Windows 8 Warez Experience

Discussion in 'PC' started by Catalyst, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm in the market for a new PC and found one I was thinking I might purchase but it comes preloaded with Windows 8 and that's one of the only things that's stopping me from nabbing this sucker. I was wondering what the experience was for any members here that use this OS. What warez DAWs and plug-ins have issues that I might miss out on if I take the leap? I know straight away I can't use Cubase 5 and that really blows but maybe someday I will get over my allergy to dongles and finally pick up Cubase 7.5. What else would I miss? Soundtoys? Lexicon? SSL? I'm sure this would help some other members shopping for the holidays too so thanks in advance. :wink:
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    buy the pc and install windows 7 on it :wink:
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I know but it's annoying to have to do that straight out of the gate not to mention a hell of a lot of work. First you have to make an image of the drive and then I would have to download Windows 7 Pro, install it, download all the drivers for my components, install all the drivers, etc. I really would use Windows 8 if it made for a good warez production experience as it has some great new features but I need to know what I'm getting myself into if I consider it.
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    not really, at the most a couple of hours, including installing all your drivers, the thing you will have trouble with is deciding to stick with 32bit or go 64bit,

    a brand new pc? why do you need to create an image? there's nothing on it
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    64-bit. Though annoying I think it's time. What are you on?

    It comes with Windows 8 64-bit on it so I would want to make a backup in case I ever want to use it.
  7. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    win7 32bit, I think my pc is similar spec to your current pc, tried it with 64bit but wouldn't quite work properly, cubase 5 works great on it and of course S1 is fantastic :wink:

    should be able to create an image fairly quickly from a new machine, and save it onto a USB stick
  8. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Forget wares, what about the start button???
    In all seriousness, if you didnt notice, microsoft alternates between one good windows and a bad one. It has been like that since the windows 95. Just think about it. I have windows 7 on my computer, my wife has 8 on hers and I would never wanna swap with her. Its better to download 7 now, loose an hour or less and not have to loose 5 minutes in total every day trying to navigate through windows 8.
  9. FonkDokta

    FonkDokta Newbie

    Nov 18, 2013
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    Look don't worry about Windows 8 and warez I have been doing this warez stuff for 15 years and 8 although aggravating at first is really a streamlined OS. I refuse to update to 8.1 because they brought the start button back. If you know what you're doing you don't need it anyway. I have the last 13 years of VSTs and VSTis and don't have any problems and thanks to the UAC no virii! Sure you have to go to the command console to start an ad-hoc network but its better in the long run because you are forced to learn your operating system. It reminds me of the windows 3.11 days lol in short go for it! don't let fears of a new operating system hinder you just look at it as a challenge and use that as part of your workflow whatever you decide good luck
  10. drakem20

    drakem20 Member

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Depending on the way you work.
    WIN7 has been tested by DAW builders for years. If you need answers to any problem you will find them on thousands of forums. With the SP 1 ( i don't upgrade if not necessary) is the most stable and fast OS I've ever used.
    So for professional use for me 7. Make a clean install with all drivers, software and make a copy of the setup on the separate HD. If shit happens just swap the drives.
    Win8 on the other hand is fresh. You will find a lot of questions on the web. that doesn't work, this has a problem...
    I would wait couple of years and change only if it runs faster.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm not so much afraid of the OS as I was afraid that some things wouldn't work on it that are integral like Soundtoys or something else and I'm already going to have enough of a headache moving to a 64-bit OS. I know that the code has been tightened and there are some nifty new features that are enticing. Command prompts don't scare me either. *no*

    I'm debating it. What I'll probably end up doing is trying out 8 and running some tests to see if it could work. I know that Cubase 5 is a no-go so basically that sucks right off the bat. I would have to move to another DAW and seeing that I don't really like any of them that might be a problem. Studio One is the closest thing of what would be available I guess if I were to use 8.
  12. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    For a sec I thought this would be the perfect time to make some joke that maybe you should consider joining the dark side instead.
    But then I remembered that ppl seem to take this issue way too seriously… so I'll refrain.

