plz help

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Raydachef, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. Raydachef

    Raydachef Noisemaker

    Jan 5, 2022
    Likes Received:
    my first post plz dont troll me to hard but can anyone plz answer the question or post the steps on how to properly install Omnisphere
    mine will open but gives me errors when i click on a a sound bank
    any help would be greatly appreciated thank you guys
  3. Klangfarbe

    Klangfarbe Newbie

    Dec 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    From the R2R readme of omnisphere...

    Spectrasonics Patched+KeyGen Releases 2021

    Uninstall & Clean Up
    Uninstall previous version(s).

    Official installer does not have uninstaller.
    You need to remove them by hand.

    * VST dir
    * VST3 dir
    * AAX dir
    * %PROGRAMDATA%\Spectrasonics\*.exe
    * %PROGRAMDATA%\Spectrasonics\plug-ins\*.dll, *.vst3

    If you want to remove previous license,
    remove : %PROGRAMDATA%\Spectrasonics\AUDIO*.DAT

    Just install, enjoy!

    Our installer has following advantage.
    * Allows you to select plugins format you need
    * Proper VST2 dir detection
    * Has uninstaller

    Make computer offline.

    We recommend you to authorize with standalone version.
    Run the software. Authorization starts.

    Click "REQUEST AUTHORIZATION". Your browser opens.
    Check URL of the opened browser. It's something like this:

    Run our keygen. Select a product you want to activate.
    Copy ChallengeCode from URL (the value of "ch") to the keygen.
    (In the case above, "SmMY%256QnT%3dXyx38KlPUBqkTBx%3fB8" is a ChallangeCode.)

    Click "Generate" in the keygen.
    License will be generated.
    Copy the license from keygen.

    Click "PASTE" in the software.
    Click "CONTINUE" in the software.

    Done, restart the application.

    If software still asks you to authorize,
    * Your PC has previous intallation and not cleaned well
    * You selected wrong product in our keygen.

    TEAM R2R 2021
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hello and welcome to Audiosex.
    Use the search function, there is a specific sub forum for Omnisphere here with a lot of information.

    Also an advice for next times: write more detailed titles, you will receive more help / answers.

    Your thread will now be changed to this subforum.
  5. Klangfarbe

    Klangfarbe Newbie

    Dec 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    If there are problems with "patches/sounds could not be found" you can do this:

    Shut down Omnisphere, go into the main folder of your STEAM/Omnisphere Library, get a search engine like Everything and search for zmap.index and delete them. Yes all. NOTE: NOT THE .zmap

    After that start Omnisphere as Standalone, now it should take a while until the zmap.index is rebuild, give Omnisphere the time to do so and don't touch it (it can crash if you don't) then when that finished click on that little reload icon (see attached picture) and wait again until this has finished.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022

    Attached Files:

  6. Raydachef

    Raydachef Noisemaker

    Jan 5, 2022
    Likes Received:
    hey thank you so much for actually getting back to me in other sites if ur new you get no replies so i appreciate that man frrfr
    but im gonna start on your instructions. ive been trying for so long to get this to work lol im not good at all this tech stuff
    i can make music like crazy but get all the other stuff my 8 yr old makes me look like a caveman lol ill get back to you with the results thank you again