PUREMIX (Fab Dupont) using pirated software

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Gulliver, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    In one of the recent PUREMIX videos, "Acoustic Drums Enhancements", Fab Dupont used pirated software.


    He used "appTrigga2" by apulSoft, released by Team AiR. A 35€ plug-in.
    You can see it from 4:25 min onwards.


    Fab mentions in the video that it's "really simple, really cheap, and works awesome". :snuffy:

    I guess it is not a wild speculation to assume, that if he uses a cracked copy of a 35€ plug-in, than it will not be the only pirated software on his computer.

    The Puremix videos are very informative, and I value him as an engineer and music producer.
    But to be honest, I really lost a lot of respect for this guy now. :(

    Especially if you consider, that his tutorial videos are among the most expensive ones on the market.
    So much disrespect of the work of others (and stupidity) just makes me angry and sad.
  3. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Anyhow, you are a rat. Its like 'thank you for teaching me Fab, now go and fuck yourself'. :(
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  4. dr.evil

    dr.evil Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Spread the word..

    Simply for this reason of getting caught and being shamed, making money with cracked plugs is NOT ok.

  5. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Gulliver So you are telling every one here that you have never used Pirated Software :snuffy:
  6. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Ooooooopsie! :bleh:

    Never liked the fella or his tutorials, I just have an overwhelming desire to slap him every time I see his smug chops on my screen, so I never touch his stuff.

    Sad indeed that he has the nerve to charge BIG £$€`s for his stuff, but is happy to free ride over the dev`s that he NEEDS to make that money. :snuffy:

    I just dislike the jerk that little bit more now.
  7. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    with all the equipment he had in his videos lol :snuffy: ...i find this hilarious and stupid :wow: im shocked :sad:
  8. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
  9. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    What do you expect from a guy who can't afford to buy a another shirt :wow:
  10. UV19

    UV19 Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    As they say, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Although I do agree that if you are to make money you should either own or rent the means of production. However, these means of production are not so easily or fairly accessible to everyone which is why the Scene is so important. We don't know the full extent of why a high paid (supposedly) "professional" like Fab or Steve Aoki might use k'ed software but I can imagine some situations that might make it less dickish than being purely cynical and cheap, such as if for some reason the protection on the original paid software severely limited the use of the computer or system. I have found myself in that situation from time to time where I have paid for a piece of software but found the pirated version to have much less bloatware.

    I think what most of us are reacting to here is the idea that these are our hero's and who we aspire to be professionally, but its hard to find out that your hero's are human and just as flawed or opportunistic as the rest of us. Maybe its a sign that we might be in denial of accepting that jobs in audio production are so non-existent or poorly paying that even the "Pro's" have to resort to saving every penny they can in order to just get by.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    His videos are one of the best tutorial videos I've ever seen and I really dig the accent, I'm a child of Europe, wine, and inquisition. :rofl:

    Really, using a 35€ cracked plugin along with all this expensive hardware is not nice. Not nice at all. I lost lots of respect for him now. I mean c'moooon... damn. However, it's not all just black and white. I know tons of people who use cracked plugins even though they paid for it. Why you say? Convenience. It's easier to install. Developers demand too much from people these days to register their plugins. It can be a completely daunting task. But I'm not sure this is the case like that. I'm not familiar with ApulSoft registering practices, but usually cheaper plugins are easier to register and install.
  12. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Gulliver In some places you'd be called a big mouth, snitch... You wouldn't last long.
    You should have sent a private message to the man, not say this in public.

    Studio54 This is not facebook here. Don't spam with this, it has nothing to do with the subject here. If it worth it create a new thread instead.
  13. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Yeah honestly I don't think it's that big of a deal, especially considering that many people on the forum and audioz have downloaded his tutorials for free. So give the man a break, he might have just forgotten to buy it considering all the plugins and hardware he has.
  14. CaliReign

    CaliReign Noisemaker

    Mar 9, 2013
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    San Francisco
    Kill all the "snitchin/rat" talk. This isn't the fuckin streets, so don't try to bring street politics/mentality in this shit. People die for where I'm from for throwin those accusations at somebody without PAPERWORK. Snitchin is runnin to the police & gettin people locked in cages for what we call "Football Numbers".

    This is someone bein called on their hypocritical practices/bullshit. Or as most YouTube video's call it, someone bein "Exposed". There's a HUGE difference. I've got family members that are servin 30+ years in prison over people snitchin. I've got a cousin that was murdered over FALSELY bein labeled a rat by the person who was actually snitchin. Fucked up shit. My Aunt has to live her life in pain everyday because her Son is dead...all because of a 3-letter word.

    I come on this forum as another way to keep myself out of the Street Politics of my neighborhood, last thing I wanna see is some ignorant ass people throw around words like that. Would I have said somethin bout the cracked plugin? Naw, probably not. But to each their own. I can't judge the guy because he decided to. That don't make him a snitch tho. Use those words with caution in the future.

    I know this might come off harsh or whatever but this subject in particular really gets to me. People literally die where I'm from, all from those simple ass words. When people throw them out there like that, it just brings back the fucked up feelin that I'll never get to see my cousin again cause of that shit. That's truly a feelin I don't wish on anyone.

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  15. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Must be quite a relief for all those hypocrites using stolen software and samples day in and out if some well-known producer is caught using cracked software. Welcome to reality. :wink:

    I never paid a dime for his videos anyway. I've seen that behavior in a lot of videos, at least I have no problem 'stealing' from them, because they stole before. :rofl:
  16. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Reply from one of the staff at puremix :

    "Thanks ******.
    Indeed, as a professional recording studio in nyc, all plug-ins have been legally acquried.
    There is a very good explanation to this with loads of people using his machine and installing stuff it does not even know about but at this point.... no one will really believe us.
    We'll just reshoot some part of the video with Fab's own version of the plug-in.

    It's quite harsh to call someone a snitch or rat for pointing out that someone filmed them selves doing something illegal and then posted it online. This was clearly a mistake on puremix's end, so don't kill the messenger for pointing it out. I'm often amused by the extent of humans' (myself included) ability to justify their own actions while condemning others. It's ok to steal for non-commercial reasons. It's ok to steal from big software developers because they make plenty of money anyways. It's not ok to steal from small software developers (unless they don't show the proper respect for the warez community when they beg for us to not steal their software) because we want to see them succeed and become big players we can steal from with good conscience. Tutorials are rarely aimed solely at the professionals, I don't expect to profit directly from any one video I've watched, so stealing from puremix is perfectly justified. etc. etc. It's a mad world.
  17. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Of couse, some random guy installed it, because everybody is allowed to use his machine. It's a professional recording studio, right? They do it that way. :bleh:

    Maybe they should check his machine for viruses, key loggers and other malware as well. :rofl:
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    the problem is everybody says, im using legit software, but in the in the end all hide that they use pirate software, its like with cheating in online games, nobody does it officially, but everybody is doing it daily.

    anyway ...
  19. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Im no where near a professional, but.. people aren't coming in and installing random plugs on my Pc either..

    what kinda outfit they running there?

    Maybe the cash register is always open too :rofl:
  20. erwinor

    erwinor Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Nice excuse but.........

    thats why computers have multiple accounts.

    One for public access so anyone could do whatever he likes in user level.


    One for the owner......so simple.

    BTW always cleanup the computer at the end of the day.
  21. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I'm quite surprised at the amount of offense some people throw at me here.

    Let me make a few things clear: I didn't expose anybody.
    Fab did that himself, by being so stupid or ignorant to put a video online where it can be seen clearly that he uses illegal software.
    It's not like I was in Fab's studio personally, saw him using cracked stuff there, and then wrote about it publicly.
    All I did was point it out - because I was really dissapointed.

    Why nobody accused the guy wo pointed out that Steve Aoki used a cracked copy of Sylenth?
    What's the difference here?

    I was angry because the attitude that a lot of people have adopted by now in the warez scene just makes me sick.
    That video just illustrates it, how completely normal it has become for people to make money with illegal software, that they don't even think about it for a second.
    Seeing Fab using $$$$ microphones (like an AKG C12) and other very expensive gear in his videos, and then not paying for a 35€ software, is just ridiculous.

    No, this is not what I'm telling.
    But this clearly shows the mindset I'm talking about: "Yeah it's normal, what is the problem?"
    Honestly, you really don't see any difference in somebody using a cracked software who doesn't make any money with it, and a professional music producer and educator?
    As an educator, he has an additonal responsibility because he serves as a role model for others.

    Where do you have this from?
    Did you write to them?

    Before posting this I was thinking about what a possible reply from Puremix could be.
    This is exactly how I'd imagined it.
    "Somebody else did it."
    Somebody broke into the studio at night to install an illegal copy of "appTrigga".
    And, altough Fab of course has a legit version, he used the cracked one due to some very strange incident.

    Btw, why did somebody have to install a cracked copy of appTrigga, altough there already was a legit one on the system? Why didn't he just use the legit one? :wow:
    Come on, man :rofl:

    To the people who argued about using a cracked copy instead of the legit one, because of copy protection restrictions: Yes, I understand what you mean, and there are some examples of this indeed. Like Cubase 5, where the cracked version runs smoother than the legit one, due to the lack of a dongle.
    BUT, this argument is clearly not valid for "appTrigga". It requires a most basic and simple activation with a serial number.

    I agree with your post 100%.
    I don't justify for anyone (myself included) the use of stolen software.
    But, I clearly make a difference between professionals and hobbyists, though.
    It is also not OK for a hobbyist to use it... but I can understand and accept it.

    It seems like many people ignore or forget easily about the sentence which you can find in a lot of NFOs:
    "Don't make money with warez."
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