Will you keep your cubase v11+dongle because you don't like the new 30day activation system ?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by 2poor2, Dec 22, 2021.

  1. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    As the title says,
    Will you continue using cubase, if, later in 2022, steinberb will force you to STOP using your dongle, and will be forced to use the new 30-day online activation thing ?

    In my opinion, steinberg will need to release an excellent cubase 11.5 version, with ultra requested features, so most users will have to think 'shit... I've been waiting for these features for over 15 years, it would be stupid to not have them, now, because I will stick with the v11 '

    That's why I think there will be some big big new features, in the upcoming V11.5.
    Eg... who wouldn't buy a v11.5, with.. a full cpu/ram/gpu manager, that will show the total of resources each instrument... plugin... track... etc , is using ?
    Who wouldn't want/buy a v11.5, with a full vector-based interface, a la FL studio, where every single menu, window, text, etc, can be resized to our taste...
    Who wouldn't want/buy a v11.5, with a new native MID/SIDE support on every track, plugin, et, like wavelab ?
    Who wouldn't want/ buy a v11.5, with a spectrogram/spectrum/waveform/etc display on each track, event, or even a dual display...
    A new, ultra advanced scripting tool, for advanced users to create new functions for the midi editor, etc etc
    A ultra advanced, easy to use logic editor, with plenty of new instructions, variables, etc,etc
    Etc etc etc

    Yes, because if the new v11.5 only comes with only a few dumb features...a new lfo for the sampler... 2 dark skins for some old plugins...a new chorus effect... 2 new fonts for the score editor, and many other simple features, there will be nothing amazing, to absolutely convince and force v11 users to upgrade to v11.5.

    The question is... will users be able to keep their actual versions, until 2030 or later ?
    Assuming there is no 'time bomb-like' code, in cubase, or in the e-licenser manager, that will trigger in 2022, and will suddenly say 'you have until 1st of June to upgrade your cubase to our new licensing system'... and assuming steinberg won't code something in cubase or the elicenser manager, to suddenly make cubase crash...or make the elicenser crash..or pop up random messages at the start of cubase , like 'the USB licenser couldn't be detected'... ALL to force users to move to the new licensing system...or force them to call the steinberg support, and receive a 'sorry, we can only support your product if you are using the new licensing system '...

    if you aren't connected to the internet, or don't upgrade your licensing manager, you should be able to run your current cubase v11 (and wavelab, halion, groove agent, etc) , until 2025...2030..or until a new OS no longer supports your USB devices, like cmc, or no longer supports your 'old' v11 version... RIGHT ?

    SO...if steinberg tells you
    'Dear idiot, your current cubase pro v11 and the dongle will only work until the June 2022. After that time, you will have until September 2022 to switch to the new system. After the 30th of September 2022, your dongle will permanently be deactivated from our servers, and you will no longer be able to start cubase. You will gain access to your cubase the moment you activate the new 30-day activation system '

    What will you do ?
    1-Bend over, and accept the 30-day activation system, where you no longer own your product, you don't even own a limited license to run your product, and you become an alleged, untrustworthy pirate, where you first must login once every 30 days.. then..15 days..7 days.. until you need an online activation EACH TIME you run the product?

    2- you upgrade to v11.5, accept the 30-day activation thing, and accept the new subscription- based system, because the v11.5 comes with some great new features

    3- you stick with your v11 until it is possible to have it and run it, praying for the dongle to not have any issue

    4- the same as option 3, and wait for R2R to crack dat mofo

    Steinberg must be shitting on their pants, especially after the codemeter thing got defeated, and after a ultra encrypted product such as falcon was shredded to pieces.
    That's why cubase got delayed, and that's why they will be deploying the new versions little by little..to see what the Warez scene can do... and will only deploy the offline activation system + the 300-day activation system,by the end of 2022...assuming the protection was solid enough to resist to the mighty r2r/vr/etc attacks !

    Option 5- you move to one of the +10 existing, fully cracked Daws, that can do +90% of what cubase can do, and, in many aspects, largely surpass cubase... and you say ' fuk u, steinu

    Ps. Would it be legal, for steinberg to 'brick' cubase , the dongle or the elicenser manager, generate all kinds of errors, reboots, stability issues, etc, to force users to move to the new system ?
    Because when you or I, we purchased cubase 11, the product was supposed to work 2, 5 or even 20 years, with a working dongle, without the need to do a maintenance or sync with the servers. Technically, once the license was activated in the dongle, we were supposed to be able to run cubase 30 times a day... once a month... or, shit, you should be able to install it on a computer, turn off the computer, and by 2040, you should be able to turn the computer on, start cubase with the dongle connected to the pc... and cubase SHOULD work normally, as if we were in 2021 !

    Can steinberg legally force all the cubase users to move to the new system, by bricking the current installation... silently corrupting files... using a bugged elicenser manager app...ALL to force the user to upgrade to the new system ?

