Cubase vs Reaper

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Atlantis84, Dec 21, 2021.


Cubase vs Reaper

  1. I prefer Cubase

    85 vote(s)
  2. I prefer Reaper

    94 vote(s)
  1. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    It's not that is clunky...
    It just doesn't have the same capability in that area, because it wasn't designed for that.

    IOW Reaper's MIDI is completely bound to the Audio Engine, it's not independent,
    and so it will never be as stable/latency free as Cubase or ProTools or many other DAWs..

    Reaper is amongst the most lightweight and performant DAWs,
    but if you have to deal with External MIDI devices, and latency is a factor, there's just better options designed with that in mind..

    Afaik Reaper configuration is Persistent, even through updates,
    and there's actually many ways you could set the stuff up or store it, or even manage it on the fly..

    I don't know what you could be possibly doing but it's strange what you mention.. :yes:

    Just need to make the plug Float,
    by clicking that option on the FX menu, or double clicking on the plug itself..

    If the plug is closed, just Right click on the track's FX button, and open the plug by selecting it from that list.
    It will appear without the frame.

    However that frame is interesting sometimes, as it gives you crucial options like:
    Auto Build Multichannel output routing
    Auto Build 16 input midi tracks

    Good point, and it's certainly doable..

    -Every user will have it's own Needs and Workflow,
    some guys work with lots of Audio files, some guys it's only Midi, some use only the TCP, some use only the Mixer view,
    some will use it as it is, some will make macros/scripts to control/automatize whatever stuff in it,
    because they work with/manage Massive amount of files, etc..

    There's no possible way to enumerate all the things that could be/have been done,
    and all the ways they could be set up in Reaper.
    But the options are there, and it's up to the user to decide how to deal with it.

    Good thing is, it's very highly Customizable, and there's a very big community sharing their stuff,
    so if you're into doing things Massively, you can use whatever methods other ppl made, or just make your own.

    But yeah all this is of no use and very complicated for the regular user who just wants to:
    Record Audio/Midi tracks,
    Load some FX/Instruments,
    Mix and Master the stuff.

    For that you don't need Macros, Scripts or anything, you can just do it on a fresh install,
    and whatever change you do on that Project, even cosmetic changes, will Persist.

    For me it feels very easy, intuitive and free.. very handy.

    Whereas Cubase felt, again, Rigid and square-headed.
    Just loading a single VST instrument was an exercise on bureacracy, where you need to make a special track to contain the plug,
    and then specific tracks for audio or midi... fuck that.

    In Reaper all tracks are or can be Any/Everything, Instrument/Bus/Midi/Audio/Video/Sends/Receives..
    You just put whatever you want on a given tracks, and that's it, no need to complicate yourself/the stuff.

    If you need FX or sends/receives, just do it.. it's that simple,
    you don't need to treat the stuff differently..

    And that ease of use is what immediately set it apart for me when coming from Cubase.

    Fruity Loops had similar problems for me,
    like the GUI is so confusing, and things need to be done exactly in one way,
    so you need to learn the program's specific way for doing the simplemost stuff,
    problem is with that GUI everything becomes another exercise in bureaucracy.. lol

    The program is great, very foking Fast, Stable and capable.
    Awesome, and it was the best aficionado's go-to thing for ages.

    But there's a layer of Transformers bureaucracy I couldn't pass through,
    because it's made with Electronic music in mind,
    so my head got Stuck just at step one of the tunnel, and I had to pass on it.

    Cubase worked for a while, as I had been a Cakwalk Sonar user before (old ass version),
    but tell you what, I always preferred CoolEdit Pro 2 style of usage, as it made everything more free and handy.

    In Reaper I found all the ease of use/simplicity of CoolEdit,
    the Performance of FL,
    and all the capabilities of Cubase or any other serious DAW.

    All in one small, fast and convenient package, and so that's what I used ever since :yes:

    However that's not to say it's Perfect.
    It's not, and it has it's own strenghts/weaknesses.

    So being aware of that, you choose whatever program suits more your Workflow/mentality and Needs. :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
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  2. Piszpunta

    Piszpunta Kapellmeister

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I had been using Cubase since v1 on Atari ST. In 2012/2013 (after over 2 decades!) I moved to Studio One (v2.5 then). And in 2015 I moved to Reaper. I changed Reaper's ugly stock GUI to my custom one and I'm set. Not looking back.
  3. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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    a daw is as good as its community , I dont think cubase community even approaches what developers in reaper forum make for free
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  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Don't mind me, just here for the fight. I mean show

    MRFEENIX Kapellmeister

    Oct 9, 2018
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    Get ya popcorn here ...
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  6. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    i been saying this for a long time
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  7. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    No, it just means that the presets are different.
    Different DAWs have different settings as default. Making a comparison without adjusting these settings is like comparing one and the same compressor with different ratios and then claiming that the two sound different. Of course they sound different! They use different ratio settings!

    The same with DAWs. You have to adjust:
    • Dither on/off
    • Noiseshaping on/off
    • Interpolation settings
    • pitch algo
    • Sample rate
    • Bit depth
    • Automation linear/logarithmic
    • pan law
    • pan mode
    • channel pin mapping
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2021
  8. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    it's obvious that if you adjust the settings you can make everything sound like anything else.But a Daw is not an effect.And with your reasoning you are just admitting that they sound different.BEsides, i stated clearly that the recorded file was clean and completely unprocessed, just a an audio track with nothing else.We r not talking about consoles, compressors and so on.load the track, arm it and play record, they don t sound the same
  9. Free Agent

    Free Agent Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Turkey & Ukraine
    If you think that Reaper is better, it means that you don't use Cubase to its full capacity.

