Matrix 4 Soon - A bit off topic but anyway!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by phloopy, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Here is an oldie free 32 bit synth that is called Matrix by C Hackl that has a The Matrix inspired gui. It sucks just like the movie.

  2. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    On the topic of.. did Resurrections suck?

    I think it's about where you draw the line of Expectation..

    If you draw the line at the level of the First movie,
    and expected something as Good, mind blowing, revolutionary, iconic etc..

    Something that continues and properly develops/explains the original story arc,
    in all the detail and greatness it needed/deserved..

    Well Bad news: the movie is a complete steaming pile of Garbage.. lol :wink:

    However if you expected Nothing,
    or prepared yourself for a shit show at the level of Star Wars or Prometheus..

    Well the movie delivers because it's not THAT bad.. lol

    It's just an Undeveloped and unsubstantial movie/script,
    that crams a lot of stuff together very fast, so that the story can progress and the movie can end.. lol

    Not a good movie if you wanted it to continue the Matrix legacy with all the honors.

    But a good movie if you wanted a quick intranscendental entertainment,
    as I said, like a long Animatrix episode, that shows the stuff from a different perspective..

    -A proper continuation to the first movies was already tried with Reloaded/Revolutions,
    some parts of it were perfectly well made, some parts of it were complete and tedious Garbage..

    But it was already done, and that exercise made the problems of this type of story evident:
    The problem with the Matrix, is the same problem Dragon Ball Z, or say Hindu Mythology has.

    Dragon Ball Z needed of ever more powerful beings/enemies, and an ever more expansive world/universe,
    otherwise the story could not progress in any meaningful way.. they are super humans with infinite power,
    there's nothing else they can do on small/simple Earth, and need to go around in space/the galaxy/universe,
    facing ever more powerful enemies.. so the first part of Goku's history is practically just set aside, and they get on to new stuff.

    Hindu Mythology has a similar problem,
    the more Gods you have, the less meaningful and powerful they can/need to be.
    otherwise their powers overlap and it makes no sense.

    And well also, they are all so powerful that is hard to explain or justify their motives,
    so they are more like natural/impulsive beings that do what they do just because they feel like it..
    there's no proper reasoning on what they do, why and how.

    But in this case reason is expendable,
    as it's just a mere narrative exercise to serve as a moral example/reflection of human behavior..

    And that's basically it,
    Matrix has the same problem.

    And well, it's also similar to the Cube movies where: things need to happen inside/around a Cube,
    otherwise it won't be a Cube movie.. just as it won't be a Matrix movie without the Matrix..

    Any Matrix movie needs to be centered in/around a Matrix, and that's a strong limitation right there..

    With Matrix you have two options:
    Make different iterations of the same story, where they go back in, go out, get powerful, destroy it, etc.. (like this one)

    Or, make a movie about what happens Before/After the Matrix, how it came to be,
    or what will happen when Matrix is defeated and the Robots and Humans face their new future together, etc..

    All approaches would be valid in this case.
    But yeah, it's very difficult if not impossible to match what the first movie represented in terms of innovation and transcendence..

    Also what they could do is make a matrix Series,
    something that had a lot of episodes and was made with a certain cinematographic quality..
    like all those semi-modern series Star Gate, Lost, Fringe, V, or that one about ppl with super-powers (forgot the name),
    (or whatever else made with quality.. I'm not a series guy so I don't even know what's there)

    Or just something like Animatrix,
    something that shows the story/world from an alternative point of view..
    which doesn't need to be connected in any way, but its just n example of shit that happens in/around the matrix.

    But yeah you know what I mean..

    Resurrections Sucks if you expected something at the level of the first movie. :yes:

    But it's passable if you expected Nothing,
    or just went for a quick, dirty, intranscendental piece of nostalgic Entertainment.. :wink:

    (In contrast Prometheus turned out to be a complete shit show,
    not only because the movie is equally as rushed and pointless..

    But because in argumental terms Prometheus was set in a place/moment that actually allowed for something good/proper if not awesome.

    They had the chance to explain the origin of xenomorphs, and the true identity of the Engineers..
    But instead of doing something Great as it could have been, they did a random pointless mindless piece of Garbage..

    So in this sense Prometheus hurts/sucks more than Matrix 4,
    because doing a proper continuation to the whole Matrix story,
    that takes into account and properly develops everything that was set in the first movies,
    not only in a logical/passable way, but a mindblowingly good one.. well, is almost impossible.

    Or at least not worth the struggle for a millionaire director with bananas on his head that doesn't really care much because well,
    he already did it.. so it's not his battle anymore. :wink:

    It's a lost opportunity however in the sense that actors are not young forever,
    so it's very unlikely that they will be able to play the same roles again in 10 or 20 years..

    Just as the new Star Wars was a lost opportunity they had to reunite the full original cast,
    and do something proper with them.. instead of making Solo and Luke pointless/meaningless characters, or killing them just because..)
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2021
  3. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    It still remains a Mystery tho.. lol

    Was there nobody in the crew who knew Spanish/(Castellano btw :P) who will tell them?

    How is it even possible..
    what kind of advisors and reviewers this ppl had, that no one ever noticed?
    How can this get unnoticed in the preliminary cut, or even the Premier...??

    Is the word "mierda" so unrecognizable for native English speakers,
    considering French -> merde, Catalan/Italiano/Portuges -> merda..?

    For one single banner in the entire movie that is visible,
    and it has to be trolled.. lol

    It's Madness.. :rofl:

    But if they didn't care to check the stuff, well they kinda deserve it. :yes:

    I mean they could have just hired me, or Xupito to tell them the truth,
    pay us a good sum, like a couple million, and avoid the biggest Ridicule of their careers.. lol
    they gonna make 500 million at least, so it would have been well worth it.. :yes:

    I wonder who's the Sauron level Troll who made it tho.. :guru:
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
  4. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    George Costanzellano would slap his bass like Seinfeld and they would universally understand to leave before the show starts. Everybody knows to miss an episode of Seinfeld which would save their lives.

    It saved all those people in the Titanic, how else would they find half a table to lay on without that iconic bassline? If Georgie doesn't then I will do it, I will save all those women who will call me Papi.

  5. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    I had very, very low expectations about this one, first cos i'm a huge Matrix fan (the first one, and that can't be top) and more importantly, cos of Hollyweird.
    But this managed to disappointed me even with crappy expectations. The movie sucks at all levels.
    And that's not even counting the progressive bullshit. Nono, that's not the worst of the film.

    The fact that they thought they could put a couple of nobodys to play as Agent Smith and Morpheus, and think they could get a pass, is mind blowing.
    Is really cringy, convoluted, too self indulgent and makes Revolutions looks like a masterpiece in comparison.
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  6. johnw

    johnw Kapellmeister

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I miss 'Mrs Anderson' of Agent Smith and i miss a lot Morpheus . The 2 nobody that plays those roles , doesn't help the movie ...
    Matrix 4 , maybe Shittyx 4 better . 60 years into the future ... Why ?
    Jada Pinkett Smith old woman , WTF ?
    Very bad choice of Lana this time ... Worst movie ever ...

    I think was a Quick buck for actors , or for one moment all actors they have an urge need to play in a bad movie ....:rofl:
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
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  7. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Long opinion - Well... I give it a solid 3 outta 10. Leaning towards 2.5 but anything below 2 in my opinion becomes entertaining due to how bad the flick actually is... Doogie Houser played the A-hole role better than I expected. Reeves is an honest to goodness C- actor. His dopey voice & expressionless flat demeanor provides more than enough to back my opinion up. Moss was ok, but lacked the screen time to help the movie. The rest of the nobody/T.V. sitcom cast were plain old grain filler... Worst line in the film that completely took me out of the story is when Neo looks at a statue of Morpheus & says "MORPHEUS" lol!! Like, seriously I suspected they would treat the audience like idiots, but not to the level of having the main character insert commentary on top of script lol!! MORPHEUS!!! Lol!! I laughed so hard... I was hoping he would point to other obvious inanimate objects in the room & start saying their names too like "rocks" "candles" "table" "chair" lol...

    Short opinion - The movie was poop...
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2021
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thanks for the insight - so I don't need to look at it and then get annoyed.
  9. johnw

    johnw Kapellmeister

    Feb 11, 2012
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    you are more than welcome
  10. DonaldTwain

    DonaldTwain Producer

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Jonathan Groff is not a nobody, he's a well-renowned theatre actor. Yahya Abdul-Mateen is relatively new but he's been in a few prominent films e.g. Aquaman and the new Candyman.

