Provided you had the money would you buy a fully electric car right now?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Dec 17, 2021.


Provided you had the money would you buy a fully electric car right now?

  1. Yes

    29 vote(s)
  2. No

    40 vote(s)
  3. Not right now, in a few years maybe

    21 vote(s)
  1. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    It's actually DC power lines from Morocco to UK, which is crazy more far/difficult..

    In fact I was surprised to know they were DC,
    because it's commonly understood that AC works better for long distance distribution..

    Like AC is easier/cheaper to generate, much more efficient offering less Resistivity, higher Voltages,
    and also is kinda safer, as excedent currents can be phase canceled at the end of the chain.

    But yeah what the heck do I know,
    If I was an engineer I won't be here talkin.. lol
  2. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    I have a Tesla Model 3 (also a Charger, a GLE Coupe and a Panamera for perspective)... And I'll say the Tesla is great for daily activities and getting around the city in general. I work as contractor and travel to multiple customer sites daily and it handles that just fine as long as I don't forget to charge it (which has happened on occasion for various reasons). One thing I point out to people on the fence about getting one is its like starting the day with a full tank every day and how often due you use a full tank+ in a single day?! With that said, I will say that I agree that electric cars are the future in general but I also agree that the charging technology specifically is at least a generation behind where it needs to be to become mainstream. While short trips and regional travel are great, I wouldn't dare consider any current (or near future) electric vehicle for any type of long road trip. I don't mind charging overnight to prepare for the next day, but while traveling I would be especially annoyed at the additional trip time charging would add to the situation, not to mention having to consider where I would easily charge at my destination.

    **Side note** You guys pointing out that electric vehicles are more pollutive than combustion are missing the bigger environmental issue. Which is that fossil fuels are finite. At current consumption rates the world only has less than 50 years of fossil fuels left. If nothing changed we would be in a world wide oil crisis by 2030 and would have less available than needed to function by 2040. Thus we have to look for alternatives in order to have the supplies last longer. Pollution is much lower of an issue (on the world stage) than running out of oil is.
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  3. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    and bicycles.
  4. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Last edited: Dec 19, 2021
  5. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Hmm I'm not too sure of that..
    It was probably said 50 years ago, and it hasn't happened yet..

    This could help put things in perspective..

    Also I'm of the opinion that Oil kinda replenishes itself, (at least to a certain extent)
    by whatever Biological or Geological processes.. just like Asphalt or Sulfur mines.

    Like, Titan moon of Jupiter is filled with hydrocarbons,
    hydrocarbons are mostly from Biologic origin.. so is there Life in Titan?

    Only an idea/theory, but yeah what do I know right.. :dunno:

    (don't take it as if I'm pro-gas/anti-ev tho,
    Fusion and Solar are clearly the way to go, and EV's are very necessary in cityes just to reduce noise/contamination.. :yes:)
  6. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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  7. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    I don't think you have researched the cobalt mines. You have googled.
    You are right, in Congo there have been mines that uses workers under slave conditions, and even child workers.
    Its fucked up.

    But do you have a car at all? Clothes? You have nothing against coal and oil using the slaves and kids? Or slaves in clothing which has been going on for decades and decades.. Even with minerals used in computers and phones.
    Just NOW.. when electric cars comes around.. everyone suddenly starts to act like they care.
    I call bullshit, if the people who say this actually cared, they would have already joined forces with the organizations that works against all types of slaves and child abuse in ALL mineral minings.

    Not all cobalt mines are using slaves or child labour you know. Buy an electric car from a company that can show you were the minerals come from. Coal mines are the worst cause of death of workers, slaves or not. China makes all consumer products and they are the worst in worker rights.
    Coal mines in China...... also have kids in some regions. China also uses coal mines from Afghanistan and the likes, and support the talibans. ... No coal = no computers.
    If people cared for real they would demand that everything they buy would not be made in China.. since China uses coal as their main source of energy... and all that coal comes from places you would not even want to spend 10 minutes.

    DEMAND that all your consumer products aren't built by slaves and kids. Did you ask your computer manufacturor about this?
    Your DAW has minerals as well in them....
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2021
  8. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    A) i dont use guugle, in my case i DDG'd that one article for those who would like to look into it.
    B) i dont believe we have met? what is your support to accuse me of lying?
  9. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Last edited: Dec 19, 2021
  10. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'd buy one with hydrogen fuel cell technology.
    It basically is the same as any other electrical car but it produces its own power
    instead of using a battery. Means with 1 tank of hydrogen (takes 2 mins to refuel),
    you can drive up to 1000 Km.

    And hydrogen is available in masses. Only needs to be generated from water
    by using electrolysis... which is the point why it wouldn't work for all people on
    the world right now. Electrolysis of Hydrogen consums electricity but there are
    already possibilities to solve that problem in the future, it only needs a little time.
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I already decided awhile ago that our next batch of cars will be EVs.

    Not because they are more green, but because they are just better as cars for my use case in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast USA. I don't marathon drive, even on road trips I stop every 2-3 hours and relax and eat or walk the dogs. I am at the point in my life where if there is someone waiting for me at the other end and they'll get upset if I am late or early they can eat a dick. If it's imperative and it's more than a 5-6 hour drive then I'll take a plane or train.

    The prices aren't as big of an issue for me. Tesla build quality and the way they handled as at or near the envelope were always no-go for me. I've driven plenty of friends, fleet & rental Teslas in different parts of the world and as an automobile appliance they are great cars, they just aren't great for me. I could care less about drag-strip/stop light heroes that porpoise and are unpredictable around corners and in breaking.

