Constructive criticism needed.

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by jagen, Jan 10, 2022.

  1. jagen

    jagen Guest

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  3. Dmotr Softor

    Dmotr Softor Kapellmeister

    Jul 13, 2016
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    Interzone, beyond the Ultraworld
    I love your lyrics. You are trying to convey the right thoughts. I'm a Russian dude from Ukraine. Yes, I listen to such performers as KRS-one, A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Public Enemy. I especially adore tow guys from UK: Roots Manuva & Ty(died of covid, rest in peace). But I'm not really deep into rap music and I don't follow the scene. So I can't be a good advisor.
    I like the special atmosphere of the beat, the keyboards are reminiscent of IDM (Boards of Canada, 90s Warp records)
  4. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    as always, less is more!
    not bad at all, but why is it always so overloaded? seems to be a typical phenomenon here at audioz. the song has too little air, doesn't breathe, is full of unnecessary elements that sound neither musical nor creative.

    and this `` yeah, yeah '' should be banned in songs as soon as possible! just annoying:deep_facepalm:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
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  5. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Where's your hook?
    Just one long scat over a repeating piano loop. :dunno:
  6. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Almost all of the sounds have frequency conflicts with the actual rap. You should resolve the frequency masking across all of the mix, make more room for your voice.
    At some points the track becomes too chaotic, not in a good way. Backgroud sounds form dissonant intervals with the leading instruments, the rhythm becomes indiscernible.
    The overall structure is too samey. Choruses barely differ from verses.
    I'd really use another drum one-shots. Another kick, at the very least.
    Also it's too loud. Don't try to match commercial loudness without commercial recording and commercial sound design, you'll only make the flaws more pronounced. Notice that I don't criticize the recording quality. I understand that you recorded it the way you could. You should still mix around what you have, not try to be something you aren't (yet).
  7. Ed Jachimowicz

    Ed Jachimowicz Producer

    Oct 8, 2019
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    There is a hook, just look at the lyrics that are linked in original post
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  8. Ed Jachimowicz

    Ed Jachimowicz Producer

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Upfront: this is not my kind of music.
    I guess you don't need more than 2 chords to make a song, but still, this sounds monotonous to me.
    But I guess that is part of this kind of rap music (or I haven't heard enough?)

    What I notice when listening to the vocals is that to me they suffer from the "recording pressure".
    don't know how many takes it took and whether it is comped or one take, but to me, it sounds like it
    has been performed to safe. This is a message song where a bit more of an attitude would fit.

    The minimalistic backing is oke. I agree with the above that some sounds/candy doesn't make any sence.
    Not in terms of the lyrics nor musicwise.

    But, I still have to put a track out there myself so take it as it seems fit.
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  9. jagen

    jagen Guest

    Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
  10. jagen

    jagen Guest

    Thanks. Acknowledged...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2022
  11. jagen

    jagen Guest

    The song has a hook. Please, listen with the lyrics. Thank you.
  12. recycle

    recycle Guest

    A criticism is only the personal opinion of a listener. What makes criticism "constructive" is your reaction and countermeasures to what you have been told

    My opinion
    This song is unnecessary. The fact that you own a computer doesn't force you to make music, the fact that you have a mouth doesn't force you to rap. If you really feel the need to compose, let me listen to something that no one has ever played, I want a song that opens my mind and changes my life forever

    Be realistic: claim the impossible
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  13. jagen

    jagen Guest

    Thank you very much.

    PS. I know I asked for constructive criticism and you gave me one; I used a VU meter, a Loudness meter and penalty meter for the mixing and mastering.

  14. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    With all due respect, the hook is meant to be felt. I don't necessarily agree that every track should have one, but if people don't feel it drawing their attention, then there's effectively none.

    Naah. The amount of "opinion" i.e. personal preference depends on the person making a criticism. What makes it constructive is the intention to point out flaws and help the author improve on them versus the desire to mold the work to one's preference or worse yet to self-assert at the expense of others.
    The reaction and "countermeasures" is what makes the author themselves constructive.
  15. jagen

    jagen Guest

    Thank you very much for your assessment. The first verse was 1 take and I took the second verse on a 2 take. Actually, I wanted the natural feeling of breath taking and other anomalies to be on it that's why I left it as is but, thank you very much for your criticism.
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  16. jagen

    jagen Guest

    But, I think you should follow the annotation on The meaning to every word said would blow your mind.

    Thank you for your criticism
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  17. Dmotr Softor

    Dmotr Softor Kapellmeister

    Jul 13, 2016
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    Interzone, beyond the Ultraworld
    Yes, this mix is kind of "flat", and it would be better to re-work some elements. But I disagree with the statement that this song "is full of unnecessary elements that sound neither musical nor creative."
    In my opinion, the problem lies in the mixing stage, especially in the processing of individual instruments and the choice of drums(esp. kicks).
    And yes, it's important to pay attention to the lyrics:wink:, as Jagen said.
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  18. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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  19. jagen

    jagen Guest

    I asked for constructive criticism so, please tell me how I can do better, not kill me to zero.
    Thank you very much for your criticism. I appreciate it.
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  20. jagen

    jagen Guest

    Thank you very much for your criticism. I appreciate it. And also thanks for the compliment.
  21. jagen

    jagen Guest

    Thank you for your criticism. How can I do better?
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