What UVI Sounbanks are worth keeping so far for you?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Brendan, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. mickey

    mickey Ultrasonic

    Jan 24, 2016
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  2. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Last edited: Dec 17, 2021
  3. liquidlove

    liquidlove Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2015
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    What's so horribly bad about it? Yes, you used to have to have a physical USB dongle (sacrificing a port for it...and also buy one if it didn't come with your software package) but these days it's all inside a software. You only have to authorize once (imagine that, Roland Cloud!) and you can authorize I think up to 2-4 computers for a single license. You don't even have to be online (imagine that, Roland Cloud!) ever again.

    In my opinion it's the easiest copy protection there is. See the worst offenders like Roland's Cloud.

    And to be fair, in terms of protection, it WAS rock solid until now. Like, I see no point in becoming a Kontakt library developer (for example) when even the most extensive, the most expensive and expansive 70GB libraries are pirated within days.
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  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Let's see things from the perspective of a software manufacturer.
    You can do something - you make a product, invest a lot of time and work into it and go public, i.e. the market, and offer your products.The developer asked himself very early on, how do I protect myself from software piracy?

    And how can I make sure that I can earn enough money to keep my company going? So the developer starts looking for copy protection for his products. Copy protection must not be too expensive. Now one has ended up with iLok, the other with a different copy protection.The manufacturer is in competition with other companies, so he will rather make his products better than change the copy protection.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
  5. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    So on topic, and this is something I did not expect, but I'm enjoying the everloving shit out of PX SunBox.

    Is it fancy? No it isn't. Is it mindblowing? No way.

    But it's eminently usable and tweakable for those "bread and butter" analog sounds. The presets are great starting points, and for once they're not drowned in reverb or other FX. They sound punchy and thick enough, something that just seems to fit in the mix straight off.

    Now, I've not used a real SunSyn ever so I can't compare, but to me this is a mighty fine toolbox.
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  6. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Whats everyone think of ToyBox? Genuinely looks irreplaceable, I don't think I've ever even seen anything close to this on the market. Especially how bulky it is. God damn UVI is great.
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I have N3 installed with the minimum of XP, for me the Factory library is the most useful one, so N3 weights only 5GB or even less for me.
    (If i get it working again - :rofl:Somewhere i made a mistake, but i dont know where - have to see.)

    Those Epic Pads and Single Layered Pads in Nexus (from v2) are very good and lieghtweight to have on a HDD.

    Falcon on the other hand has various XP with cool single presets.

    I still need to compare Alicias Keys to the Ravenscroft. But i was to lazy to setup Kontakt again on prtable HDD.
    I feel the same about the Synth Engine in Falcon, its like in a very cheap apartment, you only get the minimal of everything.

    I mean the Analog module: Why does it not have more features. And this goes on with the other modules.
    Also When you drag in any module, you have to click one preset? Why not just click module and this opens in the default settings?
  8. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I didn't go that deep, but sound itself seems even worse than some trash & free synths....
    Hypersonic engine, which is about 15yrs old, sounds like monster synth compared to Falcon and most synths now days, how advanced it was at the time, and now it is even better than HalionSonic 6 synth module...
    And now I really don't realize why some users and most of them here here were crying about Falcon?
    Was that some hype or what?
    Really it feels a big disappointment to me... I didn't even wanted it, but downloaded to test it because of all that hype..
    Synth engine is crap, samples are old and overused... For me sounds similar like Ummet Ozcan Genesis... In demos sounds like GOD of all synths in reality trash!

    Who would even need a sampled synth emulations, with tons of gigs, like Syntronik by IkMultimedia.... Makes no sense...
    That is my opinion, and everyone has right to express himself here...
    Maybe I don't know how synth works, but for sure i know what sounds good and what not... Falcon is not the good one...
    Overpriced scam....

    TRY HALION 6 it have some good sampling features it is warm recommendation...
  9. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    UVI - ToyBox has that old vintage speech synth in it.
    Linkin Park sampled it in their "Behind Blue Eyes" song at about 2:53 mins in.

