Mini PC (alternative to laptop)

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Backtired, Jan 6, 2022.

  1. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Hi, I come in need of help, as always!

    I'm not that good at computer stuff, specs and all that. It's been a few years I moved out of the country and I've been without a desktop, nor a laptop for that matter. Where I live I have no garanties I'll stay at the same place, and I miss making music... a lot! Especially since I made a few friends who are into music as well (a dj, a violinist, and even a guy who plays a traditional instrument from the place).
    A laptop was my first choice, but I know many people here look away when they hear that word. So, after some searching I came across somethings called Mini PCs. Are these good for music making? They see quite handy, portable. I'll list some information.

    • I use FL Studio
    • I make no recordings at all
    • I want to buy something cheap but not *very* cheap, I don't want to buy a new one every year...
    • I have an external HDD, 1 TB. I don't care that much if it's slow, I know SSD are better but they are also expensive
    • The computer would be just for music and some work related stuff, I don't plan on gaming (and if I do, it will be stuff like arcade emulations lol), maybe Photoshop and the Microsoft Package. So we can save on the gfx card
    • Screen, mouse, keyboard are not a problem, some people will lend them to me or I'll buy some cheap ones. Headphones acquired already. No need for audio monitors, as my dj friend has three pairs at his house
    • While I don't use Serum, Waves or heavy beasts, I want to make sure to be able to if the day comes, so good CPU and RAM
    • USBs ports, at least four, headphones port
    • Audio driver/card? No idea about this.
    • * I didn't mention this: I prefer Windows, no Mac. And also an ethernet port or a wifi card/driver implemented would be the cherry on top
    • Budget max ⟩ 450 € / 550 €

    I hope you can put me on the right tracks, have a good day :)
  3. DarkonValor

    DarkonValor Member

    Dec 22, 2012
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    I have a mac mini 2012 with 2x 1TB SSDs and 16GB RAM (max it can handle) and it works GREAT running Windows 2021 LTSC in Bootcamp. The nice thing about this setup is that I can use Logic on MacOS and all the Windows apps I want on Bootcamp. Best of both worlds for me.
    Also, the older macs are still faily cheap on the used market. I payed like $350 for this one (Server version, which has the extra cable for the second drive).
    I think this is a great option for a budget PC that also runs mac apps.

    Disclaimer: The CPU is an INTEL based i7, 2.7GHz. Not the most powerful machine, but it handles pretty much everything I throw at it without any issues.
  4. reaktor

    reaktor Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    • Hi, I have a mini pc bought in China, AMD cpu, one tera ssd hard drive, internet, 4 usb, Win10, 500 dollars, it's not my music machine, but I still set it up with Ableton without any other plugs, it works perfectly or, Intel Nuc, I use them at work it's a little more expensive!
  5. wire

    wire Noisemaker

    Jul 11, 2017
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    Whoever said that laptops are not professional solutions are just idiots. I had my first home studio in 1988 on a Atari Mega ST4. I have been running pro audio setups on laptops since 2004. On a IBM T41 with a RME Multiface for 3-4 years, then moved on to faster machines. Just buy a used gaming i7 laptop with a SSD disk and you are good and portable.
  6. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Go for this one or similar :

    Mouse and keyboard are included .
    Wifi and Bluetooth also Ethernet
    9 USB ports
    €419 ATM

    If needed, Ram can be upgraded to 16 GB with just a click (after opening the case )

    It's a Small PC but maybe not Mini in my eyes
    This comes with many advantages (like easier cleaning and upgradeable )

    Windows can be installed (If you don't know how, ask a friend or the Internet ... there are a bazillion Video on YouTube how to install Windows on this device )

    But Laptops can be ok as well

    they have their downsides in
    and USB Ports (4-5 are the best you can get sadly this day's )
    also you get for the same price a weeker CPU

    My new one :
    The CPU is decent
    8 GB RAM is ok
    and 256 GB SSD is also ok but needs a bit of creativity (For me it was a 200GB SD card and only PM Synths and Effects with low need for Disk space like Zebra2, Helix , Chromaphone 3 etc .)

    (both have a 5300, but the Desktops is around 30% faster than the Laptop )
  7. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Thanks for all the answers. I found this one for 500€
    What do the experts think? It seems pretty robust, doesn't it?

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  8. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    The CPU is a bit weak but the rest seems ok
  9. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

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  10. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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  11. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    I'd not recommend you to buy a PC with an embedded processor. They are weak. Assembling PC oneself isn't a hard task.

    Look at one of these little beasts:

    I own one and am completely satisfied. 15 x 15 x 8 cm. From time to time I use it for music making but mostly it is my second machine in the event of breackdown of my main one. And for mobility too as the factory box with an external power supply occupies approx. 2/3 of my backpack and in the factory box there is a bit of free space for a mouse, an external HDD and other small items.

    Yes, to assemble it you have to buy a processor, memory and disks (2'5 HDDs, SSDs). Choose parts you can afford (and which are more efficient). The single drawback regarding efficiency is power consumption of processor. You can choose processors with TDP 65 W or less only. But with modern processors it's insignificant. As for AMD processors, you'll need a video card (they don't have internal one in most cases). That's why I'd recommend you an Intel processor. i5. Or even i3. They don't cost much.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
  12. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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  13. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    The Intel (1165G7) is good in my eyes, a bit pricey but totally ok in therms of CPU power

    About Kuu
    they are from China and relatively new to the market (2020)
    their workmanship is a bit below standard (only found some things on different platforms, mostly for Laptops )

    But if I see everything right, you got at least 1-Year Warranty (and 2 from Amazon ) so If anything breaks this should not be a problem in this time.
    I'm not an expert on Law, specially in other countries, but maybe this could also be interesting in this context :

    The CPU is Intel, so this is not likely to break soon
    On the SSD and RAM, I can just speculate . But even if this breaks they are replaceable with very little effort (new SSD €50 and RAM 8 GB €40) ... after the Warranty of course. Just from the pictures, it would be Samsung for SSD (980 Pro ) .
    On the other hand, it looks like a serving suggestion, so this could be everything else.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2022
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