavey did NOT sell ReValver to another company. They simply rebranded it to AMR, (Audio Media Research), which is a division of Peavey they used for various MIDI and pro audio products. Unfortunately, there has been no new development in a LONG time. And I have not been able to get ahold of Michael. He is based in Stockholm. They have had a disastrous run with COVID this may have something to do with it.
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  11. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    And talking about old but great software, 2 apps come to my mind.
    I remember using, I think, TELEPORT, which allowed to use a remote computer as a slave.
    Suddenly, the app stopped being updated... and it basically disappeared.
    I am sure, some company must have acquired the technology, and today, it's probably part of, so knows, Vienna ensemble pro ???

    Then, there was an app, fxb/fxp something.... which allowed us to import a .fxb -based soundbank, from a vsti, and we could clone the soundbank... create randomized presets....mutate them (preset 1 merged with child preset 2 = new mutated preset),, rename, move preset positions, modify all the values within the preset, etc etc.

    This sort of app could easily be made, today, by a company like blue cat audio... or anyone who has released a vst host app/ plugin.
    In cubase, on each plugin/ instrument window, we can chose to view the plugin parameters as a list of values/sliders.
    Creating such .fxb editor Is just a matter of acquiring and displaying all those parameters in a window, with a slider, button, etc component, to allow its edition. Then, it's just a matter of randomizing all/ selected values.
    Of course, extra care would be required, for a proper randomization: image a tone2 instrument, with all effects enabled, at 80% wet ? It wouldn't sound that great.. presets would be drowning with tons of reverb.. delay...
    (But..but... that's already the case. Most tone2 presets have all the fx enabled, at 80% wet )

    Has Anyone used one of these cool apps ? :)
  12. grounder

    grounder Kapellmeister

    Jul 14, 2019
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    Everywhere and nowhere
    No 1.5, but you can grab 1.5.3 as well as Kompakt 1.0.8_Intakt 1.0.3 from here:

    pass = native instruments

    I believe i got this from oldschooldaw
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  13. Jobles

    Jobles Newbie

    Jan 11, 2022
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    You absolute legend, this is the version I was looking for, I just put 1.5 to not be too specific :D

    This forum is great.
  14. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Is there a link up for these by chance?
  15. grounder

    grounder Kapellmeister

    Jul 14, 2019
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    Everywhere and nowhere
    Just click on the download link (upper right corner) upload_2022-1-12_6-49-40.png
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  16. ElecTribe

    ElecTribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Hey folks...

    So, I've cleaned up my found folders, here's a complete list:

    da---- 12/01/2022 12:33 0319 Xlutop Chainer v1.03-ArCTiC
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 A0 Audio Flanger VST v2.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 A0 Audio Sweeptracker VST
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 A0 Audio TapeEcho VST 2.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 A0 Audio XChorus VST 2.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:38 Akai Virtual Sampler Pro 2.7
    da---- 12/01/2022 12:34 AlbinO
    da---- 12/01/2022 12:34 Albino presets
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Aldo Trianti VintageBox VST v3.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Alien Connections - Revalver 1.05.24
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Antares - Autotune v4.12
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Antares - Filter v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Antares - Kantos v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Antares - Tube 1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:38 Antares AutoTune v3.06 - ZoNE DX
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 AntaresMicrophoneModelerDxPlugin v1.02
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 Arturia CS80-VST-DXI-full_presets_harpYc
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Arturia.CS-80VSTi.v1.0-DONZ
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Arturia.CS80.V.v1.5-H2O
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Arturia.Moog.Modular.V2.v1.0-H2O
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Arturia_MiniMoog_V_v1.5-DAC
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 BickTickRhino VSTi v1.01
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Big Tick DualDelay VST v1.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Big Tick Hexaline VST v2.0.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Big Tick Makunounchi Bento VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Big Tick NastyShaper VST v1.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 BJ LoFi VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 BJ Overdrive VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 BJ Ringmodulator VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 BJ Tremolo VSTv1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 BJ Wave Changer VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Dexters Effectspack VST
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 DiscoDSP Discovery Norlead2 Presets
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 DiscoDSP.Discovery.VSTi.v1.3
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Edirol HQ Orchestral VSTi v1.03
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Edirol SuperQuartet VSTi DXi v1.5
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:38 Edirol Virtual Sound Canvas VSC-MP1 1.0 2001
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 emagic electric piano vsti
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 FXpansion Autopole VST v1.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:36 FXPansion BFD Drum Module v1.05
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:36 Fxpansion Bfd Drum Module_1_07
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 FXpansion M. Tap VST v1.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 FXpansion Midi Comb VST v1.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 FXpansion Phat Sync VST v1.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 FXpansion VST DX Adapter VST v3.015 Standard Edition
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 G Media impOSCar VSTi
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 GForce.Software.Minimonsta.RTAS.VSTi.v1.02-DAC
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 GMedia - impOSCar presets - DogBoy73impOSCar
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Granner X VST v1.08
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 IK Multimedia Amplitube 23 New Presets VST
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Interruptor Dub VSTs_AnalogicDelay_1_1
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Interruptor Dub VSTs_BionicDelay_1_1
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Interruptor Dub VSTs_Dub_Siren_1_3
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Interruptor Dub VSTs_EchoLive_1_0
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Interruptor Dub VSTs_Echomania_1_1
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Interruptor Dub VSTs_Tape_Delay_1_2
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Interruptor Dub VSTs_Wow_n_Flutter_1_0
    da---- 12/01/2022 12:40 kimu arpeggiator
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:40 Kimu fxp presets
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Korg Legacy Collection v1.1.3-h2O
    da---- 12/01/2022 12:40 Korg.Legacy.Collection.VSTi.v1.0.02
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:14 Korg_Wavestation_Legacy_Sounds-A0D
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 lounge lizard vst v2[1].0 (electric piano h20 release + some
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 Lounge_Lizard_EP1_new_presets_[
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 mda Plugin Pack 1-7 VST
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 Native Instruments - Spektral Delay v1.52
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:35 Native.Instruments.B4.v1.11-ZONE
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Native.Instruments.B4.v2.0.0.7.Incl.KeyGen-H2O
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Native.Instruments.Battery.VSTi.DXi.RTAS.v2.1.incl.KeyGen-H2
    da---- 12/01/2022 12:45 Native.Instruments.FM7.VSTi.DXI.RTAS.v1.1.3.4-H2O
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Native_Instruments_Traktor_v1.06
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:45 NI_FM7_presets - Hollywood Collection2
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:45 NI_FM7_Presets 21.000 Sounds
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:45 NI_FM7_presets.syx - Historic Patches Collection
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 NI_FM7_ProSounds.Rob.Papen.FM7.Soundset.vol1-iNViSiON
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 NI_FM7_Sounds.Vol.2-H2O
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Nomad Factory - Blue Tubes 2.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Nomad Factory - Liquid Bundle 1.6
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Nomad Factory - Rock Amp Legends 1.0
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Nord DiscoDSP.Discovery.VSTi.v2.4-BEAT
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Novation V-Station v1.2 H20
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Nuendo - Dolby Digital EncoderDecoder
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Nuendo Surround Edition v1.5
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Ohmforce Hematohm Pro Vst v1.22-h2O
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Ohmforce Mobilohm Pro Vst v1.12-h2O
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Ohmforce Ohmboyz Pro Vst v1.42-h2O
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Ohmforce.Predatohm.PRO.VST.v1.32-H2O
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 Ohmforce.Quad.Frohmage.PRO.VST.v1.20-H2O
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 OHMYGOD!
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 PalancarWare Empire VST v1.04
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 PalancarWare Neutronium VST v1.02
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 PalancarWare Ozone VST v1.01
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 pro 53
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Prosoniq Northpole VST v0.92b
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Prosoniq Orange Vocoder VST v1.4
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Prosoniq Realtime Vocoder VST v1.3
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Prosoniq VoxCiter VST v1.07
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 PSP - Vintage Warmer 1.5
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 PSP - MasterQ
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 PSP - Nitro 1.0
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:26 PSP 84 Lexicon
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 PSP Lexicon PCM
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 PSP Stereopack v1.6
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:27 reason refills
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 ReFX Trasher VST v1.0
    da---- 12/01/2022 13:26 ReFX.JunoX2.VSTi.v1.51.Winall-cRime [OSC]
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 ReFX.Vanguard.VSTi.v1.03
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:27 ReFX.Vanguard.VSTi.v1.03.READ.NFO-BEAT-Pleasuredome101
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:27 ReFX.Vanguard.VSTi.v1.5.1-BEAT
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:27 Rgc.Audio.z3ta.Plus.VSTi.DXi.v1.3-H2O
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 RgcAudio.z3ta.Plus.DXi.VSTi.v1.40
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 RGC_Audio_Pentagon_I_VSTi_v1_3
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Rocksonics RT Maximizer VST
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Rocksonics VOX Doctor VST
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Silverspike RoomMachine844 VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Silverspike Rubytube VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 SinusWeb GoldenGate VST v1.2
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 SinusWeb PeakCompressor VST v2.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 Skunk Synth v1.00 ArCTiC
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Sonic Syndicate TB1 Talkbox VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Sonic Syndicate VP1 Vintage Phaser VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Sound Designers Plugins Pack VST v2.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Spin Audio - 3D Chorus v.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Spin Audio - ASIO FX Processor v.1.0
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:27 SpinAudio.ASIO.FX.Processor.SE.v1.2-TALiO
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg Bitcrusher VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg Chopper VST v1.0
    da---- 12/01/2022 13:38 Steinberg Cubase VST Fender Rhodes Stage Piano Mk I
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:38 Steinberg Cubase VST Plug-in mastering edition enhanced 2002
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg DeClicker VST v1.21
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg DeNoiser VST v1.51
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg GrM Tools VST vol1-2
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg Karlette VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg Loudness v1.2
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg Magneto VST v1.5
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg Vocoder VST v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg VoiceDesigner VST v1.03
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Steinberg Warp VST 1.002
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 STL AFX1-5 AnarchyEffects VST v1.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 SupaPhaser VST v2.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Superwave.Bundle.VSTi.v2.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 SynapseJungelist VSTi v3.2
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:53 Synth1_presets_sg-syn1bnk1
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:54 Synth1_presets_Summa&DocT
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:54 Synth1_presets_synthhunter
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:54 Synth1_presets_TechnoEssentials-audiowhore
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:54 Synth1_presets_teksonik-synth1
    d----- 12/01/2022 12:35 SynthEdit
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 TC Native Reverb VST
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Timeworks - Millenium Pack
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Timeworks-Reverb_X
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 TK DatoReverb VST v1.05
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 TK PsychoFilter VST v1.03
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 UltraFunkSonitusFxRc3
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:27 Vanguard Preset banks
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo -MarvelEQ v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo.Deconvolver.v1.6
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo.Impulse.Modeler.1.6-OxYGeN
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo.Lampthruster.v1.0-OxYGeN
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo.Pristine.Space.VST.v1.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo.Soniformer.VST.v2.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo.Voxformer.VST.v1.0
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo.Warmifier.VST.v1.2
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Voxengo_Polysquasher_VST_v1_0-0xdBass
    da---- 02/01/2022 21:27 vsti GMedia Music impOSCar v1.0.0.1
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Waldorf D-Pole VST v1.5
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Waldorf.Attack.v1.2.VSTi-[Oxygen]
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Waldorf.Attack.VSTi.Drummaps
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:26 Waves - Diamond Bundle v4.05
    d----- 12/01/2022 13:42 YAMAHA-Pitch-Fix-VST-Plugin-v1-0-WORKING-iNViSiON

    ...So far, from comments left, it sounds like the Edirol stuff is worth a look, as well as maybe the re-valver plugins.

    For my part, I used to enjoy the Interruptor Dub vsts... although probably a bit dated by now.
    ...and Xlutop chainer was a great tool back in the day.
    ...will also definitely be perusing the Synth1 presets to see if there's anything interesting :)

    Appreciate any further comments on anything that looks interesting to folks... I guess I'll dip into them from time to time and check things out, but it's not my main focus having far too many new plugins already to be getting on with.

    I do have another folder mainly with installers for old apps, will check that out and post a list at a later time. :)
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  17. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Thanks alot!
    But I was asking about OP's list but I later realized he didn't upload it yet, only the list of what he has.
  18. ElecTribe

    ElecTribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Just been playing around with ZeroVector... some cool sounds, I know I have the banks, but there doesn't seem to be any way to change banks within the VST UI... The manual says I should be able to do this within my host application (Reaper in my case), but being a bit MIDI-illiterate I can't seem to be able to do that!
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    How to load/save FXP and FXB on Reaper?
    Load a plugin, press + button.
  20. ElecTribe

    ElecTribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2022
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    :thumbsup: Ahh, thanks!! Easy when you know how, I'm a bit of a newb to Reaper.


    It sounds very nice with a bit of saturation and EQ from Satson plugins... :)
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