    I was looking for a Taycan CT or ST recently but the dealers near me are selling all their allocation & insist I buy off the lot if they have one. I am not interested in paying top dollar for someone else's taste and since I don't NEED a car as I've more cars & trucks than I can drive back at home I am willing to wait them out.

    The wife wants a Rivian so she might go EV before me if and when they actually get the chips and w/e they need to build them. There are some very compelling offerings from BMW on the horizon. I am quite curious about Mercedes's EQE, they are horribly ugly but if the ranges and comfort and dynamics are good, I tend to sit inside my cars alot more than stand outside gawking at them.

    The Kia and Hyundai new RV look interesting as runabouts and for kids but having heard horror stories about their dealers and having had a very old experience and bad memories myself I would just rather deal with what works easiest for me.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    In the future when electrolysis is more efficient and can produce enough for demand that would be ideal. Even if you were producing you own H2 it would still be more efficient and safer to have a large fuel cell for your home and use a BEV for transport.

    Batteries are going to get very interesting, very quickly. I remember cell phones that were in 30lbs brief cases that had an amazing talk time of 25minutes and took a revolutionary 4hours to charge up. Now you can buy a POS 50 dollar cellphone that you can talk into for 4-8 hours non-stop and charge in 15mins.
  13. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Outside of racing games, I ain't gonna buy any car at all. My city has around 750 000 cars with a planned street capacity for 50 000. I'll fucking be there faster by foot.
    On top of that, there's no such thing as green energy. Electric car is just as harmful to the environment as a benzene one.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2021
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  14. BiG Pluck

    BiG Pluck Producer

    Jun 15, 2020
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    My fear is I don't believe there are enough charging stations around the world I'm sure there are plenty of people sitting on the side of the road waiting on a tow truck to come charge them up. Because we're MEN! If we'll chance a gas hand, we'll certainly chance a charge meter.
    And are we going to have to pay? I'm sure it'll be much cheaper than gas, however as time goes on how reliable will they be?
    Will it be like public mobile phone charging stations that are so used that the connection is too loose to use?
    And BTW: Beware of those USB charging stations. I know of guys ho setup scanning systems in those things. They can infiltrate you phone & know EVERYTHING you do as well as access those credit card accounts. But I digress.
    And what about the format? Are there different connector types or will there be some sort of universal connector??
    Just my thoughts & concerns.

    -BiG Pluck
  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Guys, it's impossible to answer / comment in this thread without taking in consideration political matters.
    But for once. I'm thinking of letting it be. If and only if, you all do an effort so this does not become a fight.

    Please. Keep it polite.
  16. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    nuclear powered cars are rip offs. solar and wind won't make it for all of us.
  17. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    If I had the money, I would wait. And then, if there's enough charge stations... I would buy one.
    But the "dumbest" one. Last time I saw a Tesla close it provoked a chain car hit accident. Yeah, could be the driver, but don't wanna beta-test my skull resistance. Call me coward if you like. :rofl:
    That's a fascinating topic in itself indeed.
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  18. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Ecological Footprints.

    In an episode of QI (a comedy panel show) :winker:
    The panel are shown a picture of a typical family with children, a car, a dog and a house.

    They have to choose: how to (legally) reduce the family's ecological footprint?

    It's a pity about the legal bit because, if allowed, the best solution is to feed the kids to the dog.
    But the most efficient legal solution is to get rid of the dog.

    Keeping the dog has the same environmental impact as owning two Toyota Land Cruisers
    (including both the making and using of the car) or even more if it is a large dog!
    Because it takes 43 square metres of land to generate 1kg of chicken, much more for other meats,
    but only 13 square metres for a 1kg of cereal.

    Basically, feeding meat eaters - like humans and dogs - is apparently a bit of a problem.

    Even keeping 2 hamsters as pets has roughly the same ecological footprint as owning a plasma TV.

    Best solution obviously - keep the Electric Vehicles and replace all the humans on the planet with robots.
    This is already well underway mentally, why not go physical?

    Too easy. :)

    (none of my pets has been allowed to proof read this post)
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  19. Cube Sixty-Three

    Cube Sixty-Three Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Why do we've so many rich people on a warez forum/site? :bash:
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  20. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Sorry to disagree, but this guys will explain/debunk hydrogen..
    First two videos explain it perfectly :wink:

    Besides of bad Efficiency, Cost, and the extra costs of the hydrogen Stations,
    there's two extra problems: the high price of transporting the hydrogen..

    And well the fact that it's a Closed/complex proprietary system.

    One could potentially generate current in many ways, like:
    Solar, Windmill, Watermill, Gas Engine... or even a Horsemill lol

    Whereas it's difficult to generate the Hydrogen via electrolysis,
    and Store it in a pressurized form.

    So only a few companies will have the Tech,
    if you're Stranded in the middle of nowhere with an hydrogen car, forget about refilling it yourself.

    With solar otoh, you could find an alternative solution,
    crappy and slow, but possible nonetheless, so one could get to civilization :wink:

    One good application for Hydrogen tho, would be Trucks..
    Hydro is light, so carrying Hydro is much easier than carrying Batteries.

    That's the reason we're not really seeing EV Trucks yet.
    So Hydrogen could make sense for Trucks/Buses, or Industrial vehicles.. :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2021
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