Blocking Apple dragon spy program via hosts anyone?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Justin-Cydeher, Dec 19, 2021.

  1. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    If you really want to block the Online Certificate Status Protocol you can do with LS/Hosts. Loopback IP6 & IP4.

    Stop using a time machine and come back to the present.

    Which version of Mac OS. There's been a few changes since early 2020.

    Hosts will work if you want to block certificate checks, some things might hang till the process time's out. The cert checks are anonymous, user is no longer info is no longer logged as the cert is checked locally and blind with a 2 part key, even the fail is local. This means the keys rotate ala Nagra.

    Anyway since you are back time around fall 2020 here is an explanation about what was happening back then.

    No videos to link, I always feel dumber for watching click bait with people talking about things they don't understand and I can read much faster and stay on topic a lot better than most of these videos ever do.

    You can turn off OCSP permanently from you keychain as a control option on recent versions of MacOS. You can verify this by making sure ocspd is no longer running.

    I don't know how I feel about this Dragon Spyware label. There some helpful info up there mixed in with the snark that answers your question. Think of it as the payment required since I took time out of my life to answer this for free and I am getting nothing from it or from you and the way you approached it isn't conducive to altruism.

    Two wrongs don't make a right, but this is the world we live in now.

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  4. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    I use CCC
    Im trying both Catalina and BigSur
    Little snitch company Objective Dev contacted someone about Apples Criminal Instrusion tactics (means no warranted illegal spying; snooping etc vigilanism) they said this:
    The fact it was illegal is correct but it was in 2020; saying that Apple made a whitelist of processes which cannot be seen and controlled by 3rd party software like Little Snitch with macOS 11 BigBrotha; but they claimed Apple removed this within weeks, so this is not the case with newer macOS 11 and 12 versions at all, everything works as expected and so does Little Snitch.

    But when I look at little snitch I see OSC but there is not way to un check it
    Allow or not is gray; you can't disable or block it; only un check it which means it can find another route; Apple made a new version as well

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    The process itself is always visible to the root user so you can check if it's running with

    sudo ps -ax to sell processes or sudo ps -ax | grep ocspd, to see if it is running or sudo ps -ax | grep '/usr/sbin/*' to see everything that is running out of the system bin. Even if the processes are opaque or uncontrollable by LS or CCC they'll show up in BSD subsystem list because they need memory to run and a PID. The OS doesn't have to allow LS or CCC to control coms from a daemon and can reroute if there is a method for it but it will not hide a daemon from root because it is still Unix.

    If the process isn't running after you turn it off, then it's not running.

    If it's you think there is something the in kernel itself use a smart proxy Linux box to see and log all traffic out of your mac and even though it will be gibberish since most of it will be encrypted you can compare timestamps and payloads.
  6. If there is some poor bastard out there whose job it is to monitor me 24 hours a day every single day, not only do I pity him, but he deserves a pay rise for having to endure the boredom that is my life. Jesus! Even I should be paid more for having to endure it. Every day my mother phones to tell me the same thing. Does Apple know that?
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  7. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    yes Apple and the rogue criminal networks do know when your mother called, they did something wrong or want to do something illegal and need the info to assure you are silenced the day they need to dig the back-ups on you; even in real time they know when you will be in the shower and enter your property to rob, rape, plot false evidence on you or whatever reason your a threat to them or accessory to another crime.

    Your info is money, agencies like Infragard buys it and resells it to 3rd parties who need it and can afford it be it software developer; real estate; attorney for someone your suing, law enforcement in need of information to exonerate themselves from wrong doing or simply to smear your reputation or blackmail you into doing something they want., most of the times they sell it to marketing companies who then re sell it to manufactures; the point is its not done with your permission, no warrants and it puts you in danger cause you have no idea why anyone wants this info but only that its to use it against your will.

    Get the vaseline out if you support these crimes cause while Tim Cook is obsessed with the perverse idea of snooping on people while they pooh eventually all this type of crap comes ends in a ugly way.

    So why the sarcasm; you meant it as gaslighting?
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Lost cause, no use pissing into a typhoon.

    'Gas lighting,' had a good laugh at least.

    cheers m8
  9. BigM

    BigM Guest

    @Mike Hunt You think too much man,

    1.Do we actually need this much?

    2.Do you have a smartphone or still using a DynaTAC 8000x.

    3.If you don't want anyone to spy on you or collect your data just don't use internet, almost all of those services collects your data. Blocking the computer traffic doesn't mean that you are completely safe either.

    4.Not only apple but almost all those tech giants they give you free services(facebook/instagram etc.) for real! nope. They always collected user data and will do the same.

    it doesn't mean that they'll sell your private data to your neighbourhood thief to come and steal all your kontakt libs during your bath or call your mamma and say ya boy is loading warez and spamming threads about user privacy in almost 2022.:dunno:

    This is the Business.
  10. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I agree the video could be a bit cick-baity, he certainly likes to stir things up..

    But saying Louis Rossmann doesn't understand the Apple ecosystem, it's a bit of an exaggeration..

    He's actually one of the knowing-most fakas of Apple stuff, who fixes/rebuilds the stuff by hand,
    like desoldering chips, retracing circuits, and avoiding/bypassing Apple's control schemes in the process..
    that's his entire business :yes:

    (I've got no dog in this race, I've never owned/used a mac for more than 5 minutes,
    but I found some of Rossmann's videos interesting, as he shows/explains the stuff in detail..)
  11. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    If you already know is a sarcastic joke, why do you answer seriously and then criticize the sarcasm?
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  12. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    thanks for the info
    I found some interesting threads
    I also found it interesting how so many iMacs have this random black or blue screens, messed up hard drives and more since Catalina and especially BigSur aka BigBrotha where released, this developer has no issue blocking OSC 1 and v2
    Objective Deve engineer claimed Apple changed its snooping policy with the OSC but he did not have an answer when they again started a v2 version which is opening as I type; sees what's installed on your device and allows access to who whatever developer has your password.

    BTW here are the processes
    Click on spoiler
    Last login: Wed Dec 22 09:19:51 on console

    user name ~ % sudo ps -ax



    1 ?? 0:34.41 /sbin/launchd

    80 ?? 0:00.83 /usr/sbin/syslogd

    81 ?? 0:02.16 /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent (System)

    85 ?? 0:00.49 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Uninstall.framework/

    86 ?? 0:10.26 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Vers

    87 ?? 0:00.27 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaRemote.framewor

    90 ?? 0:04.95 /usr/sbin/systemstats --daemon

    92 ?? 0:01.49 /usr/libexec/configd

    93 ?? 0:00.01 endpointsecurityd

    94 ?? 0:08.29 /System/Library/CoreServices/powerd.bundle/powerd

    97 ?? 0:00.06 /usr/libexec/remoted

    99 ?? 0:16.55 /usr/libexec/logd

    100 ?? 0:00.16 /usr/libexec/keybagd -t 15

    103 ?? 0:00.07 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileSoftwareUpdate

    105 ?? 0:00.50 /usr/libexec/watchdogd

    109 ?? 0:13.47 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fram

    110 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/CoreServices/iconservicesd

    111 ?? 0:01.50 /usr/libexec/kernelmanagerd

    112 ?? 0:01.93 /usr/libexec/diskarbitrationd

    115 ?? 0:06.57 /usr/libexec/coreduetd

    118 ?? 0:00.03 /usr/libexec/thermalmonitord

    119 ?? 0:04.52 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDuetContext.fram

    120 ?? 0:12.81 /usr/libexec/opendirectoryd

    121 ?? 0:12.49 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.fra

    122 ?? 0:09.93 /System/Library/CoreServices/launchservicesd

    123 ?? 0:00.15 /usr/libexec/timed

    124 ?? 0:00.86 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/

    125 ?? 0:00.14 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framewo

    126 ?? 0:00.73 /usr/sbin/securityd -i

    127 ?? 0:00.01 auditd -l

    130 ?? 0:00.01 autofsd

    131 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/displaypolicyd -k 1

    132 ?? 0:00.01 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.avid.bsd.shoetoolv1

    133 ?? 0:05.56 /usr/libexec/dasd

    134 ?? 0:00.15 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/He

    136 ?? 0:00.50 /usr/sbin/distnoted daemon

    137 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleCredentialManag

    138 ?? 0:04.10 /usr/libexec/PerfPowerServices

    140 ?? 0:00.10 /System/Library/CoreServices/logind

    141 ?? 0:00.14 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.

