Anyone has this nasty issue with T-RackS.5?

Discussion in 'Software' started by ceo54, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    I'm using T-RackS.5 plugins in iZotope RX8, and no matter which plugin I utilize, the process trims some seconds of audio from beginning. I encountered this bug when I first used version 5.4.0. I contacted their support and informed them about this. Now I tried the new version 5.6.0 in the hope that it would be fixed but NO.

    This bug renders this suite entirely useless but it can't be the case with everyone. I have written to their support staff again but I"m not very hopeful. Maybe Someone here can tell me how can I sort it out, this is really important. I mean there must be something I'm doing wrong.

    If anyone has any ideas, please let me try. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks.
  3. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I'm no expert but the thing that came to me first was, have you tried it at lower resolutions to see what happens?
  4. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    Thank you for the response. What do you mean by lower resolutions?
  5. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Start with lowest rate of samples/ frequencies 44100 hz for example and see if the outcome is any better, then you can steadily up the rates until it goes wrong again.
  6. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    Good idea but I'm already working with 44100 hz/16 Bit audio. I tried other resolutions but the result is the same. A fraction of track from the beginning gets trimmed and replaced with silence.
  7. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Hmmmm what about if you create a lead-in before the track starts? SO in effect all you'll be doing is losing the lead in and not the music.
  8. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I usually start project not with 0.0 sec, but usually 10-15 sec prestart. It is all for, because of all the buffering processes, lookaheads, lookbehinds, clicks, clicks with reverbs, pre fadeins, first transient smear/kill. Render, then editor - silence before and after track, cut, leave some ms before start (half a sec or bit less or bit more) and after track/tail end (sec, or 2, plus minus). Dither for lossless. Done
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Can you take a screenshot of it.

    Time and Frequency Readouts
    • The time display (on the left in the image above) shows the start, end and length time values of the current selection and the current view. The time format used in this display is selected in the time format menu, explained in the section below.
    • The frequency display (on the right in the image above) shows the low frequency boundary, high frequency boundary and frequency range values for the current selection and the current view range.
    • Clicking on any of these fields allows you to manually enter values.
    Transport Clock
    Indicates the current position of the playhead. Depending on time format display setting, this value is shown in hours/minutes/seconds, time code, or samples.

    Time Format Display
    You can change the time format display used in the time ruler and time readouts. It can be accessed by right-clicking the time ruler or by clicking the arrow button to the left of the currently selected time format label.

    Samples: The sample counter, starting from 0
    Time (h:m:s): Time in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, starting from 0
    Timecode (n fps): The time code in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, starting from 0
    Source Time (h:m:s): Time in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, starting from the clip’s timecode origin
    Source Timecode (n fps): The time code in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, starting from the clip’s timecode origin. The value of n (the frame rate of the time code) is determined by the Time Scale Frame Rate setting in the Misc tab of the Preferences window
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
  10. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    Yes, that's one way of doing it but this creates unnecessary steps consuming time and hampering the workflow.
  11. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    Hello BEAT16. Here are the screenshots.

    Before processing with the plugin


    As you can gather from the screenshots, the begining of the track has been trimmed after processing with the plugin. What's more, every plugin trims different amount of frequency, some plugins more, some less.
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  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @ ceo54, thanks for the pictures.

    Really a thing for iZotope support. I would say he fixed the seconds away.
    1.) You used "Ambience Match", "De-clip", "Music Rebalance". I would try to do only one repair function one after the other.
    First without ambience match and de-clip, first music rebalance, etc. Perhaps you can isolate the error.

    2.) Then I would set the start from to seconds and see whether RX still cuts away the beginning.

    3.) I would add 5 seconds to the song in the DAW and then see what RX fixes.
  13. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    Thanks for the help. How do I insert silence into the beginning of the track?
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    You just record 5 seconds, so press recording and then you do your recorded track and then you just have to put them together.
    Summarize Events
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2021
  15. Odious Blot

    Odious Blot Member

    Jun 18, 2021
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    You're getting some good help here, especially adding silence to the beginning of the track as a simple work around (read up on your specific DAW and how to add time to the won't be difficult).

    Some other things that come to mind as I am reading and looking at your screenshots.

    • Does this only happen when dealing with .flac files? (that's whats in your screenshot)
    • Try .wav, .mp3 etc and see if the error is duplicated
    • Does the error happen if you use those "bits" from RX or TRacks INSIDE your DAW as a VST/AU etc (if it's possible to do so)
    • Does it happen in Ozone when used Standalone (not in your DAW)
    I would try reinstalling the softwares (I know you said you tried a new version of TRacks and it still happened so this is just something to try). I would also try the newer version of RX, you're on 8 in the screens and from what you mentioned. Even if you're a paying customer try the releases from the sister site just to see if the problem persists. Another thing to try is reinstalling all of your codecs, on windows you can find the k-lite codec pack that will install and maintain tonnes of codecs. I'm not sure if there is a mac version or similar package.

    Things to try/think about ... no guarantees!

    Good luck
  16. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    Thank you BEAT16. With your help, I recorded a 5 seconds track then inserted my track into it. To my surprise when I processed it with a T-RackS plugin the spectral this time got trimmed from the point where my inserted track began. I noticed that's where the time pointer was placed.

    Next, I loaded a fresh track and moved the pointer at the end of the track and processed the plugin again and this time nothing gets trimmed. Everything remains intact. It means the plugin trims it from the point where the pointer is placed. The easy work around is to move the pointer at the end of the track and do the processing. Not idle solution but a workaround indeed.

    Thank you for all your help, highly appreciated.
  17. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    Thank you for the input. Yes, this is a great community and this is not the first time I have gotten expert dedicated help from the members here that's why I love this place.

    I tried a lot's of different things including the ones you mentioned but none seems to resolve the issue. Though when I tried the T-RackS plugins in Reaper, they worked fine without any issues. This leads me to believe that this only happens with RX8. I also Tried RX9 but it's continuesly crashing on my system, I have filed a report for this too and yet to hear from the staff.

    I have found a workaround for my issue as I mentioned in the post right above this one. I have also made the support of IK multimedia aware of this. Let's hope this time, they do something about this.

    Thank you again for taking interest in my issue. Your help is highly appreciated.
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