    Hope you find a new machine that works out great :wink:
  13. FonkDokta

    FonkDokta Newbie

    Nov 18, 2013
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    true win7 has been around a minute but do to my experience of finding workarounds for EVERYTHING win8 isnt much different in my opinion once you learn how to disable that tablet interface it starts up with its still win7 just without the start button and in this age of instant gratification it has features that allow you to find whatever youre looking for in your database all the while still working and producing as drakem20 said it just depends on the way you work as far as speed goes i can turn on my computer and have my DAW project loaded with a full load of kontakt and omnisphere instances in less than a minute i could never do that with 7
  14. FonkDokta

    FonkDokta Newbie

    Nov 18, 2013
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    i use FL studio mainly its simpler for me but ableton is a true 64 bit DAW as is reaper and any other mainstream DAW there is even a workaround for the sylenth 64 bit if you are willing to hack into the OS for it ;)
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    thisis theend
    Not a chance! :bleh: :rofl:
    Yeah I found something decent so far but we'll see.

    My issue is that they flattened it from 3D to 2D and I'm sure that's where some of the performance gains come in. Windows 7 looks a lot nicer to my eyes with the Aero interface. Why go through all of the trouble of implementing that just to remove it in the next version and I'm not sure but I think they might add it back in 9. In the end it's not the end of the world when a new OS is right around the corner and one they hopefully can refine and make even better for desktop users. Still way better than a Mac.
  16. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    Just get a Mac already, Catalyst. :drummer:
  17. FonkDokta

    FonkDokta Newbie

    Nov 18, 2013
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    windows 7 does look nicer it seems to be more hi res to me overall especially when i load up vsts the GUIs look way better in 7 even on a ten year old monitor so no argument there but it gives you more processing power for other things i.e. music production, 3d modeling, photoshop, games, etc but since i dont have any games on my production cpu i found a nifty way to reroute the 12 gb of ddr5 ram from my 4 gpus to focus on making music so yeah im not looking back but am looking forward to something new hopefully this tablet interface experiment that is win8 will be phased out and they keep all the good features
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Pay way more for way less and an interface that makes me want to vomit. Never going to happen. You know I'm not about all that flash. *no* I'm a substance kind of guy. *yes*

    By the way I read some rumors that the full start menu might be reappearing in 8.2 and by 9 it will surely happen. Also they'll have apps that will run on the desktop along with some other bells and whistles.
  19. FonkDokta

    FonkDokta Newbie

    Nov 18, 2013
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    you don't need the start menu after a week you won't notice its gone i love that its gone lol its like a crutch you dont need anymore after an injury heals i hope they don't bring it back fully i hope they make it an option if its not already in 8.1 lol ive been obstinate about any updates for it since i heard they brought it back actually with every new major OS revision (Vista, 7, 8) its becoming more and more MAC like so thats a good thing in my book
  20. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    This is exactly my point. People these days go to great lengths to speed up their workflow. SO why sudden introduction of having to execute two commands rather than one. If it was time of 3.11 I would be happy. But the fact that it was more convenient in the past already and now we re reverting back is most annoying. And why would they revert back to 3.11 is beyond my explanation. What tha fuck did they research and develop for in last two decades if we re going back to 3.11. Surprised they didnt bring back DOS...
    And why would you want to learn your operating system unless IT is what you re really into. For music making its difficult enough to get all your plugins inside out, so why would someone bother having to learn something that should be taken for granted- easy to use os which is means to an end and no energy should be wasted on it.
  21. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    got a win 8 ultrabook recently... the os blows... winBLOWS...I did download a little app that brings back the start button which helped
    some.. the touch screen links..are nothing other than a funnel to more microsuck douchebaggetry apps and services.. big surprise ha? *no*

    I think I will downgrade to Win 7 32 bit... as I have had the most blue screens and memory dumps since Win95 (sh*t you not !)
    had some totally awful results after installing Sonar X3 also.. the 64 bit thing was an atrocious flop for me...even had problems
    with reaper releases of all things... :wow:

    even when removing some usb peripherals.. such as an m-audio micro.. so i can use the avid asio driver, if i pull that out
    i get a BSOD.... haist..... never happened ONCE in Win 7 :excl: :excl: :excl: