Add all of the sound banks from V.R.'s Analog Lab V v5 to R2R's V Collection?

Discussion in 'Software' started by dl65875, Dec 11, 2021.

  1. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
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    Has anyone successful added all of the sound banks from V.R.'s Analog Lab V v5 to R2R's V Collection?

    I followed some suggestions on a post on the other site and while it works to a degree, all of the tribute packs do not show in R2R's.

    This is what I tried.

    Installed V.R. version, opened Analog Lab to make sure all packs are working (they are), then copied the whole C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets, Samples & Shared folders to a different HD.

    Then performed a clean uninstall, rebooted my machine, and performed the install of R2R (incl ASCEMU2) then ran Analog Lab within Cubase (as admin) to check it works (it does).

    Then I copied the V.R. Preset folder over the R2R and opened Analog Lab. All of the presets seem to have copied over but things like the tribute packs, although in the presets folder, simply do not show in Analog Lab.

    I then tried coping the V.R. Shared folder over R2R's, then ran Analog Lab within Cubase (as admin) but the tribute packs still did not show.

    I then tried coping the V.R. Samples folder over R2R's, then ran Analog Lab within Cubase (as admin) but the tribute packs still did not show.

    Thats all I have got as nothing on google or here, and I have run out of ideas?
  3. Kubrickk

    Kubrickk Member

    Sep 27, 2021
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    You can actually do this now that V.R released the banks in a separate installer it'll install over the top and everything should be working. i tried it earlier today
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