    142 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent

    144 ?? 0:19.01 /usr/sbin/bluetoothd

    145 ?? 0:03.61 /usr/sbin/notifyd

    146 ?? 0:00.56 /usr/libexec/sandboxd

    147 ?? 0:00.35 /usr/libexec/corebrightnessd --launchd

    148 ?? 0:26.78 /usr/libexec/AirPlayXPCHelper

    149 ?? 0:01.17 /usr/libexec/amfid

    150 ?? 0:05.42 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd daemon

    151 ?? 0:04.37 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Resour

    152 ?? 0:00.02 aslmanager

    153 ?? 9:00.29 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/R

    155 ?? 0:03.83 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    160 ?? 0:01.26 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAnalytics.framew

    180 ?? 0:00.10 /usr/libexec/PowerUIAgent

    193 ?? 0:02.04 /usr/libexec/syspolicyd

    195 ?? 0:00.23 /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions

    196 ?? 0:06.82 /usr/libexec/trustd

    198 ?? 0:00.84 /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd

    204 ?? 0:00.09 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    205 ?? 0:02.08 /usr/libexec/lsd runAsRoot

    208 ?? 0:00.29 /usr/libexec/nehelper

    210 ?? 0:02.85 /usr/libexec/symptomsd

    211 ?? 0:13.16 /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder

    216 ?? 0:00.19 /usr/libexec/searchpartyd

    224 ?? 0:09.68 /usr/sbin/coreaudiod

    240 ?? 0:00.09 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WirelessDiagnostics.

    246 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/CryptoTokenKit/

    248 ?? 0:00.03 /usr/libexec/apfsd

    250 ?? 0:12.70 /usr/libexec/airportd

    251 ?? 0:01.41 /usr/libexec/nsurlsessiond --privileged

    252 ?? 0:03.88 /usr/libexec/usbd

    253 ?? 0:00.02 /usr/libexec/firmwarecheckers/ethcheck/ethcheck --inte

    254 ?? 0:00.13 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMediaIO.framework/Resou

    255 ?? 0:00.39 /usr/libexec/findmydeviced

    256 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FindMyMac.framework/

    257 ?? 0:04.09 /usr/libexec/runningboardd

    258 ?? 0:00.22 /usr/libexec/nesessionmanager

    260 ?? 0:00.09 /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemExtensions.framework/

    262 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    265 ?? 0:01.12 /usr/sbin/mDNSResponderHelper

    266 ?? 0:00.47 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GeoServices.framewor

    267 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    268 ?? 0:00.38 /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions

    269 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/secinitd

    270 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd agent

    271 ?? 0:00.07 /usr/libexec/trustd --agent

    272 ?? 0:01.89 /usr/libexec/diskmanagementd

    273 ?? 0:07.58 /usr/libexec/mobileassetd

    275 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Version

    276 ?? 0:00.06 /usr/libexec/containermanagerd --runmode=agent --bundl

    278 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Audi

    279 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCS

    280 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SiriInference.framew

    288 ?? 0:02.42 /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw

    289 ?? 0:00.66 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/R

    294 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/

    295 ?? 0:14.13 /System/Library/DriverExtensions/

    296 ?? 0:03.87 /System/Library/DriverExtensions/

    297 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/DriverExtensions/

    298 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/DriverExtensions/

    299 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/DriverExtensions/

    300 ?? 0:00.33 /usr/libexec/containermanagerd --runmode=agent --bundl

    301 ?? 0:00.17 /usr/libexec/thermald

    303 ?? 0:02.33 /usr/libexec/locationd

    306 ?? 0:10.98 /System/Library/DriverExtensions/

    307 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/DriverExtensions/

    310 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/libexec/hidd

    312 ?? 0:00.07 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    313 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/secinitd

    314 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/libexec/smd

    318 ?? 0:00.03 /usr/libexec/colorsync.displayservices

    319 ?? 0:00.03 /usr/libexec/colorsyncd

    320 ?? 0:00.15 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framewo

    321 ?? 0:00.41 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framewo

    322 ?? 0:00.21 /System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd --server

    324 ?? 0:02.12 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ViewBridge.framework

    325 ?? 0:00.03 /usr/libexec/bootinstalld

    328 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/libexec/wifianalyticsd

    331 ?? 0:00.06 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    332 ?? 0:00.17 /System/Library/CoreServices/iconservicesagent runAsRo

    333 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AccountPolicy.framew

    334 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framewo

    338 ?? 1:39.23 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fram

    339 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/CryptoTokenKit.framework/ct

    343 ?? 0:00.47 /usr/sbin/systemsoundserverd

    344 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/CryptoTokenKit.framework/ct

    345 ?? 0:24.62 /Library/SystemExtensions/AA2AFE6F-B3BC-4144-86CA-F509

    347 ?? 0:17.49 /Library/Application Support/Objective Development/Lit

    348 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    349 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/captiveagent

    350 ?? 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/netbiosd

    352 ?? 0:00.29 /System/Library/CoreServices/Software

    354 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileSoftwareUpdate

    355 ?? 0:00.06 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    356 ?? 0:00.06 /usr/libexec/nfcd

    362 ?? 0:02.70 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/R

    363 ?? 0:00.10 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/Ve

    364 ?? 0:00.07 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    366 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/CoreServices/Software

    367 ?? 0:01.02 /usr/libexec/sysmond

    368 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AmbientDisplay.frame

    369 ?? 0:00.32 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreADI.framework/ad

    370 ?? 0:00.09 /usr/sbin/systemstats --logger-helper /private/var/db/

    371 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMediaIO.framework/Versi

    381 ?? 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/spindump

    384 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/Frameworks/GSS.framework/Helpers/GSSCr

    387 ?? 0:03.16 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    388 ?? 0:07.05 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd agent

    389 ?? 0:00.07 /usr/libexec/securityd_service

    390 ?? 0:05.56 /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent (Aqua)

    392 ?? 0:04.71 /usr/libexec/knowledge-agent

    393 ?? 0:00.36 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudServices.framew

    395 ?? 0:02.42 /usr/libexec/lsd

    396 ?? 0:00.13 /usr/libexec/neagent

    397 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/CoreServices/APFSUserAgent

    398 ?? 0:02.80 /System/Library/CoreServices/lockoutagent

    399 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/libexec/networkserviceproxy

    400 ?? 0:05.44 /usr/libexec/nsurlsessiond

    401 ?? 0:01.07 /usr/libexec/rapportd

    402 ?? 0:18.20 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framew

    403 ?? 0:31.13 /usr/libexec/secd

    404 ?? 0:01.47 /usr/sbin/usernoted

    405 ?? 0:05.44 /usr/libexec/routined LAUNCHED_BY_LAUNCHD

    406 ?? 0:01.08 /usr/libexec/dmd

    407 ?? 0:10.38 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ScreenTimeCore.frame

    408 ?? 0:00.54 /usr/libexec/secinitd

    409 ?? 3:09.67 /Applications/

    410 ?? 0:04.77 /usr/libexec/pkd

    411 ?? 0:00.87 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Sup

    412 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/CoreServices/backgroundtaskmanagementa

    413 ?? 0:00.50 /System/Library/CoreServices/sharedfilelistd

    414 ?? 0:18.85 /usr/libexec/trustd --agent

    415 ?? 0:01.03 /usr/libexec/containermanagerd --runmode=agent --bundl

    416 ?? 0:02.53 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDuetContext.fram

    417 ?? 0:03.79 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDS.framework/identi

    418 ?? 0:03.09 /System/Applications/

    419 ?? 1:51.40 /System/Applications/

    420 ?? 0:01.49 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/

    422 ?? 0:00.10 /usr/libexec/diagnosticextensionsd

    423 ?? 3:44.59 /System/Applications/

    424 ?? 0:01.69 /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions

    425 ?? 0:37.60 /Applications/

    426 ?? 0:02.66 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    427 ?? 0:01.46 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.fram

    428 ?? 0:00.36 /usr/libexec/swcd

    429 ?? 0:00.78 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesCloud.framewor

    430 ?? 0:01.46 /System/Applications/

    431 ?? 0:02.97 /System/Applications/

    432 ?? 0:00.37 /System/Applications/Utilities/

    433 ?? 1:33.15 /Applications/NordVPN I

    434 ?? 0:00.20 /System/Library/CoreServices/talagent

    435 ?? 0:02.88 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    436 ?? 0:05.53 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    437 ?? 0:00.37 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    438 ?? 0:17.11 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    441 ?? 0:00.18 /usr/libexec/pboard

    442 ?? 0:01.10 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Resour

    443 ?? 0:02.30 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ViewBridge.framework

    444 ?? 0:00.17 /System/Library/Frameworks/CryptoTokenKit.framework/ct

    445 ?? 0:09.62 /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions

    447 ?? 0:00.69 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoLibraryServices

    448 ?? 0:05.00 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    449 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreEmbeddedSpeechRe

    450 ?? 0:00.63 /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Execu

    451 ?? 0:00.30 /usr/sbin/filecoordinationd

    452 ?? 0:04.30 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framewo

    453 ?? 0:10.25 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.frame

    454 ?? 0:00.80 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/Ve

    455 ?? 0:00.46 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framewo

    456 ?? 0:00.07 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    457 ?? 0:00.12 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSSO.framework/Sup

    458 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/login.framework/Vers

    459 ?? 0:04.60 /System/Library/CoreServices/iconservicesagent

    460 ?? 0:00.05 /usr/libexec/WiFiVelocityAgent

    461 ?? 0:00.07 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreCDP.framework/Ve