    ToyBox is going onto my buy list pronto.
  10. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    strange, wasn't hypersonic also uvi?
    but Halion def is:rofl:
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
  11. badjak

    badjak Ultrasonic

    Aug 1, 2017
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    Ravenscroft 275 is imho one of the best virtual piano’s out there. It’s tone might sound a bit shallow at first glance but somehow it fit’s perfectly in almost any mix without tinkering too much. Now for me, the biggest sellingpoint of the Ravenscroft it’s joy it’s tone but also it responsiveness. It’s the only piano that translates perfectly making it a absolute joy to play! And I tried and bought a lot piano libs.

    Also I’ve seen GospelMusicians shouted out in this post a couple of times. I can’t agree more! They switched away from UVI and have their main instruments in VST/AU/AAX format right now which I am using now, but they have still a few that are UVI only and they are great as well! I hope that one day they will make a JD-800
  12. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    I wasted a lot of money on a few UVI plugins a while back. I was disappointed, and felt as if I had been robbed, and bought nothing else from them since. Many thanks to R2R for giving us what UVI will not....a demo. I found most of the UVI plugs substandard, compared to other plugs by many, smaller developers. Is it any wonder why they do not provide a demo to try? Other than a couple from UVI, the ONLY plugs I found somewhat useful were a few by the developers using UVI as a vehicle for their products. Falcon, by itself, is childish compared to the many synths available at a much lower cost. It angers me that UVI still touts outdated Falcon as a superior plug. So thankful I didn't take the plunge, now that I can demo it. Recycle Bin.....Delete!

    Once again, many thanks to R2R and others who worked so hard to provide and post. Outstanding!
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  13. Chaindog

    Chaindog Platinum Record

    Dec 12, 2016
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    There is a free VST Version of it (32&64 bit) , in which you can assign the words to a Midi keyboard:

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  14. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Time to and put out all those next level songs using only Reason 12, Falcon and Soothe.

    Show that Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Monteverdi were just Chumps using real instruments
  15. odiza

    odiza Producer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    I have A LOT to do when i reached pension age. For sure.
  16. odiza

    odiza Producer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    You forgot all-time-beloved Omnisphere in your list.
  17. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Thanks for that link, I just grabbed it! I've never seen this brand come up on any of the free vst sites before so I appreciate that you let me know about it. I'm not going to buy ToyBox soley because of Speak n Spell but rather cause it gives you so much similar + hard to find content all in one place and gives to so much of it that you probably don't need to look elsewhere.

    I've seen plenty of libraries of toy pianos and such but ToyBox is way more than that. ToyBox gives you lots of quirky material in a fun book-like interface (actually all of their GUI's are fun) which is laid onto pages you switch to in a tab-like manner with onboard fx included.

    The key bed at the bottom that's highlighted blue has the natural sampled material and the white keys outside of that are stretched samples which sound way better than any other stretched samples I've ever encountered before. There are so many different variations and perspectives you can set onto any sample right in the box, it's very convenient.

    So, I don't know where all the hate for UVI comes from, demos would be nice I agree with that. But I have nothing bad to say about UVI at all. They obviously are using more than just your common mics like SM57or8'sIDGAFOS to record their samples because they sound great. I love their different take on FX which also sound great.

    I don't have an arsenal of pawn shop instruments to sift through, nor do I have an equal arsenal of mics filling up my closet full like a doomsday prepper so I appreciate unique libraries like this which are as I've said earlier, extremely hard to find. I'm trying to make music, not set myself up for a 3 year project trying to create my own libraries constantly searching for content which I do too much of already.

    I never understood shitting on a company that worked hard to get content into your hands, when I didn't like something I simply just walked past it without saying a word and I have encountered material that's worse than others.

    Sorry this got so long but the last 4 paragraphs are not directed to your response directly but rather to anyone that has nothing good to say with no constructive way to give it, which is possible by the way since some people in this very thread were able to give good criticism in a helpful way.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2021
  18. Pauluz

    Pauluz Member

    Sep 11, 2018
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    What is Trash about Nexus 3? I think it is really cool and packed with cool sounds and features!
  19. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    I liken it more to a Kontakt/Omnisphere replacement with better samples than Omni...
  20. birdboi

    birdboi Producer

    Oct 20, 2021
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    Does anyone have the UVI Drone soundbank? If so, is it like actually worth getting it? I mean, it is a hefty 18 gigs (I'm running out of space in my hard drive lol). Would it be good for ambient music production, etc..?
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