    -create an image of windows + fully working cubase/wavelab/etc, if suddenly ter is an issue, you can revert beck to that image, with cubase/etc perfectly updated, installed, and working. To avoid reinstalling cubase...the elicenser manager... and connect to their servers
    - download all the offline installers for ALL APPS
    - keep the old versions of the elicenser manager apps . The current, or upcoming versions are probably rigged, bugged, on purpose, for it to start dumping all kinds of errors... again, to force users to move to the new system.

    What do you think ?
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  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Fake News :winker: JK

    First thing, they don't force everyone if they stay on 11

    but more important, you're not up-to-date

    December 15, 2021: Updated licensing terms on “Online Activation”:

    Based on the feedback we received from our customers, we have decided to make changes to our initial concept. First, instead of reconnecting to the internet within 30 days, once your software has been activated on your computer, it won’t need to contact our Steinberg Licensing server again for the purposes of activation. Second, we have decided to increase the maximum number of activations from two to three computers per single-user license.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2021
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  4. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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  5. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Steinberg promissed a lot. They should start by cleaning up the old bugs and make it fly.
    A lot of promises have been made. This move will only make people switch to reaper and s1.
  6. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2021
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    That's enough answer. Me thinks.
  7. jon.dough.1991

    jon.dough.1991 Producer

    Feb 16, 2021
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    yes i will keep it along with FL Studio (juzz saw 20,9 version came out) and Ableton

    btw i bought the upgrade to cubase 11 from 10,50 some days ago cyber monday i think for $50 and i get the 12 version once it comes out for free , so i don't think a 11,5 will come out , probably they going to rls 12 as next

    now for all these bland reaper this reaper that in plenty of other daw posts , reaper is exactly that - bland

    i like to make hiphop beats and rap , nudisco clubbangers ,edm,psytrance, cubase ableton fl studio are beautiful daws to work with and make all the aforementioned, yes presonus studio even though i dont use it and bitwig with all its automation and pattterns seems to me more intuitive than reaper that all these fanboiz keep posting bout on totally indiferrent to their favorite daw post , yes i guess its perfectt and lightweight to record juzz another guitar riff and my vocals , but so can any and all other daw on the market bruh heh
  8. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    I seriously doubt they will let users activate their cubase once... without the need to re-activate / connect to their servers AGAIN.
    AGAIN means... NEVER AGAIN ? I seriously doubt it
    Are you 100% sure about that ?

    Just like Microsoft, or any software developer, the goal is continuously making money, by selling the latest version.
    If suddenly their cubase sales decrease by 50%, because 50% of their customers prefer staying with the old v11, and aren't willing to update, I doubt steinberg will just 'watch,' and do nothing !

    I don't believe steinberg will let users activate their cubase once... and the guy will be able to run his cubase 11.5 or 12, until 2030.

    Is their copy protection so good, so advanced, to the point they don't even fear being cracked ? Wow

    I will wait for the v11.5 or v12 to release, next month or 2.. and I'll see what I'll do.

    Hey, if the new system turns out being amazing, 0 intrusive, super straightforward, and I no longer start shaking, every time I start cubase, wavelab, etc, because I'm scared the dongle might die, at any time... then... THAT'S GREAT ! I will happily buy the latest version.
  9. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    About that yes as long, you have your license on a dongle or your PC/MAC already, they can you nothing (You can use them 100% offline
    There are so called AGB (License Agreement )
    and normally reads like this
    Steinberg offers you a non-exclusive -Lifetime access to the software ...)

    Edit :
    The customer shall receive the non-exclusive , perpetual, non-transferable right to use the contractual products in accordance with the contract. The rights of use shall be transferred once payment has been made in full.
    Source :

    If they do anything against this, you can sue their asses :winker:

    You can move your E-Licenser from one PC to another without accessing the Servers
    (the German help page explain it better than the English one ... please translate it yourself, and you will understand )

    If they shut down the Servers (which will happen ) you can't re-activate an Soft Dongle .
    But you can use your Soft Dongle as long your PC will work
    and you can use your Hardware Dongle till it breaks,

    Just to think about it
    there are still Windows XP (release 2001) users out there

    It's a similar thing
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2021
  10. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Lmao do you fan boys just scour the internet looking for threads that talk about other daws and say "rEaPeR!" I swear yall are the loudest fanboys and appear Everytime someone has a small complaint about another daw. Its not even audiosex, any forum about any daw I have never seen any daw fan boys as annoying as the reaper fanboys. I never see fl studio or logic fans do this shit. This isnt even a thread about reaper in the first place.

    Like the classic saying goes, "How do you know someones a reaper user? Don't wory, they'll tell you"

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  11. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    They do like to talk about their DAWg a lot.

    Not as annoying as, does it support M1? Not buying if not. lol
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
  12. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I'll see how it develops. The Cubase 12 upgrade should be outstanding and not cost a ton of money, otherwise people will tend to wait with upgrading and not transferring to the new license system. With the post above, not having to be online and even license on 3 computers, I think that is a smart move. I am sure it will be an easy victim for R2R ;)
  13. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    The latest developments with their license scheme are good. Perpetual license. Three computers. No dongle. Nice.