    462 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProtectedCloudStorag

    463 ?? 0:00.15 /System/Library/CoreServices/Keychain Circle Notificat

    465 ?? 0:00.22 /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions

    468 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/libexec/wifivelocityd

    469 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreFP.framework/Ver

    470 ?? 0:02.22 /System/Library/CoreServices/Screen

    471 ?? 0:01.50 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    472 ?? 0:02.25 /System/Applications/

    473 ?? 0:00.23 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMFoundation.framewo

    474 ?? 0:00.88 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HomeKitDaemon.framew

    475 ?? 0:02.48 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarNotification

    476 ?? 0:08.15 /usr/libexec/sharingd

    477 ?? 0:00.15 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Audi

    478 ?? 0:00.16 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMFoundation.framewo

    479 ?? 0:00.92 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TelephonyUtilities.f

    480 ?? 0:01.89 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GeoServices.framewor

    481 ?? 0:00.12 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCS

    482 ?? 0:00.30 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framewo

    483 ?? 0:00.37 /usr/sbin/WirelessRadioManagerd

    484 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A

    485 ?? 0:00.91 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/ima

    486 ?? 0:23.26 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMDPersistence.frame

    487 ?? 0:00.87 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AMPLibrary.framework

    489 ?? 0:00.02 /usr/libexec/spindump_agent

    490 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/CoreServices/SubmitDiagInfo server-ini

    491 ?? 0:00.02 /Applications/ F

    492 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/

    493 ?? 0:00.03 /usr/libexec/morphunassetsupdaterd

    494 ?? 0:00.07 /usr/libexec/logd_helper

    495 ?? 0:00.12 /System/Library/CoreServices/ScopedBookmarkAgent

    496 ?? 0:03.41 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UserActivity.framewo

    498 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaRemote.framewor

    499 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMFoundation.framewo

    500 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A

    501 ?? 0:00.11 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    502 ?? 0:00.61 /usr/libexec/fmfd

    503 ?? 0:38.70 /Applications/ Help

    504 ?? 0:00.13 /System/Library/Frameworks/VideoToolbox.framework/Vers

    508 ?? 0:25.35 /usr/libexec/gamecontrollerd

    509 ?? 0:13.83 /Applications/ Help

    510 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs

    512 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AMPDevices.framework

    513 ?? 0:00.39 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCS

    514 ?? 0:00.25 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FileProvider.framewo

    517 ?? 0:00.01 SafeEjectGPUAgent

    518 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/SafeEjectGPUE

    519 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AMPLibrary.framework

    520 ?? 0:00.09 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommunicationsFilter

    521 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/SidecarRelay

    522 ?? 0:00.36 /usr/libexec/rtcreportingd

    523 ?? 0:00.50 /Applications/

    524 ?? 0:00.15 /System/Library/Frameworks/VideoToolbox.framework/Vers

    525 ?? 0:00.09 /System/Applications/

    526 ?? 0:01.58 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    527 ?? 0:00.07 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fram

    528 ?? 2:44.29 /Applications/ Help

    529 ?? 0:00.22 /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLookThumbnailing.frame

    530 ?? 0:00.24 /Applications/

    532 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaAccessibility.framewor

    533 ?? 0:45.56 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    534 ?? 0:02.48 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework

    535 ?? 0:00.35 /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/

    536 ?? 0:02.76 /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSuppo

    537 ?? 0:00.63 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    538 ?? 0:00.37 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framewor

    539 ?? 0:05.91 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framewo

    541 ?? 0:00.16 /usr/libexec/triald

    542 ?? 0:00.07 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framewo

    543 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framewor

    544 ?? 0:00.11 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocs.framework/

    546 ?? 0:00.06 /usr/libexec/replayd

    547 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/libexec/AssetCache/AssetCache

    548 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework

    549 ?? 0:00.30 /System/Library/CoreServices/diagnostics_agent

    550 ?? 0:01.22 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppStoreDaemon.frame

    551 ?? 0:00.06 /usr/libexec/aned

    552 ?? 0:00.10 /usr/libexec/symptomsd-diag

    554 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework

    555 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framewor

    556 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/libexec/findmydevice-user-agent

    557 ?? 0:05.09 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fram

    558 ?? 0:00.07 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/

    559 ?? 0:32.65 /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/M

    560 ?? 0:00.48 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Translation.framewor

    561 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/

    562 ?? 0:01.98 /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C

    563 ?? 1:00.08 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSuggestions.fram

    564 ?? 0:00.16 /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSuppo

    566 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framewo

    567 ?? 0:00.38 /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSuppo

    568 ?? 0:00.27 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    569 ?? 0:05.76 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SafariSafeBrowsing.f

    570 ?? 0:00.10 /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Version

    571 ?? 0:00.90 /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C

    572 ?? 0:00.09 /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A

    573 ?? 0:00.10 /usr/libexec/keyboardservicesd

    574 ?? 0:00.09 /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A

    576 ?? 0:00.13 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.fram

    577 ?? 0:00.50 /Applications/

    578 ?? 0:00.50 /Applications/

    579 ?? 0:00.43 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CallHistory.framewor

    580 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/ColorSync.framework/Support

    581 ?? 0:00.24 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreLSKD.framework/V

    582 ?? 0:02.00 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ContextKit.framework

    583 ?? 0:01.06 /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C

    584 ?? 0:00.91 /Applications/ Help

    586 ?? 0:00.09 /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A

    587 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Applications/

    588 ?? 0:00.18 /Applications/

    589 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Applications/

    590 ?? 0:00.24 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSpeech.framework

    591 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCS

    592 ?? 0:00.39 /Applications/

    593 ?? 0:00.45 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    594 ?? 0:00.68 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framewor

    595 ?? 0:00.35 /Applications/

    600 ?? 0:00.84 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fram

    601 ?? 0:00.91 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fram

    602 ?? 0:00.05 /usr/libexec/pkd

    603 ?? 0:45.18 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    604 ?? 0:15.82 /Applications/

    605 ?? 0:00.83 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PassKitCore.framewor

    606 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMFoundation.framewo

    607 ?? 0:10.31 /Applications/

    608 ?? 0:00.12 /System/Library/Frameworks/VideoToolbox.framework/Vers

    609 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/libexec/online-authd

    610 ?? 0:00.51 /Applications/

    611 ?? 0:00.19 /usr/libexec/trustd --agent

    613 ?? 0:00.02 /Applications/

    614 ?? 0:00.11 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssetCacheServices.f

    615 ?? 0:36.84 /Applications/

    616 ?? 0:00.28 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UsageTracking.framew

    617 ?? 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    618 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssetCacheServicesEx

    620 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCS

    623 ?? 0:00.74 /Applications/

    624 ?? 0:06.36 /usr/libexec/searchpartyuseragent

    625 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    627 ?? 0:00.54 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    629 ?? 0:00.25 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    630 ?? 0:00.37 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    631 ?? 0:00.24 /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSuppo

    634 ?? 0:08.88 /System/Applications/

    637 ?? 0:02.77 /Applications/

    644 ?? 1:01.86 /Applications/Little

    648 ?? 0:04.51 /Library/Application Support/Avid/Cloud Client Service

    649 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/Re

    650 ?? 0:15.66 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    651 ?? 0:12.67

    652 ?? 0:00.17 /System/Library/Image Capture/Support/icdd

    653 ?? 1:22.38 /Applications/Avid/Avid Link/Avid

    655 ?? 0:00.48 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AskPermission.framew

    656 ?? 0:00.07 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    657 ?? 0:02.79 /System/Library/CoreServices/cloudpaird

    658 ?? 0:24.68 /Library/Application Support/Avid/Cloud Client Service

    659 ?? 0:00.51 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    660 ?? 0:00.55 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleMediaServices.f

    662 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/Frameworks/CryptoTokenKit.framework/ct

    663 ?? 0:04.56 /Applications/Little

    665 ?? 0:32.70 /Applications/

    666 ?? 0:00.15 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    667 ?? 0:00.79 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    670 ?? 0:00.06 /Applications/ -type

    671 ?? 0:00.08 /Applications/ -type

    675 ?? 1:42.48 /Applications/

    679 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/Frameworks/VideoToolbox.framework/Vers

    680 ?? 0:21.36 /Applications/

    681 ?? 0:00.94 /Applications/

    685 ?? 0:00.10 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftwareUpdate.frame

    686 ?? 0:00.07 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UniversalAccess.fram

    687 ?? 0:00.13 /Applications/

    707 ?? 1:57.92 /Applications/Avid/Avid Link/Avid

    709 ?? 0:00.00 nginx: master process /Applications/Avid/Avid Link/ngi

    710 ?? 0:00.00 nginx: worker process

    736 ?? 0:00.36 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Categories.framework

    753 ?? 0:00.17 /usr/libexec/dprivacyd

    812 ?? 0:01.55 /Applications/Avid/Avid Link/Avid

    813 ?? 0:00.68 /Applications/Avid/Avid Link/Avid

    814 ?? 0:26.94 /Applications/Avid/Avid Link/Avid

    815 ?? 0:00.57 /Applications/Avid/Avid Link/Avid

    836 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/CoreServices/CrashReporterSupportHelpe

    869 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCS

    872 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InstallCoordination.

