Best audio interface/usb controller for around $300 ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SpyFx ✪ ✓, Dec 23, 2021.


Which option/wildcard ?

  1. Option 1

  2. Option 2

  3. Option 3

  4. Wildcard 1

    0 vote(s)
  5. Wildcard 2

  6. Wildcard 3

  7. Other suggestions,i will comment & explain what I recommend

  1. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Hi Audiosexers ! :wink: :bow:
    I need your help/thoughts/insights on this,as it is a kind of "brainfuck" situation for me :wink:
    Let me explain..... :
    So I'm about to purchase from Sweetwater something new for my home set-up
    (* I have what I need at my work/studio already,88 key controllers,pro interfaces & so on)
    I have around $530 something free "music/studio money" to spend this Christmas (I got most of what I wanted this past Thanksgiving time including a 16inch MacBook Pro/m1pro).
    I will buy tomorrow Iconic Strings core edition for $220 (my personal discount).....
    .....I'm left with $310 here is what I'm thinking :

    Option 1 :
    Arturia Keystep 37 white + Arturia Minifuse1 black (my yin-yang combo:rofl:),subtotal :$298
    + Pros : 37 keys,quality keybed,aftertouch,interface has a strong headphone output & comes with good
    Arturia Fx collection that I will for sure enjoy :wink::bow:
    - Cons : mini keys, pitch bend/modulation strips do not bother me,no endless rotary knobs which I like.
    Audio interface is basic I know but I'll be using it mostly for playback of my Daw with headphones.

    Option 2 :
    Novation Lauchkey 37 mk3 + Focusrite Scarlet Solo gen 3,subtotal : $309.98
    + Pros : 37 keys/large keybed,audio interface comes with great bundle software (great value)
    - Cons : keys are not the best quality out there( I had a lauchkey 61 mk2 in the past & did not like the keybed at all,now I know this new series comes with a new keybed but the keys are again hollow not solid)
    audio interface is again basic, but this time no strong headphone output.

    Option 3 :
    Audient iD4 usb audio interface + M-audio Keystation 49 mk3,subtotal $318
    + Pros : great audio interface with 2 independent headphone outputs,keyboard has 49 keys
    - Cons : M-audio keys suck at this price (trust me I know I currently have the M-audio Keystation 61 mk3 & it started falling apart already, giving me weird midi cc messages & one/two keys don't work sometimes,as any other big M-audio midi controller I've had in the past).

    and my wildcards at this price point/f*ck the interface option :

    Wildcard 1 :
    Nektar Impact GXP 88,subtotal $299.99 ($300 I know:rofl:)

    Wildcard 2 :
    Nektar Panorama t6,$299.99 ($300 I know:rofl:)

    Wildcard 3 :
    Novation Lauchkey 61 Mk3,mostly because of the faders, subtotal $279.99

    so what will you choose ? all thoughts & your help are welcomed :bow:

    1.If you comment please be civil to each other here,no trolling :bow:
    2.Plese vote what you think I should get/what you like/ :bow:
    3.Important one : suggest me more alternatives/combos or wildcards,explain your thoughts behind your suggestions, maximum price around $330 :bow:
    4.Anyone who includes a Spock gif with his comment,gets a "like it" rating from me :wink: :bow:
    5.Merry Christmas :bow:
    Looking forward to hear/see your answers/suggestions.....Thank You in advance ! :) :wink: :bow:
    Peace. :bow:

  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Using the material you've already selected, I would combine
    Audient iD 4 with the Novation Lauchkey 37 mk3 subtotal 310$

    Or if your audio interface can last a bit more, the Nektar Panorama t6

    Avoid focusrite as if you use high impedance headphones the output will not be enough.

    Sorry no Spoke as I'm using a tablet, but I could speak about spoke, but it's already been spoken so ... Well nevermind, it would be out of topic anyway and I would get spoked by the mod ... :rofl:
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
  4. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Thank you for your thoughts :wink::bow:,the Nektar Panorama t6 is a good one,i had the basic Nektar GX impact 61 in the past & it never gave me a problem,but some people report differences on the velocities on the Panorama t6/4 between the white & black keys :bow:
    The Audient Id4 + Lauchkey 37 mk3 costs a bit more here @Sweetwater I'm seeing Audient id4 $199 + Novation Lauchkey 37 mk3 $189.99 :subtotal 388.89,interesting combo,thanks once again & Merry Christmas Oly ! :wink::bow:
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I'll have to try a t6 as I'm planing to change my keyboard.

    What have the faders? Are they longer or... ?

    Sorry for the wrong calculation of that combo.
    In this case I would go for the second option.
  6. GüntherDelirium

    GüntherDelirium Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    I used the Focusrite Scarlett a long time and it was good, for what it is (regarding price etc.). I think it´s perfect for beginners
    But I changed 1 month ago to Audients ID4 MK II and would rather recommend this. It makes mixing a lot easier. Compared to Scarlett it has much more clarity in my opinion.
  7. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I'm in a similar position in need of a new audio interface. The Audient id4 MKII seemed to tick all of the boxes - rave reviews everywhere, good price... Then I read in a few threads here about certain issues with it (can't remember what they are now) and struck it from my list. My list now only has 0 in it.
  8. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Buy properly: buy once.

    Buy badly: buy twice..

    I'd get the Nektar GXP88,
    and then save for the best interface you could realistically use/afford.

    Or the other way around, get the best possible interface first.
    And then later someday get the 88keyer :wink:

    (In fact imo 76keys would be the best option, in terms of capability/size,
    there's very few occasions where you will need the the higher/lower most octaves,
    but alas very few 76key models exist, and they tend to be more expensive..)
  9. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    So you bought a new macbook pro yet cant buy a proper audio interface with good converters?
    All of the interfaces you mentioned are ok if on low budget, but if you have the option why not invest into something better?
  10. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    ^ I have more than one MacBooks & have Apogee & Universal Audio interfaces.
    I'm trying to build a fun new set-up for when i'm home,when I'm not at work/composing.
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  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Best Answer
    Hello @SpyFx ✪ ✓ i vote for the "Nektar Panorama T6".

    It's always good to have a second keyboard you can also keep it in the original box. The keyboard is more likely to break than an audio interface. I think Nektar solved it well with the display and you can get more for 300+- notes. The keyboard should be quite good.
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  12. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    ^^^ Thank You All for taking the time to share your thoughts & voting :wink::bow:,I really do appreciate it :bow:
    I consider still the best value for money/all rounder the Nectar Panorama T6 for $300,that is if you are not looking to include an audio interface for a total around $300 :bow:
    ^ Because of the high resolution/long throw faders of the Novation Lauchkey 49/61 Mk3 & the custom user modes, the T6 has 30mm faders which are not high resolution,not suitable for what I want :bow: :

    So I will go with the Nektar GXP88($300 my money) using it with Logic Pro X,more suitable for my work & add in a couple of days an Universal Audio Volt1/or Volt 2(I was gifted $200 from a relative of mine ! :) :wink::bow:) :

    Later on I will included in this home set up a Monogram Creative console and call it a day :wink::bow: :
    @home right now I have an Audient Evo4 & Novation Launchkey mini mk3,i'll keep the mini mk3 so I can have some some integration with Ableton live and I'll give away as a gift the Audient Evo4 interface to a friend for Christmas :bow:,cheers ! :wink: :bow:
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    worry about your sound first. everything you do goes through your Audio Interface. Get a decent one, and then a controller after that.

    I would go with the Motu m2/m4 or the Audient. maybe a UAD Volt. pass on the Focusrite.
  14. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Maybe it's this. Compared to Nektar, Launchkey looks like a proper 9 (for Hammond) instead of what looks like 8 + 1 on Nektar. (Somethings plus a volume, initially)
    Maybe it also inverts for proper Hammond too.
  15. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    I took some time resetting my password to come comment on this post so please hear me out.
    The black lion audio Revolution 2X2 will blow your F*#() Mind bruh!
    I sold my Apollo to buy this rite when it came out (For $290 damaged box STEAL!) and i have never been happier.
    It holds its own with the Lynx ADDA at the studio, easily a mastering grade interface.
    Not even in the same universe as a EVO, Scarlette, etc and in a lot of peoples opinions is reeking havoc in the $500 range.
    RME, UAD, etc. I gush about this interface any chance I can, and so does everyone ive convinced to buy it. No joke bruh.

    anyways WHATS UP GUYS!@? Long time no see. hows my favorite crew of audio misfits?

    For controller go Launchpad X running Launchpad95 Custom script in ableton. Just too nice.. Or the Launchkey I use too.. all of it insanely easy to remap but stuff like Launchpad 95 scripts turn your Launchpad X into a Launchpad Pro.. sequencer and all! I will admit though my launch key feels cheap.. and it is considerably cheaper then any similar. Just the keys dont feel as nice as like.. Native Instruments Kontrol those keys are dope. Dont get me wrong my LP and LK have taken proper beatings and still work as good as new, and for the 10,000 great things i can say about both of thier mapping capabilities. The keys feel like a toy.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2021
  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i would go for SSL 2+ (220-240€) and any of the shorter Roland A Pro series masterkeyboards.

    as a better SSL2 is 60€ cheaper. The interface is rock stable, clear sound.

    I have the Roland A800 Pro, i like the keys and the functionality. The keybed is amazing, its fairly good for that price range. (I have played on grand pianos, baby piano and steinway).

    I wouldnt go cheap on an interface and masterkeyboard, bcs both have to be perfect. So rather save extra money and wait a bit and then buy better products.