PUREMIX (Fab Dupont) using pirated software

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Gulliver, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    :rofl: So true maybe he can now after all those tutorials?
    Atleast he can say i dont gonnna do another one if you not buy me another shirt..
  2. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Unless it's proven that he himself was aware of the his use of cracked software all conclusions are a bit too hasty. Maybe he didn't install it. He sure won't tell.

    But maybe they should do a quality check on their videos to prevent such desasters (same goes for Computer Music/Future Music, Sonic Academy and lots of other companies).
  3. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Or maybe they just should buy the software they use for commercial purposes.
    LoL I know I know.
  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Gulliver i am with you
    He is NOT THE ONLY who has done tutorials and used pirated software.
    This topic was up on another forum years ago when someone had notice that a producer in a "Computer Music tutorial video" if i remember correctly (or another of those dance oriented magazines) used more than one pirated plugin and even the Daw was a pirate version.
    Yet still that dude was famouse and made a lot of cash on his dance music but wouldn´t pay for he´s tools.
    I am NOT rich far from it and i only make music as a hobby ( i dont ever gonna think i gonna be famouse as muy music is sort of NOT LISTENER FRIENDLY i do music that is very odd and the song is more then 7 min well most is like 10 min or more and never gonna be played on a radio station)

    BUT if i some day would make a record deal i promise that i would buy every software that i need to make my music
  5. erwinor

    erwinor Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Video is down at puremixnet....

    These guys should be very careful,it reminds me another situation when UAD had an article with a guest engineer .She was talking among others how she used UAD faircilid.

    The only problem was that the photo UAD used from her session was showing the Bombfactory Fairchild...... :rofl:
  6. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I didn't see the video... is it Fab's computer?

    doesn't this make sense :
    PM : "hey why don't you come shoot a video at our studio?"
    Fab : "sure, do you have these plugins on your computers or should I bring my laptop"
    PM : "yeah we have a pretty extensive collection Sylenth, Waves, NI Komplete..."

    few days later :
    Fab: "damn it's missing this plugins... shooting in 1h... ok... let's pick it up k'd"...

    Maybe he didn't buy it at all, ever... And I don't care that much.

    I already pointed that out with Aoki's drama. Yeah it's a bad behaviour to use cracked software except when there's no other way to try them out maybe...
    Sure you can hide behind the fact you're not making money with it... or just educating yourself with it... or making very little money... or making some money, but not as much as Avicii or Aoki...
    Most people on audioz are just stacking up terabyte of sample and vsti , and keep making lame music with it. This isn't wrong. This is stupid.

    No matter which is your position in the above list : you shouldn't rant about professionals doing it... it's hypocritical.
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Cali Reign You are right, I understand your arguments, and withdraw what I've said. Sorry.
  8. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Yea, I wrote to puremix.net, cuz I like Fab's videos and adviced him to avoid using cracked plugs in his videos in the future. I agree though, it sounds like a complete BS reply, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. If their studio computers really are filled with all kinds of crap no one knows where's coming from, I'd probably go somewhere else as a client.

    Yea, I agree with this as well. I was quite disappointed to see him use k'd software, like I wouldn't expect Pensado's Place to feature the latest in k'd plugins either. Sometimes it just annoys me when hobbyists claim the moral high ground, like we are somehow entitled to use professional software illegally because we can't afford it. I remember when Ableton posted on their official facebook page that Live9 had been released, 5 mins. later there was a comment asking for a crack. That's just disrespectful. I mean if you gotta steal atleast be a bit modest and subtle about it and don't get me wrong, I appreciate dearly places like our sister-site that makes it possible for a poor bastard such as myself to use these tools, I'm just aware that doing it is wrong, and isn't justified by my lack of income. I guess I wasn't really trying to make a point either, just an observation of the excuses I could use to justify my actions. A touring musician could justify having a legit copy on their desktop at home, but use a k'd version on his touring laptop cuz it's more convenient, even though the license agreement doesn't allow it.
    One could argue that it's better for apulSoft's business to have their plugin, k'd or not, used and endorsed by an industry professional, than 100 mediocre hobbyists using their plugin, k'd or not, to ruin tracks. So maybe he was doing them a favor? :)
  9. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    I don't think it's hypocritical. Cause if you're on the business side of music (making money from your work) and don't pay for the products you use you are actually taking away some of the dev's deserved revenue.
    But guys who are only using warez for fun don't have any impact on sales cause they would never have bought all that stuff anyway since they don't really need it. Like you said, they're just stacking up terabytes.
    IMO there's a big difference between sharing stuff just for for fun and using others work to make a profit.
    Using warez for a commercial video isn't only bad, it's plain stupid.
  10. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Any hypocrite can easily make a moral justification for his actions. I always thought that this professional/amateur argument was just funny, I m sorry. If you can accept that its ok for an amateur to use pirated software, than also accept that a professional's computer is being used by other people. Its the same hypocrisy, so move on. And then you have the other type, that pretends he s buying all his software. For months he s talking about planning to buy headphones on a forum, and always being broke, but in the meantime he talks about thousands of £££ worth of software that he says he owns. Its all the same bullshit. You are an amateur but you are stealing tutorials that will make you a professional. Not only are you getting the knowledge passed onto you for free, but than you actually try to destroy somebodies life as a back payment. *no*
  11. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    It's stupid in a way, but let me put that in a marketing perspective.

    Let me give you an example: If Avicii uses a cracked Sylenth in a video, maybe 1,000 kids will say: Oh it's cool to have a cracked Sylenth, and they will go on a warez hunt. They won't buy anyway if they cannot get their hands on a crack.

    But what if 2,000 other people say: Well, nice synth Avicii uses there, I'll buy that tomorrow because I like Avicii. Than Lennard Digital will have a sales volume from 300,000 bucks following only this video. Of course he could complain and say: Maybe I could have 450,000 bucks if those damn 1,000 kids would buy instead of buying (and that's what the industry always say, we know that).

    It's just an example with random numbers, but without knowing who will download and who will buy, all else is speculation. Maybe more people will download than buy, maybe not. We just don't know. *no*
  12. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    That was fast :wow:

    Yes, it's in his own studio.
    The video can be found on our sister site, and now it serves as an archive :rofl:

    Well you know it was a very lame excuse. But just the one I expected.
    It would have surprised me if they came up with a good answer - but yes, of course they should be always room for doubt.

    I knew somebody is going to bring that argument *yes*
    The irony is, if Fab would have written an e-mail to the developer, that he is planning to use the soft in a tutorial video...
    I'm pretty sure he would have received a license for free.
    This goes for all famous people, and it makes me even harder to understand the whole thing.

    Stop telling such bullshit.
    Was it me who forced Fab to upload a video with cracked software??

    Nobody is destroying anybody's life here. If at all, in the end I did him a favour that he could remove the video, before this issue was gonna be posted on other (bigger) sites, where not only pirates read.
    Or do you think I'm the only one who noticed it?
  13. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Yeah, maybe you're right. But the fact is that if Avicii was using a legit Sylenth in that video the same amount of kids would still think it was friggin cool. So the marketing effect would be the same.
    And since he certainly can afford to buy all the stuff he's using I still think it's worse if business guys like that use warez to make a profit than some bunch of kids downloading just for fun.
    I don't even put any morals into that, I just think it's stupid, counterproductive, unprofessional behaviour.
    Like Gulliver said, they would most likely even get the stuff for free if they said that they were gonna promote it in their work.
  14. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Obviously, you are the one that pointed that out. Not even the plugin makers employ people to look at various tutorials online with a magnifying glass to catch people who use cracked software. There always has to be someone like you with lot of time at their hands. And in case you didnt notice, the number of people that saw this thread is nearing 2000! so dont play a good samaritan. Anyways, I thought you said you re starting the exposure thread because you lost respect for him.
    Anyhow, call Fab to give you the refund :rofl:
  15. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I agree that it is stupid to use cracked soft - but as they say in PR: Bad news is good news. Better using a cracked Sylenth than a legit Massive or whatever, it is still a good promotion, cracked or not.

    Being able to afford anything does not mean that one would buy everything, there are crazy rich but also crazy stingy people.
  16. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    True. Won't argue about those statements :)
  17. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Would be interesting if the publicity from getting caught using cracked plugins boosts record sales as well. Anyone got some Aoki sales figures? :)
  18. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    @ don_questo

    You don't need a magnifying glass to see it, because that task was also done by Fab himself, who zoomed in 100% on the plug-in several times.
    And I hope you excuse me for not replying to any more of your posts, because you can't seem to able to stop offending me.
    We all got your point, you think it is 100% OK what Fab did, only I did something wrong.
    Thank you, no need to repeat your arguments anymore.

    Let me just say one more thing: this thread would have gone differently if I had posted it on KVR or even gearslutz.

    It's not that easy.
    You forget about that famous peole are role models. And lot of what they do gets imitated by other people, be it good or bad.
    So if the kiddies see all the time, that famous producers use cracked software, what should they think? Of course they think it's perfectly normal to do so.
    You can see this attitude also in this thread.
  19. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    all i'm saying is He With Out Sin Cast The First Stone
  20. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Grow Up And Stop Using Cracked Plugins

    Altough I don't agree with every point, but that doesn't matter.
    Just some food for thought.

    All I can tell you is that since I started to go legit it's a whole different feeling starting up my DAW (which I bought), and using plug-ins which are licensed to me. And believe me, with different I mean "better".
    I invite everyone here to try to experience the same, for your own good.

    It's not just about "right or wrong"... what do these words mean, anyway.
    "Commitment" is really the key word here, which makes all the difference.
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