    874 ?? 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    875 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppStoreDaemon.frame

    877 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCS

    878 ?? 0:00.90 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleMediaServicesUI

    879 ?? 0:00.43 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSuggestions.fram

    880 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash agent

    887 ?? 0:03.37 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    893 ?? 0:00.31 /usr/libexec/adprivacyd

    902 ?? 0:00.27 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreRecents.framewor

    906 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreFollowUp.framewo

    910 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    911 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    919 ?? 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/misagent

    927 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    928 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    929 ?? 0:00.69 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framewo

    956 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/

    963 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/ASPCarryLog

    989 ?? 0:00.46 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework//

    1015 ?? 0:00.45 /System/Library/CoreServices/mapspushd

    1017 ?? 0:00.37 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    1039 ?? 0:00.27 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iCloudNotification.f

    1051 ?? 0:00.15 /System/Library/Frameworks/ClassKit.framework/Versions

    1057 ?? 0:00.24 /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Av

    1169 ?? 0:03.53 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1172 ?? 0:02.05 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1174 ?? 0:03.52 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1175 ?? 0:00.23 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1176 ?? 0:00.24 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1177 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1185 ?? 0:00.29 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/

    1186 ?? 0:00.40 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/

    1187 ?? 0:00.19 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LocalAuthenticationU

    1221 ?? 0:00.95 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    1238 ?? 2:18.37 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    1248 ?? 0:00.32 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1249 ?? 0:00.34 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1250 ?? 0:00.43 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1251 ?? 0:00.41 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1252 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1253 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1266 ?? 0:00.64 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1267 ?? 0:02.67 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1268 ?? 0:00.98 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1269 ?? 0:00.30 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A

    1270 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1271 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1277 ?? 0:00.32 /usr/libexec/transparencyd

    1288 ?? 0:00.02 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCS

    1300 ?? 0:02.28 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    1313 ?? 0:00.72 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Lookup.framework/Ver

    1314 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1315 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    1316 ?? 0:00.01 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Vers

    1323 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C

    1507 ?? 0:01.65 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    1508 ?? 0:02.08 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    1671 ?? 0:00.12 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    1717 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DifferentialPrivacy.

    1718 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent

    1720 ?? 0:00.03 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd agent

    1726 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/

    1729 ?? 0:00.07 /usr/libexec/lsd

    1730 ?? 0:00.07 /usr/libexec/secd

    1731 ?? 0:00.24 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fram

    1732 ?? 0:00.03 /usr/libexec/pkd

    1733 ?? 0:00.08 /usr/libexec/trustd --agent

    1744 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/

    2062 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/libexec/applessdstatistics

    2814 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/libexec/periodic-wrapper daily

    2914 ?? 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd

    2915 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DeviceCheckInternal.

    2916 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    2930 ?? 0:00.02 /usr/libexec/tzd

    2931 ?? 0:00.16 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.frame

    2932 ?? 0:00.02 /usr/bin/sysdiagnose

    2934 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Applications/

    2942 ?? 0:00.28 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/

    2943 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PodcastServices.fram

    2944 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BookKit.framework/Ve

    3071 ?? 0:00.14 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Noticeboard.framewor

    3143 ?? 0:02.83 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3157 ?? 0:01.57 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3158 ?? 0:14.04 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3166 ?? 0:01.85 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3226 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    3227 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    3228 ?? 0:01.63 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3229 ?? 0:02.15 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3230 ?? 0:02.78 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3241 ?? 0:01.51 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3242 ?? 0:12.84 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3346 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    3347 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    3354 ?? 0:02.98 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3355 ?? 0:00.05 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    3356 ?? 0:00.06 /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/

    3366 ?? 0:03.73 /System/Applications/App

    3367 ?? 0:00.18 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framewor

    3369 ?? 0:00.08 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudPhotoServices.f

    3385 ?? 0:00.09 /System/Library/CoreServices/

    3426 ?? 0:00.23 /Library/Apple/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/

    3429 ?? 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l

    3456 ?? 0:00.07 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Ver

    3498 ?? 0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fram

    3499 ?? 0:01.23 /System/Applications/Utilities/Activity

    3500 ?? 0:00.03 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssetCacheServicesEx

    3501 ttys000 0:00.04 login -pf user name

    3502 ttys000 0:00.07 -zsh

    3507 ttys000 0:00.04 sudo ps -ax

    3508 ttys000 0:00.00 ps -ax

    user name~ %
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2021
  13. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
    Likes Received:
    there are shills online who should also consider helping users block OSC and other digital snooping programs because the schools won't be paid to troll us; not saying this user is a troll, just that you should be aware they are around as inside job types
  14. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
    Likes Received:
    cause it helps determine is the sarcasm was actually gaslighting traffic, a shill trolling etc
  15. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
    Likes Received:
    whoot.. :dunno:
  16. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
    Likes Received:
    You buy the latest hardware and the latest OS...
    What did you expect?
    I have used LS on all machines for the last 10 years, and have monitored things as they changed...
    Since I started on OS9.
    So I have a perfect working studio on not the most up-to-date OS.
    Apple tried to outlaw access to certain components in certain states, and Louis has travelled around and appeared in court to fight it. :wink:

    To people that haven't just come in to this scene, and/or blindly bought an M1 device with the new OS, it is just business as usual.

    When you register a product or device, you don't own it.
    When you register a car, you don't own it.
    When you register a child at birth, you don't own it.

    I can understand someone not knowing what it is they don't know, but research is important.
    But as Louis said at the end, you'll still end up buying it anyway.
  17. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    i pretty shure windows does that too.. since ages.. i don't think this is new.. mac or windows.. or maybe even linux too..
  18. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Outlaw the procurement of certain components? :no:
    Release hardware that only accepts the newest OS as minimum? :no:
  19. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    yeah maybe it has been perfected,, and better optimized .. but i'm pretty shure that they can cut like butter any machine we have.. or had.
    tech is created by them.. not by us.
  20. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
    Likes Received:
    :no: Little Snitch was developed by people like "us" IE not by Apple.
    On older macOS LS still works fine.
    Not the point, but they would have to have a need to do so. Nothing is impossible.
  21. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Apple changed a allot of things with out warning users, this makes it a legal issue regardless of tiny print used to argue their way out., France fined Apple because forced obsoletion tactics., lollypop money to them of course.

    -2014 iMac and 2013 MacBook Pro is not the latest
    -Im in Europe so its illegal to practice forced obsoletion
    Did you know that Apple and other companies get fined in Europe for forced obsoletion?
    IF you visit an apple store because you can't use your iPhone or Mac due just after an update or upgrade they have to return it to you working, your covered by home and buyers insurance and they know all these scams and call them out in Europe..

    I had visited an apple store two years ago with my friends 2015 MacBook, the thing stopped working after upgrading to Catalina, I could not even get recovery mode to connect to a wifi spot as the wifi was totally not working, then I get an ethernet cable and that also did not work., we took it to the apple store and the employee plugged it in to the same power source another MacBook on display was using; I showed him exactly what I just described here and he claimed he never seen or heard of this EVER..

    Then 30 mins later I return to the Apple store and the same asswhipe comes back with another person, opens the MacBook and it was working., I asked him what was wrong and he claimed it was the power cord, not the 30 watt adapter but the USB C cable....ok so I asked him why did the usb c cable for the MacBook on display not work when we tried it but he denied this raising his hands in the air pretending he had no idea what I was talking about; f-cken liars, you need to catch them on camera and that won't stop it either.

    But check this out., Around a year later I noticed this asswhipe apple employee at a bar and hanging with a girl I know; of course he will run his mouth to impress her so I told her what they did and she started asking him about it, he told us that Apple has strict rules about machines not covered by Apple care, that is they are only directed to sell you something, so if you don't want to pay for Apple care they will find a part, accesory, suggest you buy a new device, anything BUT fix it while they know its their firmware causing power issues to the video card or hard drive; and its all cause they are desperate you see, they make 500 million an hour world wide and 35 percent of this is profits from slave neighbour and horrible old factory parts they use hoping your device breaks down in time to buy their latest newest ones.

    I don't want to sound like im ranting; its true we are fighting products we paid allot for so It would be great and legally our right to share this info and protect our choices.

    BTW the code to blocking this scam OPC stuff is here

    This will list all extensions that have OSBundleRequired variable.

    Blocking OCSP does
    not interrupt normal certificate validation. Your Mac will still be able to tell whether or not the software has at some point received the “blessing” from Apple that makes it pass validation. If you have non-signed software or software signed by someone else than Apple, this will still be picked up by the system.

    What is the best way to block on mac?

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
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