    The only thing i don't like about Cubase is the update prices. They are pretty overpriced. It is still a reason for me to switch from Cubase to another DAW.
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  10. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    In theory they should null but in practice each daw applies its own thing.

    Each daw codes its stock plugins differently, just because its digital its still a different code.
    Stock EQs, all different.
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    MINIGUNPUNK Kapellmeister

    Aug 12, 2021
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    I'm staying on Reaper, thanks, I've already tried the initial features of Сubase, it's long load times, crashes, and no way to fully customize my workflow.
  12. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Cubase in audio editing much more flexible then reaper. It has everything need to work.
    Restoration, Tuning, Editing, Alighning. Good tools for mixing, song writers.

    All in one.
  13. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Cubase (I used that for 20+ years...) is a heavy armored tank. Reaper (I'm on it for now 7-8ish years...) is a sniper.
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  14. phantomolecule

    phantomolecule Member

    Sep 9, 2021
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    But there’s lots of things that won’t null no matter how much you tweak them. Now that you’re saying it just sounds different out of the box, that’s an obvious point! almost everything does, but not everything can be made to null perfectly with different tweaking, be it a plugin, effect, instrument, mixing console etc. you’ll never get a strat to null with a les paul perfectly with tweaking, because they actually do sound different (that’s what everyone thought you were saying, not just defaults)

    if you had just said to begin with “they have different default settings”, you’d make a good point and everyone would agree! but jumping from that to the sound is inherently/fundamentally different is just not true, those are two very different things my friend
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
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  15. JeremyTurner

    JeremyTurner Newbie

    Aug 26, 2021
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    I don't have any idea of them yet. But I would like to learn more. Thank you so much!
  16. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I give up repeating the same thing and being contradicted by people who say the exct thing I say, if uyou can t read it s not my problem, gon on comparing cubase and reaper, next time compare a lamborghini with with a ford
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  17. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Not so obvuious since there are lots of people who insist it isn 't so but nonetheless confirm that to make them sound the same adjustmensts have to applied.
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  18. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    This both on/off Topic but related

    I think Reaper/Justin is probably the most prolific
    coder when comes to a daw.
    Proper versioning, When I see a x.99
    They really do go through all the numbers.
    This is unlike most audio/vst developers with a x.5 then new version x.0 to sell.
    Justin said a long time ago Reaper was made for his own personal use. So, I don't understand why people complain about lack of proper MIDI in it. Justin clearly stated he made it as a digital tape record/tracker.

    Reaper I know what it was designed to work best
    and that is Audio.

    Renoise and what it is best at not too visual.
    It's underrated for it's ability and limitations

    I know that Ableton was a Live Performance tool/Live Looper. I know it's best a audio.
    MIDI and timing is straight Shitty and PDC is Shit.
    But I know what it is best at and that is Ease of Use.

    Cakewalk Sonar before Gibson, when it was 12 Tone.
    If you went down this path and learned it, then you know.

    In my opinion, Studio One is limited and really has absolutely nothing to offer in terms of what it is good at.

    This unified user interface Shit is both Irritating and made for simpletons. It works for Ableton because well Ableton and it's simple.I hate it in Cubase, Cakewalk.

    Now, Brings me to my On/Off topic point.
    Bitwig had had this Bug since version 1

    Anybody who has ever used Ableton knows exactly what I am talking about. Anyone who Loops Audio understands this workflow and principle idea.
    Some have thought this was just another of the "bitwig behavior" and live with it.
    Audio sync and timing error bugs make it unusable for any live performance/stage use, And makes it unreliable for anything other than Bedroom use.

    I think You could compare this to buying a Car that has a V8 but only runs on 4 Cylinders. or a CPU that has 100 cores but only 50 are actually working.

    It has been marketed as a live performance and complete audio tool. Modular Environment .
    I understand marketing and how it works.

    Bitwig is a copy of the Ableton Session view/workflow
    former Ableton devs are the coders.
    Dev Incompetence? Marketing Fraud?
    So, i could say "oh forgive it, Bitwig it's in a new and early version" But back pre-release v1 days the devs heavily relied and marketed a open modular environment
    similar to Bidule or Reaktor.
    v1 release nothing, v2 release nothing, Then v3
    The Grid is nothing like what they stated the modular environment would be.

    You can not make Feedback Loops send/rtn
    You can Feedback Loops in Grid but limited
    Can't make a (1 sample ) feedback loop

    The video I linked shows the audio sync bug.
    I have argued about this for years.
    I view Bitwig kvr all time for bugs.
    kvr users are blind rabid people and extreme fanboys.
    Yesterday, a couple users in a Bitwig kvr started talking about this and made a video about this.

    Audiosex is 100x more friendly with common sense.
    If you posess some intelligence, then you should be able to use and master any DAW, No excuses.
    Not all DAWs should be blindly spoke of as "The Best"

    This Daw x versus Daw x is stupid
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
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  19. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Cubase guy here. I wanted to get into Reaper a couple of times over the years, but the unintuitive user experience alienated me every time. I know that functionality-wise Reaper is the richest DAW, but it's such a pain having to customize everything to your particular needs (vs everything working intuitively out of the box).
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  20. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Mind boggling that you don't (but actually just stubbornly won't) understand the bleedingly obvious.

    You had it explained to you perfectly here...
    Then you had it re-explained here, again with total clarity...
    And still you just can't face doing the simple smart thing and saying "oops - my mistake - what was I thinking"

    Maybe one more try.... minus all the techie stuff! This is how your argument sounds...
    I buy two amplifiers and compare them. I play my guitar through both of them, same guitar both times.
    One amp sounds louder than the other - every time - so they're different - out of the box they're different!!! - end of story.
    Oh wait - what's this funny knob called Volume? am I supposed to do something with that? :dunno: