M4L GRIDS vs. UVI BeatBox Anthology2 Falcon

Discussion in 'Live' started by AstralDis, Dec 11, 2021.

  1. AstralDis

    AstralDis Producer

    Sep 13, 2019
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    the GRIDS module port for MAXforLIVE is one of my favorite things for creating rhythms (https://maxforlive.com/library/device/2518/grids-for-max-for-live)

    unfortunatley there is a strange bug interaction happening ONLY between this device and UVI Falcon - Beat Box Anthology 2.

    loading GRIDS before BBA2 first does everything right.. well, then save the project and reopen it next time and it just won*t trigger the C1 for the Bass Drum anymore. Well, in reality it DOES trigger, you can even seeit on the GUI of BeatBox flashing, but no sound from the Bass Drum. Velocity setting I did check..

    This so strange. Grids did so far trigger every single VST or LIVE device without trouble.. So I am assuming the problem is within Falcon BBA2...

    Well, if you happen to have those two installed, pls try out and let me know if it*s the same for you, so I can feel less mad about it :)

    Live 11.0.11 R2R here.. R2R Falcon too^^

    stay inspired, and THX!
  3. trenton

    trenton Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Works fine here.

    Just a possibility, perhaps the key range is not low enough on Falcon. Grids triggers from from C1 up a little bit. Some UVI libraries go from C2 and up. So perhaps throw an Pitch (from the Midi Effects in Live) between Grids and Falcon and try going up an octave (or change Grids trigger notes)

    Or maybe it's not that, in which case, I don't know what to suggest.

    EDITED: to fix grammar
  4. AstralDis

    AstralDis Producer

    Sep 13, 2019
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    thx for answering. did you try re-loading the project after saving. for me the problem only occurs then. when I first drop Grids on BeatBox it works as it should, but after re-opening the project not anymore. strange stuff..

    this just activates some higher range drums. no,, I think the pitch range is ok. It even shows triggers in the Bass Drum part of Falcon, but no sound after re-opening the LIve set. I do not use any multi timbral out.. I checked velocity... It is bugging me^^
  5. trenton

    trenton Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Actually, I misread your original post. So I didn't run your test properly. Sorry.
    I can confirm what you say does indeed happen.

    BTW, it also does the same thing with the few Arturia VSTi's that I tested with. Also does it with Synthmaster One. Very strange.
  6. AstralDis

    AstralDis Producer

    Sep 13, 2019
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    oh.. well no problem. really appreciate you taking the time to test it. :)

    interesting you say it does this with a bunch of other VSTs. so far I did not run into any such problems.
    unfortunately I have no clue what to possibly change in the internals of the Grids device to fix that.
    might just be one more reason to finally get my head into M4L creation basics. ^^