Most Infamous Sample Content Providers

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by HPF, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Block 4
    Tons of stuff for purchase and many not even worth a free download. Wonder what is your most unwanted Brand/Manufacturer/Release for ProAudio content (Loops/MIDI/Presets/Samples) and why exactly, what bothers you the most? Are single releases affected or the complete line?

    attribute ideas:
    - bloated content (artificial methods to pump up content to the max) more detailed below:
    -- unnecessary long loops ()
    -- unnecessary duplicate content (eg.:adding monolithic sampler files although samples are present and useable)
    -- unnecessary high bit-sample-rates without benefit [upscaling scam]
    -- unnecessary long samples (silence at end not stripped)
    -- unnecessary formats that dont make sense at all ... like rex oneshots
    -- unnecessary non audio content (hires pics, exaggerate hires audio demos, super big pdf docs, ...)
    - non original content (mostly foreign/common sources, slightly edited)
    - technically bad (too loud o. silent samples, poor processing, bad file naming)
    - call files with *.aif extension "Apple Loop" by default
    - offer seperate formats with non identical content (apple, acid-loops file count o. names differ)
  3. Horsemen

    Horsemen Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    developers who unpack samples that they get from another developer

    Sounds in HD are known to repackage Goldbaby samples and sell them as their own
  4. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I`ve never really "got" the reason for WAV and AIFF formats on the same release. Mac`s read WAV, PC`s read AIFF, what`s the point?

    I concluded that it must be due to the staunch patriotism felt by the radical PC`ers and Mac`ers, kinda:

    "Man, I aint using `their` format, it might infect my beautiful machine."

    To me, it does NOTHING but double the size of the bloody download, which makes those contributors who offer separate format download options true HERO`s of the scene! :wink:
  5. Sparkle

    Sparkle Newbie

    Dec 12, 2013
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    To name one I personally don't like is Garritan. All their "natural" sounds are sounding like plastic. I am not that much using synth-sounds. I am heading for the best and most realistic sounds I can get my hands on.
    I am sure Garritan, shipped with Finale and Sibelius, have their customers and it is fair enough when you just need a control when working on scores. But for a good Demo of orchestra-pieces it is, imo, very hmmm... let's say: "poor".

    Talking about other libraries I don't like things which are predefined. I have not studied composition to use "Vivace" or "Lumina" with all their stories. But this doesn't mean that their stuff is bad.

    I just need good tools to support my creative work. And in my opinion it is a shame when 20 tracks of different composers are using the same presets of synths like Omnisphere or Stylus RMX.

    But, again, this is only my personal and, of course, poor opinion.
  6. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    There's strong and weak stuff from most providers, but I have to say I have my favourites, the ones that are most consistently interesting, and that choose to sample material not covered (or not covered well) elsewhere. Among these I'd have to include SonicCouture, SoundIron, Sonokinetic…I guess anything that begins with S.
  7. troslek

    troslek Newbie

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I think it is a bit imprecise to see Zero-G as a one developer since they are in reality more of a publisher. But I agree that the golden era of Zero-G is long gone.

    Sample developers I would personally avoid (in terms of their business practice/attitude/ethic) are 8Dio, EastWest, Prime Loops and Vengeance.
  8. New Model No.15

    New Model No.15 Newbie

    Dec 16, 2013
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    BOOM librarys can be a biatch cos they are mostly at 192kHz and have HUGE gaps between samples, so you are mostly downloading silence :)
    and they weigh tons. they could have done a lot of housekeeping with those releases
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