Ableton Live 11.X.x Betas/Final

Discussion in 'Live' started by ArticStorm, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    1.1b7 Release Notes (17-11-2021)
    New features and improvements:
    • The sample information is now displayed in a larger font when Clip View properties are arranged vertically.
    • Added software text translations in DE, ES, FR, IT, JA, and ZH.
    • Slightly increased the vertical margins around Clip View panels when arranged vertically.
    • Changed the colors used for unavailable Clip View tab selectors.
    • Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.2.1
      • fixed outlet functionality (fixes Inspired by Nature Max for Live devices)
      • live.scope~ / live.adsrui: updated icons
      • umenu: improved popup positioning with multiple displays at mixed resolution/zoom
      • Windows: increased main thread stack size to match OSX (8 MB)
    • The layout mode for Clip View properties is now saved correctly as expected.
    • Fixed an issue that caused MPE pitch bend breakpoints to be removed if a note transformation, such as Quantization, was applied.
    • Fixed a crash caused by certain plug-in parameters if they no longer existed in a newer version of the plug-in. Plug-in parameters that are no longer available will be displayed as deactivated.
    • Fixed a crash caused by pasting a track in Arrangement View immediately after scrolling with a mouse wheel or trackpad.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when deleting the last scene in Group Tracks under certain circumstances.
    • Fixed an issue that displayed different VST2 plug-in names in Live’s browser than the names shown in the user’s plug-in folder on Windows.
    • Fixed a crash caused by dragging a devices chain that contained certain plug-in devices from Live’s browser onto a track.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when drawing notes in adjacent clips in Arrangement View in certain scenarios.
      Drawing notes across multiple adjacent clips in Arrangement View now works as expected.
  2. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
    Likes Received:
    • Fixed a crash caused by certain plug-in parameters if they no longer existed in a newer version of the plug-in. Plug-in parameters that are no longer available will be displayed as deactivated.
    • Fixed a crash caused by pasting a track in Arrangement View immediately after scrolling with a mouse wheel or trackpad.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when deleting the last scene in Group Tracks under certain circumstances.
    • Fixed a crash caused by dragging a devices chain that contained certain plug-in devices from Live’s browser onto a track.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when drawing notes in adjacent clips in Arrangement View in certain scenarios.
    Better late than never - Ableton on the verge to finally become a crash-free app? xD
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Ableton hardly crashed for me since v9, v11 crashed a bit more from inital release till 11.0.5, then it never crashed ...
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hi @ArcticStorm - have you "Crash Reports" ?

    What to do if there are no crash reports? In some cases it can happen that no report is available.
    In this case, please send the following log file to our customer support.
    Windows: \ Users \ [username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ableton \ Live x.x.x \ Preferences \ Log.txt
  5. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    I started at 10 so I have a shorter history :) 10 was quite buggy tbh, they made huge improvements especially lately. I guess new ARM environments are much more robust it's probably helping to reach stability too.
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    It was only plugins, which crashed them. Remember ABL2 was very Delay compensating immue - it was always out of sync and this lead to a crash.

    Massive X 1.3.1 crashed it one time (was v11 already).

    Other than that no crashes for me.

    You cant imagine how unstable v8 was - it barely started sometimes. Was a true nightmare. v9 changed this a lot.

    It often helps to try to find out if a certain plugin crashes it. I am very strict finding this out.

    And there was a long list with plugins, which crash Live 11.
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    AudioRealism Bass Line 2 (ABL2Official Update Status - has been replaced by: AudioRealism Bass Line 3 (ABL3)
    Official Update Status - Massive X - Current: 1.3.5
    Official Update Status - Live 11
    Some manufacturers say on their website, please download a demo version before buying it and test it on their system!
    Unfortunately, some companies have expired and there are no drivers or updates. I bought some and some of them are 32-bit, some 64-bit but not 4K monitor capable. That's why, after many tests, I finally installed "Cakewalk Sonar Platinium", where 32 bit plugins are automatically recognized, except for 2 that I run with jBridge in Studio One.
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.1b8 Release Notes (10-12-2021)
    New features and improvements:
    • Updated software texts and the What’s New Lesson for 11.1.
    • REX files (.rx2, .rcy) are now supported on Apple silicon machines.
    • In Clip View when an audio clip is selected, the Pitch dial is now smaller and the Gain slider has been enlarged.
    • Clip View can now be toggled to its maximum height using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+E (Win) / CMD+OPT+E (Mac) or the View menu entry “Expand Clip Detail View.”
    • Entries for switching between different Clip View panel properties have been added to the View menu, along with their corresponding keyboard shortcuts.
    • Users can now get and observe the average_process_usage, peak_process_usage,
      and a track's performance_impact via Max for Live.
    • Using the Shifter device in Pitch mode now uses about 20% less CPU. Slight sound changes may occur when using long crossfade envelope lengths compared to previous beta versions.
    • Fixed an issue that occurred when changing a clip’s color in Session View; other selected clips in Arrangement View would also be changed, even if they had not been selected in Session View.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when frequently switching the Max for Live Note Delay device on and off in between note on and off messages.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when unfolding Demo Song tracks from certain Live Packs in the browser.
    • Fixed an issue with the Note Length MIDI effect that caused the incorrect velocity to be generated in release mode if a note was released after recording in a loop.
    • The Launchpad Mini MK3 control surface script now works as expected when pressing the Scene Launch Buttons after entering and then existing Session Overview.
    • The effect order in the Spectral Time device now appears as expected when initialized.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Scale MIDI Effect to cut off played notes if the scale was set to a single note.
    • AU plug-ins are now informed about silent inputs so that they can release CPU resources and report output silence if possible. This will allow any device in the device chain after the AU plug-in to release CPU resources as well.
    • The Spectral Time device now works as expected when long delay times are set.
    • Fixed a crash on Windows that occurred if a dialog window opened while a context menu was also visible.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause MIDI notes to be occasionally skipped when using the Analog and Tension devices.
    • The DS Kick instrument now sounds the same when played repeatedly in fast sequence.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Push to get stuck on the logo screen.
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Until the last last update ABL3 didnt have features, which ABL2 had, thats why i prefer to use it. Also ABL2 GUI is just easier to work with.

    It was back in the days as Massive X 1.3.1 was only released and this version was quite picky and crashed Ableton 11 something.
    I saw people using this Massive version in Ableton, but i had no idea, why it didnt work for me. Later i figured out NI places these "License" file in a folder, which lets Massive X and other NO products not proper open. I deleted the license files and it worked finally. Thanks to R2R for the tips in their NFOs.

    I had no crash with 11.0.11 and 11.0.12, used Falcon, v-station, KORG and Roland Stuff, Dune 1, Sylenth1, Fabfilter plugins, NI Massive 1.5.9 with it. Its great that Ableton figured out, why v11 was working so bad.
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    This one works fine:
    Native Instruments - Massive v1.5.9 VSTi - 20.11.2021 - 128 MB - CE - V.R
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Massive was never a problem, I am talking about Massive X. Also i own NI Massive.
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Oh sorry my mistake.

    I have Windows 10/64 bit and the
    Native Instruments - Massive X v1.3.5 VSTi - 10/29/2021 - 1.5 GB - CE - V.R
    it works for me in PreSonus - Studio One without any problems.

    Ableton 11.0.10 update Massive X
    - It just shows a black screen ----> - Solved via today's Massive X 1.3.4 update.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2021
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.1b9 Release Notes (14-12-2021)
    • On Windows, when closing a Vst3 plugin windows, Live's window no longer disappears in the back.
    • In sets with a large number of scenes, Live's UI no longer lags when changing a parameter value with MIDI CC.
    • Fixed that certain AU instruments no longer output sound.
    Nothing fancy in this new beta.
  14. Shirvami1

    Shirvami1 Guest

  15. Shirvami1

    Shirvami1 Guest

  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    (But you still need a valid Ableton Suite License.)
  17. Shirvami1

    Shirvami1 Guest

    experienced torrent users know how to download the official installer, and replace the files and patch and everything works. I did this with Digital performer 10, downloaded the installer and patched everything works.

    moreover, on torrents it is, in fact, the official installer, if it is not activated, it will not import/export. and if it is patch fixed, it removes this restriction.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2021
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.1b10 Release Notes (04-01-2022)
    • Fixes a bug that caused Live to sometimes continue scrolling or zooming while holding the mouse button pressed but not moving the mouse.
    • Increments for the Coarse Parameter in Ring Mod Mode in the Shifter Device are now adjusted similarly to Freq mode, when using the keyboard.
    • MPE control: Fixes a regression where the Push banks would not be displayed anymore.
    • Prevent a crash when dropping a device into a device chain.
    • Fixed crashes on windows involving a VST3 plugin or Max for Live.
    • Fix that dragging multiple drum rack chains into "X of Y Chains Selected" panel would crash Live.
    • Fixes a crash during freeze or render.
    • When using the Mackie Control control surface script, the LED of the Mixer button will now reflect the state of Live's Follow behavior.
    • Fixed several issues with the MackieControl and MackieControl_Classic control surface scripts that resulted in button LEDs being left in incorrect states.
    • Fix that Assigned grooves are lost when using Max for Live "duplicate_clip_to_arrangement" API function to duplicate a Session clip to Arrangement.
  19. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    1.1b11 Release Notes(13-01-2022)
    New features and improvements:
    • The MIDI Shaper device has been renamed to Shaper MIDI.
      When opening Live Sets created in previous betas that contain Shaper MIDI, the device will load as expected and display its updated name.
    • MIDI notes and waveforms no longer jiggle when dragging a clip back and forth from its left edge.
    • Fixed an issue that caused unwarped clips to auto-scroll or flicker when retriggered by Follow Actions.
    • Activating Draw Mode when notes are selected in the MIDI Note Editor will no longer deselect notes in the same clip when drawing in new notes.
      When using Draw Mode in the MIDI Note Editor, drawing notes while holding [Shift] will add new notes without removing previously selected notes.
      When multi-clip editing adjacent clips, pressing [Shift] and double-clicking in the MIDI Note Editor will create a note as expected.
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.1b12 Release Notes (22-01-2022)
    • General refinements for Live on Apple Silicon machines.
    Ohh only a MacOS bugfix. I guess getting ready for 11.1 final release? Unless any bigger bugs shows up in this beta.