    Hugo Weaving didn't appear because he was busy with a play, and Laurence Fishburne was missing because, in storyline, his Morpheus is dead.

    I liked this film. It was a bit confusing at times and they banged on about the nature of choice a bit too much but it was still nice to have a new Matrix film.
  11. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Matrix: Resurrections is a woke backlash to right-wing populism

    People defending Matrix Resurrections as a good, unwoke movie.

    Meanwhile the writers: "Our movie is a response to the right-wing Nazis and fascists."
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  12. philkizer

    philkizer Ultrasonic

    Jun 15, 2018
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    I wouldn't call Yahya Abdul-Mateen II a "nobody".

    Black Mirror
    The Handmaid's Tale
    The Greatest Showman
    The Get Down
  13. GT33

    GT33 Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2019
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    matrix 4 be like do you remember how cool was the first movie?
    after the scenes in coffeeshop i wanted to punch the wall,
    the movie was just goofy, it was like a glitch in my matrix:hahaha:
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  14. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I loved it. Was the first storyline I could understand since the first one.
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  15. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Just back from the cinema. Lockdown in NL so we went to BE, but what a lame movie this was. Yeah the trailer looked good but the first part was just a retelling of the first movie and the second part .. well, nothing made any sense so I didn't care anymore at one point, just waiting for it to end :rofl:

    Well, that was my humble opinion. Even the music wasn't interesting. :dunno:
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  16. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    A little full of itself and on the nose on some things.
    Some interesting new developments and characters.
    Brass Against serving refried RATM.
    Lana W's kept up with the kids in the end credits.
    To call Jonathan Groff and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II nobodies is as ignorant as it gets. Poor thing.
    6.5 - 7.5 honestly. It's not that horrible, but it's not that great.
    My reaction to everyone cumming over the first one was: "What? You never read Descartes? or Plato?"
    Then again, I'm an old fart these days. Toodles!
  17. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    erm... this is a matrix 4 thread yes???
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  18. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    “Expectation is a prison”. - Robert Fripp
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  19. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    This has probably been explained a Million times, but since we're on an Audioboard..

    How do you guys think they made the strange iconic Noises in this typical Matrix OST track??

    Where are the sounds Captured from?
    Or which synths/hardware were used to generate the sound?

    And how did they mangle them to sound like that?

    First sound is the "Nerf" flutey kinda sound.. like a digital-age Zourna or smth lol

    Second file has two sounds:
    One is the Alarm type sound on the Left channel..
    And the more interesting one is that vocal Chocking kinda thing on the Right channel..

    Together they form some kind of chocking Sneeze kind of sound.. lol
    Like Choo-iiiih, if you know what I mean.. :rofl:

    So what do you think, how did they do this sounds? :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2021

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  20. Darth Vader Son

    Darth Vader Son Banned

    Dec 11, 2021
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    I'm Warning You People.
    Stay Away From This Movie If You Don't Wanna Ruin Your Image Of the Good Matrix Trilogy.

    This movie is a total crap.
    Stylistically like a combination of Avatar & Cyberpunk.
    Too glaring.
    Generaly like cutted scenes from Matrix Trilogy and filmed again with different actors.
    There is nothing new here.
    All the scenes have copy & pasted elements from Trilogy.
    In that way if you compare them both on the screen is like same scenes recorded again.

    All the Matrix movies from 1 to 3 had something new every time, something characteristic.
    Bullet time. Party without electricity. Fighting against swarms of machines. Men in white dreadlocks. Interdimensional metro.
    Steward with keys. Cloning agents. Agents crowd in the rain.
    What is new in The Matrix 4?
    Lesbian with blue hair.

    Forcibly inserted currently fashionable elements such as bright clothing, colored hair and LGBT.
    Lana Wachowski offended herself when in one of the scenes someone mentioned that in the 90s everything was better
    books, movies. Originality was the most important thing and now there is fucking facebook.
    It's pity that Lana Wachowski with the change of the gender lost her talent and not only the talent.
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