Random Questions?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Donut Nyamer, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Does the DNA test look like a pie graph? Because that climax must have looked like a lunch line at a busy cafeteria.

    Jazz quartet if they are lucky in the climate of today. It's more like group Jazz Hands popping in their mushrooms.
  2. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Damn why bro? Italy looks like a great place to be, can't imagine why you want to leave. Is it because everything is bigger in Texas and they have garlic toast? I'd rather be swimming in a bowl of Zuppa Toscana and floating on Parmesan bread sticks.

    You have all those sexy Wimmenz that know how to Lasagner your smile right side up and pump your Bolagner right back up! I knew one suuuuuper fine Italian girl that talked so sexy. Made me want to Mike Tyson my dick to sleep when she spoke. She made me feel illiterate cause all I knew how to pronounce from her home land was asking for a slice of pissa.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022
  3. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    A random question.
  4. thedavisproject.org

    thedavisproject.org Noisemaker

    Jul 26, 2021
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    - I would like to know since the soul leaves the body upon death, does that mean the kid will be exempt from receiving one, or maybe only get 1/2 of a soul?

    - Could the mother-to-be go after the corpse's estate?
  5. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well, some of us can get quite Tan if you place us under the sun, :yes: (unlike Brits who cook like shrimps.. although Germans get tan too, go figure)
    but nah Spaniards are white Europeans, or Caucasian Mediterranean if you want..

    We're very similar to Italian, French, Portuguese, Greeks.. or pretty much any Mediterranean European country..
    it's only in North America where they have this misconception of: Central/South/Latin American = Hispanic

    But it makes no sense because in Latin America you've got Everything mixed together:
    Native American (of many types), African, and White from anywhere (Spain, Portugal, Italy, French, Holland, Ireland, Britain, Germany..)

    And it could be with any degree of mixing..
    Pure Natives exist like in Peru or Bolivia, pure Blacks exist in Haiti, but on other countries everything gets mixed..
    Like in the Caribbean there's much more African or even Asian genetics..

    What do you call a Brazilian with Blond hair and Blue eyes of German ancenstry.. Hispanic? Luso?
    What do you call an Argentinian with Italian and English/Irish roots.. Hispanic?

    What do you call a native Spanish guy/gal with blue eyes, blonde hair and white as a chicken's ass.. Latino? lmao

    So yeah, I think it's a very outdated meaningless term,
    you cannot generalize and say that South/Central Americans are Hispanic, because they can be almost Anything.

    Each person will have the Culture of his Country, like say Chilean, Argentinian or Colombian culture, and unique personal genetics..
    so very little generalization could be made other than say they come from Latin America..

    It's one of the problems of trying to classify everything in terms of race,
    when in America there's some of the biggest inter-racial mixing in the world.. :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022
  6. Polomo

    Polomo Guest


    I love the questions here :winker:

    Still no samsome like ones (Bro, we need you here ):rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2022
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  7. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    "Why" is something someone asks after hearing something to know the reason for it. Do you have a more specific question? I would love to hear it if you did.

    Ahhh shit, I thought I would get good answers for my question but I'm getting even better counter questions. Exactly why I asked, I didn't even consider that. Great questions! First question especially, very interesting take. I only wish I thought of it on my own.

    I think that just means he's going to be born addicted to kicking someone in the head in a Death Metal pit when those guys really just want to run in a circle and push each other when the riff hit. He might be heartless but not inconsiderate since he will lend his hand to pick that same guy up again, so he can kick him in the fucking head once more! :rofl:You think Charles Manson's mom banged a corpse? If conceiving a child is possible from a corpse then is that where all psychopaths come from? It would explain why some people eat crunchy peanut butter, I guess.

    I personally think; not only can the "mother" come after his child support payment but she could also take his estate and the cuckold courts will support it in full. I wonder what he might look like in court since grave robbing is against the law but since they're such cucks, they might remove that law in favor of the slore.

    Why are slores even allowed to vote if they are just ball washers in the military? They do nothing but provide water for someones dick so they should not be allowed to decide someone elses destiny. Because voting was for people that go to war to decide the fate of the future. :dunno:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
  8. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Hahaha So many good points made!
    I'm quite blessed to tan fairly easily if start laying out in the sun.

    I wonder how a tan German in the 1940s would be treated? Depends on how much meth Hitler was doing that day I guess. How big his hit was would determine the level of traitor tan guy would be for the day.

    Mediterranean people is something I consider to not always be white either. It's very true, I don't really know how to classify certain cultures because they seem to have a multitude of colors within one race. But you're right after so many cultures have intermixed, it's very hard to pin point what someone else is.

    On one hand its cool cause you know; love who you want to but on the other hand I enjoy that there are so many races and cultures around and learning how many different people there are than you who live similar to you but feature enough differences for you to enjoy everything that comes from a culture whether it be food, music, art or way of life. Everyone being the same would be cultural communism and that never works out.

    I can't imagine just going to every country and finding nothing but McDonalds everywhere. That would be boring as fuck. We there anyways but the other markets and restaurants haven't dissipated yet.

    For example: I love how in India, it doesn't matter if you are a higher class or lower class as far as currency goes cause they all eat from the same market that features everything in one place. There's honestly something very cool to that. I'd feel safer too somehow knowing nobody is about to juke my food up and make me foam at the mouth then plop me straight into my casket like a dead piece of shit because nobody is about to poison the market all people visit en masse.
    I don't consider all Italians white either or Portuguese. Greeks race is determined on how high or low up the hill they live. Being closer or further away form the sun is the deciding factor! lmfao!

    Hitlers ideal race is what I'd call it. Lol! Again that would be boring as shit because if he considered that to be the only race that is ideal then what would truly make it ideal if there would be nothing else to compare it to because there is no one else around except kids that are on the cover of milk chocolate bars in Germany?

    True, the deciding factor is what culture you stick your dick into then wait a couple of years to see what culture your seed decided to create.

    Personally I don't think America even has an identity, most of the traditional cultures here aren't traditional anymore. They're McDonalized, furthermore I don't know what a pure blood American should look like. When I look back at old literature I can clearly tell the difference between an American and another culture.

    Nowadays I can't tell the difference cause everyone speaks English and they adopt some form of American culture and Americans adopt all forms of other cultures into themselves. In their own way of course cause Asian restaurants that serve Asian food to Americans aren't eating the same food in their country because it would be too much of a culture shock to serve someone that usually eats burgers and fries for a living.
  9. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    (yes tag your friends to puzzle the nation)
  10. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    wherefore, whither, whence and Worcestershire?

    asking for a fiend :thanks:
  11. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Whatever sauce taste best to you is the best shire!

    Is your fiend the type of fiend that's feinding for answers?
    If so, drop the AS registration page on him and tell him I sent you! I'd love to ask him if penguins are birds or bears? Perhaps they are just bowling pins ready to be knocked over then backslide into the goal like your favorite pastor.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
  12. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Can you cook a Donut by sunbathing on the beach? :dunno:

  13. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    You can air fry it that's for damn sure! If you over fry it then don't worry, hit me up fam.
    I got Donut seeds on deck so you could start over!
    It could also feel cooked if it has to go through Nonut November but it will cool it when Donut December rolls back around!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
  14. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    That's how demons made those giant Nephilim bastards. Think about it, all angelic beings are male. That means they had to cuck themselves in front of a mans dick and swallow then spit it into some poor bishes vagina to produce a giant.

    I think that's where homos came from too, imagine you're born bigger than everyone else on earth and the only other company you have is other Nephilim as big as you. They had no other choice but to prison soap shit in front of all humanity to see because there are no bushes big enough to hide the shame and no vagina big enough to park a rock in their cave. lmfao

    Imagine you're David and you slingshot a rock into that Goliath bastards eye then he falls. This makes you the ultimate alpha of yesterday. Every slore wanted David's dick because he did what no other man could! I bet his dick looked like a mummy that's ready for his tomb cause he's got no skin left on his member for bitches to park their slobber.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
  15. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Ok going into explain mode. It was just a nonsense question, but if you were a "Prisoner" fan like me you would appreciate the absurdity.

    A computer that is supposed to have any answers for any question crashes on the simple "WHY?".
    WHY are we. WHY of everything. Nothing and no one can asnwer that.

    As for the rest I have quentions, but I don't remember them!
  16. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well it's not that they have brown skin,
    but just like us, they can get tan under the sun and become more golden-orange-light brown..
    and that's not exceptional or anything.
    (for instance think of previous potus, orange man bad? why orange? :yes:)

    And the same happens with Spaniards..
    In the South you're more likely to find naturally tan/brown person,
    but most of us are quite pale in the winter..

    Adolf had Black hair, does that make him any less white?
    The color of the hair/skin doesn't really tell you all that much about the cultural origin of a person..

    For instance here's some famous Spaniards..
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Granted, they are not Scandinavian or Germanic, we can see that..
    but how are this guys any less Caucasian/white than anyone else?

    There's obviously some differences,
    but it's more a matter of broad genetic inheritance rather than simply Color..

    And what about Brunette Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians, Czechs, Slavs..?
    are they any less German, Scandinavian, Czech or Slav because they're not blonde?
    Are they any less Caucasian?

    I don't think so.. :no:

    Right, migration is a big element in History of mankind..

    So every country is gonna have a good amount of genetic mix,
    Spain, Italy and Greece being some of the most intermixed, they're like the pussies of Europe..

    You can find Jewish, Arabic or even gypsy Genetics in Spain,
    but also Germanic, Saxon, Normand..

    While you can also find all of that in Italy, plus more eastern Slav genetics..

    And that also applies in current times,
    for instance my cousin happens to be half Slovenian, so she's got some Slav traits in her,
    altho her pure Slovenian mother was brunette.. :yes:

    My grandfather was French and had dark blonde hair,
    so I'm a quarter French, quarter Andalusian (grandma), and half Catalan..

    Right, to some extent that is true, same market perhaps,
    but also same Table if you go eat on a Sikh temple or something.. (I recommend the experience)

    However I think their Caste System still remains,
    so I don't know if a Dalit/intouchable will agree too much with that..

    You see how pointless is it?

    Appearance can only tell you so much about a person and his genetic inheritance..
    You can distinguish one race from the other (like Hindu, Arab, Chinese..),
    or one group from the other like Germans, Slavs, Iberian.. in broad terms.

    But it cannot tell you how much Caucasian/white a person can be, because there's a very broad spectrum on that..
    even pure Nordic Caucasian ppl can be Brunette with brown eyes, so where do you draw the line?

    So yeah, it's good to realize this things,
    and see how much of that distinction is real, and how much is just cultural prejudice.. :wink:
    (and it's more a matter of culture/education than anything..)

    Lol.. and again you see Adolf was Brunette and not so tall,
    therefore not even himself could have been of that imaginary Aryan race..

    I'm 12cm taller than him, and just as white,
    does that make me any more aryan than him? lol

    I'm certainly not, and the aryans are just a wet dream of some deranged individuals.. lol
    although it's true the Germanic tribes were certainly a thing, just as the Slavs and Russians, etc.

    Exactly it's all pretty much relative..

    Well I'm not sure if that ever existed.. :dunno:

    North America was initially founded by British, Spanish and French.. no?
    British and French stayed on the East coast and North..

    While Spanish advanced on the South-West,
    that's why Texas/California geography has so many Spanish names,
    or why some Native tribes (Apaches, Hopis, Navajos) could speak Spanish (Castellano)..
    In fact I don't know if it was Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, or one of those who even got Baptised by spaniards :yes:

    So yeah, the true American Blood if there was such thing,
    must be either Native, or just a mix of British, Spanish and French..
    (although Natives themselves eventually came from Asian places like Polynesia and similar..)

    But then ofc there was a Lot of German, Polish, Scott, Irish, Italian, Jewish..
    Chinese, Indian immigration, and I guess from Everywhere else really.

    And that's really it,
    America is the place where everything got mixed, and revolutionized..
    and that's wonderful because that allowed for such a Rich Cultural explosion to exist in all levels.

    And it's specially in Music where that's more evident,
    you got all the cultures and musical traditions mixing together, and so all those musical styles arised in every area..

    South America is specially rich in that sense, where every country has it's very own unique styles,
    often mixing European tradition/understanding with Native and African sensibilities..

    From Chacarera (Chile), to Venezuelan Vals (in 5/4),
    African influenced styles like Landó (Perú), Guaguanco (Cuba)
    or Bossa and Samba in Brazil, Tango in Argentina..

    There's maybe Hundreds of very distinct/unique musical styles,
    and all of that would have been impossible without all the Cultural mixing..

    So as a musician I can only be happy it all happened :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2022
  17. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Are they??

    lmao.. :rofl:

    I wonder if that alleged Goliath guy was Ginger/red haired.. :dunno:

    As apparently some Gigantic ppls of old were so,
    like the Peruvian Conehead Paracas ppl, the Patagonian giants,
    or the Si-Te-Cah giants that north American Native Tribes fought, and actually eradicated from their land.. :yes:

    But they were also around Europe and Mesopotamia, like the elongated Maltese skulls and so on..

    Actual genetic analysis have been recently done to the Paracas elongated skulls, (mitocondrial DNA)
    and guess what.. they were Caucasian in origin, like from the Caucasus mountains.. lol

    So apparently they could have been a different race of humans,
    Red haired, very Tall and with Thick Jaw bones..

    Who were considered like royalty in Peru/Paracas,
    but also happened to terrorize Native Americans in the North..

    But who were they in reality?
    Could have they been the Rulers/guides of regular humans?
    Or just a competent old race that we had to eliminate to survive?

    Were they the ones responsible for all the unexplainable Megalithic monuments around the globe?
    I cannot assure it, but it's certainly one possibility :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
  18. HikaruSniper

    HikaruSniper Kapellmeister

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Well, I'll post a serious one hopping someone could give me an answer. I searched for the answer but couldn't find it.
    What happens with a person's pee and poo when the person is in coma?
  19. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Catheters are used to both collect urine and feces.
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  20. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    They were the Atari
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